I am not going to read all this thread...but thanks LoudBlunts for posting this. For those who did not open this link...I highly suggest anytime you feel sorry for the few pigs who lose their pathetic lives in a freaking WAR!!!! you read the truth.
Here is a nice example...from the WAR:
"Substitute Sunday School Teacher Cheryl Noel possessed a registered handgun, which she kept in her bedroom (9 years earlier, Cheryl has lost her 16-year-old stepdaughter in a shooting murder). On January 19, just before 5 am, police burst into her home using flash-bang grenade and battering ram looking for drugs. Both Cheryl and her husband were asleep in the master bedroom. Suddenly awake and fearing an armed intrusion, Cheryl grabbed her gun. Police kicked in the bedroom door and shot her 3 times."
These pigs are addicted to adrenaline (drug addicts) and are constantly violating our 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment rights. This is an unnecessary and highly dangerous way to make an arrest or serve a search warrant.
These pigs know full well what they are getting into, they put their battle gear on every day. They do it because they like it. There wives know full well what they are getting into also, besides the abuse that trickles down off the poor dog when it is not convenient.
I do feel sorry for the children (piglets) it is not their fault Daddy was a prick.
LE has been at war on our own citizens for my entire life, over a freaking plant. They are the enemy, not your friend. They are all just glorified meter maids, revenuers. When they end their own declared war on me and other like minded citizens, they will then be able to earn the respect of the public...as it is they garnish fear even from the law abiding...everybody's heart stops for a second when we see a cop on the road as we quickly check our speed.
If you want to get all warm and fuzzy with cops...try joining LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) These pigs know what they have done to the public's perception of the police and how the war on drugs has completely changed Law Enforcement.
I do not lock my door out of fear of crime...I lock my doors out of fear of the Police!