*** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***


Well-Known Member
Can you break the lifecycle up into parts for me...

At the moment I feel like a5year old on the backseat "are we there yet? how about now? and now? "

First there is the miracle of life, when something is born. It ages and becomes wiser, adapts to its environment, procreates in order to preserve it's species, then dies...

Same with every living thing on earth.

Someday you're gonna die.:hump:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
First there is the miracle of life, when something is born. It ages and becomes wiser, adapts to its environment, procreates in order to preserve it's species, then dies...

Same with every living thing on earth.

Someday you're gonna die.:hump:
That makes me want to go get whiskey drunk and go chase some tail---------just kidding if the wife asks:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dr, my plants are around 7ph right now in the ocean forest/promix-hp mix. should i try to get them down before i add any nutes to tehm? how can i do this? by addinf ph down solution?? or is there another way


Well-Known Member
Doc, I just started a grow using coco coir w/p'lite. How soon can I introduce nutes? I have a batch of AN monkey juice (made especially for coco) mixed up @300pm which is 1/2 of the min recommended dosage. As of today they have had nothing but ph'd water. Plants are 1 week today.


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc,

I have been asked this by another member and I'm clueless. Maybe you have an answer.

This plant has recently been transplanted into 40% perlite 60% soil (Got a bit careless when adding perlite), the ph is fine no nutes added bar a drop of superthrive. Also its in a nice bit of growing kit/chamber under a fluoro so temps and humidity seem fine, no apparent pest problem either.

The problem is with the newest leaf growth. It seems to be shredded. Considering the above points Im stuck for an answer.



Well-Known Member
Just a note, I tried to post the relevant pictures, but got in a right pickle :?

I managed to post that link tho and hopefully that will take you to the right pics. Its post 137 on page 14.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Dr, my plants are around 7ph right now in the ocean forest/promix-hp mix. should i try to get them down before i add any nutes to tehm? how can i do this? by addinf ph down solution?? or is there another way
A ph of 7 for your soil is fine----just make sure to ph all your feeds(every time you water) to 6.3.

Doc, I just started a grow using coco coir w/p'lite. How soon can I introduce nutes? I have a batch of AN monkey juice (made especially for coco) mixed up @300pm which is 1/2 of the min recommended dosage. As of today they have had nothing but ph'd water. Plants are 1 week today.
They are ready for nutes---the coco has none----add more water to your monkey juice and get you ppm down to 200 for the first feed--then increase by 50ppms if you feed with every watering or increase ppm's by 100 if you feed with every other watering.

Just a note, I tried to post the relevant pictures, but got in a right pickle :?

I managed to post that link tho and hopefully that will take you to the right pics. Its post 137 on page 14.
Hey Doc,

I have been asked this by another member and I'm clueless. Maybe you have an answer.

This plant has recently been transplanted into 40% perlite 60% soil (Got a bit careless when adding perlite), the ph is fine no nutes added bar a drop of superthrive. Also its in a nice bit of growing kit/chamber under a fluoro so temps and humidity seem fine, no apparent pest problem either.

The problem is with the newest leaf growth. It seems to be shredded. Considering the above points Im stuck for an answer.

Are you sure the soil is ph'd between 6 and 7?. Top new growth problems are usually one of 2 things---ph---or micro nutrient deffeciantcies. I would check the run-off of the ph first and make sure you're fine there---It doesn't look to bad but could cause future growth problems----if your soil ph is in that range then you need to add some balanced micro's(most transplant solution's are good) you want your source of micro's to be in chealeted form so that they can be absorbed even if there is a nutrient lock-out or ph problem----look for chealated---iron/zinc/manganese with B.


Well-Known Member
A ph of 7 for your soil is fine----just make sure to ph all your feeds(every time you water) to 6.3.

They are ready for nutes---the coco has none----add more water to your monkey juice and get you ppm down to 200 for the first feed--then increase by 50ppms if you feed with every watering or increase ppm's by 100 if you feed with every other watering.

Are you sure the soil is ph'd between 6 and 7?. Top new growth problems are usually one of 2 things---ph---or micro nutrient deffeciantcies. I would check the run-off of the ph first and make sure you're fine there---It doesn't look to bad but could cause future growth problems----if your soil ph is in that range then you need to add some balanced micro's(most transplant solution's are good) you want your source of micro's to be in chealeted form so that they can be absorbed even if there is a nutrient lock-out or ph problem----look for chealated---iron/zinc/manganese with B.

Hey there DOC,
Im the person that Trickky was referring to (thanks again Trickky), I did not PH my water at all but I do know that my tap water PH is approx 8.7 the last time I check (after leaving it out for 24hrs for the chlorine to evaporate). I though PHing water was only to allow the plant to easily take in the nutrients AM I RIGHT IN BELIEVING THIS?
Although Ive not added any nutes I did add a little Superthrive after transplanting to avoid any abnormal growth & stunting, no stunt but only abnormal growth. By the way I have stocked up IONICs Formulex, Grow & Bloom thought Id let you know incase they would be beneficial at this point.

