as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

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Well-Known Member
Well I don't know If they all had families, I do feel sorry for the kids if they had any. It sounds too "fishy", they were all Sgt's gunnin for this guy and he pops all four of them before they realized what happened. Cops are trained for this type of situation and it's their fault that they are dead. I don't hate cops, keep in mind my three cousins are cops and I worked Custody with a local Department for a few years, I know the biz.

cop walks up to the window and says "i need to see your license and registration". he gets shot in the face. what did he do wrong? since you know the business and all.

it was an ordinary traffic stop.


Well-Known Member
The cops should have taken necessary precautions, instead of walking up and asking for license n registration to a guy with warrants and on parole....2 traffic cops....should of called-in for backup and this wouldn't of happened. The real criminals get out on parole while they fill the prisons up with pot smokers and then they wonder why 4 cops are dead. They seem to have their guns drawn on past offenders, even for marijuana and yet they take no precautions with a parole. Oh he's aite, but a pot smoker gotta get those guns out. Cops base their work on training and protocol, but they lack overall good judgement. Kind of how every cop thinks weed is bad for no apparent reason except that it's bad. Don't look into the never-ending twirling hole cops and you won't be so power-tripped, cause while some people won't fuck with you. Others will espcially if they've been to prison just a heads up.


Well-Known Member
The cops should have taken necessary precautions, instead of walking up and asking for license n registration to a guy with warrants and on parole....2 traffic cops....should of called-in for backup and this wouldn't of happened. The real criminals get out on parole while they fill the prisons up with pot smokers and then they wonder why 4 cops are dead. They seem to have their guns drawn on past offenders, even for marijuana and yet they take no precautions with a parole. Oh he's aite, but a pot smoker gotta get those guns out. Cops base their work on training and protocol, but they lack overall good judgement. Kind of how every cop thinks weed is bad for no apparent reason except that it's bad. Don't look into the never-ending twirling hole cops and you won't be so power-tripped, cause while some people won't fuck with you. Others will espcially if they've been to prison just a heads up.
how in the fuck do they know who he is until they ASK FOR HIS INFO? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Is it wrong that I genuinely couldn't care less? Hundreds of thousands of people die everyday. Are they special because they are cops? Personally I would say that puts them on a lower level then the average person. Why not cry about kids dying in other countries from starvation or something? I think this whole value placed on human life is way overblown. I mean yeah I have people I care about but if I don't know you personally I could watch you die and not really care all that much. Maybe I am a dick and insensitive but really, how many people do you need to die before you get over it? If it's not your people it's not your problem. Just to clarify before I get jumped on I don't mean your people as in race or religion or anything like that, but just the people that you are close to and care about.

how in the fuck do they know who he is until they ASK FOR HIS INFO? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Many people deserve to die ... The one's who die are usually those who don't deserve it. Subjective reality is an unforgiving force ... This is the world we live in.

Cops don't deserve to die, but they choose their line of work knowing that death is a possible outcome of any incident - Many of these people never chose to be involved in the affairs that resulted in their death.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
just like the title of this thread ,they are people with families ,mothers fathers wife's and children .i wonder if the family members of the killer would like to attend the wakes of the officers families?


New Member
I believe the parole boards decision to release him should come in to question here. He broke parole once and they released him that second time anyway. I'd like to know what their decision was based on.

I feel bad for the parents on one hand, but on the other hand, if he feared parental retribution he may not have done any of the things he did. I don't care if my kids are 40 years old, if you do something like car jack, shoot someone, or rape someone, I'm coming down to that jail, but it's to kick your ass. I think that more than anything has kept them in line through their lives. Nothing hurts them worse than to see disappiontment from their father and I. They know they are expected to always do the right thing and that's what they do. My kids didn't grow up getting beaten or anything like that, but punishment was always swift and without recourse.


Well-Known Member
cop walks up to the window and says "i need to see your license and registration". he gets shot in the face. what did he do wrong? since you know the business and all.

it was an ordinary traffic stop.

I haven't read the story because I really don't care but when pd lights someone up they give the plates to dispatch and dispatch then gives them the info of driver, exp plates, stolen vehicle, etc... So most likely those cops already knew who they were dealing with when they approached the vehicle. Many cops get used to normal nonviolent traffic stops and when they have their guard down is when they get killed. Many cops assume that everyone hates them and wants to hurt them, those are the ones that get to go home because they are so alert.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read the story because I really don't care but when pd lights someone up they give the plates to dispatch and dispatch then gives them the info of driver, exp plates, stolen vehicle, etc... So most likely those cops already knew who they were dealing with when they approached the vehicle. Many cops get used to normal nonviolent traffic stops and when they have their guard down is when they get killed. Many cops assume that everyone hates them and wants to hurt them, those are the ones that get to go home because they are so alert.
whose car was he driving? :neutral:

and i'm pretty sure it takes a few minutes to run plates. i don't think they check every single plate before they walk up to the window. they were on motorcycles so they had no laptops. they hit their lights and dude pulls over. takes all of 15 seconds. when did they call in the plates?

maybe if you actually "took the time" ...............................................


Well-Known Member
it takes no more than 30 seconds to receive the information from dispatch, they radio the plates to dispatch. Have you ever been pulled over and the cop came to you're window a few minutes after pulling you over, that's because he was waiting on your info. Some departments require that you have all info before approaching a vehicle. It can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to get plate info depending on radio traffic. And yes they do check all plates, they radio the plates to dispatch every single time they pull someone over. Your just stating what you think happens, I actually worked for a department and know the procedures. And yes he might have been driving some other persons car, that's why they have to assume the worst.


Well-Known Member
I take it most people never have never had to walk up to someone you don't know. Dude was gonna kill the cop. Whether he had called for backup or not. Either way it's his bust so he still has to walk up tot he window first. I just wish they wouldn't of killed the perp. Should open Gmo back up and let people like him starve to death there.


New Member
Running a plate doesn't tell you necessarily who is driving the vehicle. Imagine if his brother or dad was driving that car. Wanna guess how the media would portray the cops if every time they drew their weapons on traffic stops...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, the reason cops are so nervous and shoot people is because people carry guns and shoot them. Its LEGAL to own a gun. That to me is fucking nuts. What do you expect if every pissed off person can just pick up a gun and go vent their rage on the first person they see.

The hate a lot of peolpe have for the police is just as justified as their hate for people.

Although why anyone would want to take a career in the police force is beyond me.
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