Whats action do you think I should take right now?

Thanks uncle Von D.


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
What do you think about LED lighting? Pros and cons??
I think you could get away with germination and the first 6 weeks of vegetative growth---the problem with led is that it doesn't penetrate past the very top of the plant once you have some growth--that starves the lower leaves of light and growth---as far as flowering unless you want very small airy buds then don't use it---stick with hps or mh---if your concerned about power just go with a 150 watt hps for flowering and use fluorescent lighting----or even led if your one of those that just have to try it. Good luck and hope this helps.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Hey there DOC,
Im the person that Trickky was referring to (thanks again Trickky), I did not PH my water at all but I do know that my tap water PH is approx 8.7 the last time I check (after leaving it out for 24hrs for the chlorine to evaporate). I though PHing water was only to allow the plant to easily take in the nutrients AM I RIGHT IN BELIEVING THIS?
Although Ive not added any nutes I did add a little Superthrive after transplanting to avoid any abnormal growth & stunting, no stunt but only abnormal growth. By the way I have stocked up IONICs Formulex, Grow & Bloom thought Id let you know incase they would be beneficial at this point.

Whats action do you think I should take right now? You should PH your water every time you use it if your ph is 8.7---most of your micro's will lock out past 6.8. Ph your water to 6.3 and add chealeted micro's to your feed--You will see a difference in a week after you do this.---To answer your question about the ph and nute lockout---high alkaline ph can cause an array of plant problems not just nute lockout.

Thanks uncle Von D.
thanks for your help doctor, i am getting a new ph meter and i was wondering if i should get a tds(ppm) meter also. i currently have acheap ph plastic meter. here are the ones i was looking at

http://www.bghydro.com/BGH/itemdesc.asp?ic=TEHI981409&eq=&Tp= will these work good for me? what ones do you use
I use a hanna dual meter with temp/ph/-ec/tds/ppm---but even a cheap one will do---You can get a cheap TDS meter in the water softing section of most homedepots---lowes----walmart.

Hanna Gro'Chek Portable pH/TDS/EC/°C Met This meter is identical to the HI 9813-0, with the addition temperature measurement and Hanna's new Cal-Check calibration feature. This feature enables the grower to verify that the ...
Retail Price: $234.95Your Price: $204.95 per EachStock: 10 Stock Breakup


Active Member
my question would ba about the FOX FARMS brand of nutes.. is big bloom and tiger bloom really worth it? i have these 2 and havent started to use them yet


Well-Known Member
thanks for your help doctor, does cinnemon help to get rid of mold on top of your soil? i have one seedling that has mold starting to grow on the soil surface. the seedling looks really good though. i heard cinnemon will get riod of this? what would you do?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
my question would ba about the FOX FARMS brand of nutes.. is big bloom and tiger bloom really worth it? i have these 2 and havent started to use them yet
Fox FARM is good and you can't go wrong with that combo for flowering. You will go thou the big bloom a lot faster than the tiger bloom though.
thanks for your help doctor, does Cinnamon help to get rid of mold on top of your soil? i have one seedling that has mold starting to grow on the soil surface. the seedling looks really good though. i heard cinnamon will get riod of this? what would you do?
There are alot of home remedies and you can also pick up many food safe mold killers-----safers is one that can be purchased from Lowe's or home depot. most are made from sulphur with added neem. And cinnamon will work to a lesser extent----keep your humidity lower and you shouldn't have any problems----good luck.


Well-Known Member
hey doc...I have a plant in flower..and NOTHING has happened for the past 4 weeks..leaves just keep turning yellow and dieing. She has the beginning signs of flower, but nothing in the past 4.. should I just toss her?



Active Member
hey doc. i am growing indoor soil and my two seedlings are 5 days old.when is a good time to add nutrients.shuld i add it later as they get bigger.let me know


Active Member
hey doc!! i'm currently using supernatural nutrients and want to switch to AN. you think it's worth it? my setup is 6, 5 gallon buckets under 1 1000w. i'm doing hydro with hydroton rocks with airstones in each buckets. i veg my plants to about 12-14inches depending on the strain. so they're pretty big ladies when finish. i also use ro filter for water. hopefully i explained it well. sorry!! i was looking to buy sensi gro a&b, sensi bloom a&b, voodoo, overdrive, bigbud, carbo load. you think those are good choices? i know there's some that's not worth buying. please give me your opinion. also you think i should do 9 plants instead of 6 under 1000w? i currently have the big umbrella type hoods and now thinking about switching to the sunsystem air cooled hoods. which one has a better light spread? obviously my main goal is too get maximum yeild. thanks in advance..


Well-Known Member
I think 9 will fit better under the 1000W, in a 3 x 3 square.

I made some bubble buckets instead of buying them.

The umbrella hood will do fine unless you're running into heat issues.

As far as the line, that's a good start... You'll want to add SensiCalMg Bloom, since you're using RO water. You might also want to use some silica,(AN's Barricade)
