*** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

I got the seeds from a two of the plants....only two of them seeded. the rest remained female. they all were originally clones from a female mothers. I since then germinated 15 of the seeds and have 15 small plants. My question is, Will I be able to use those plants as mothers? they are too small at the moment to know if they are Hermi's. I want to know if they are no good for mothering. I only want female clones. if the seeds came from a hermied plant, is it most likely that they will be hermi's as well? Am I wasting my time growing them? should I trick a young plant into flowering to see if it will hermi? and if that ones does, will all the rest be hermi's as well? how big does a plant have to be before I can start the flowering?

thank you
What I'm getting from the story is that the two plants that "seeded" were most likely herms... Or one was a herm and the other just was pollinated by it.

If this is the case, there are two things to know.

The plant that hermed and self pollinated (masturbation) will produce worthless seeds... If another plant that didn't herm was pollinated by a herm it is less likely to produce herm seeds, but still carries the trait.

You won't know if they will herm on you until you get into flowering... They will be intolerant to stress, that's what'll make them herm.

I recommend growing some bagseed from some mids, they'll most likely be more stable.
today i cut some of my lower branches off because they have powdery mildew.. it bad in some spots but i think most is salvageable.
it there any way to get that stuff off???
i was wondering if i should try the water cure method or should i spray them with water to clean .. what should i do???
There's an easy solution that's not comming to me... I'm not sure if it sulfur burners that get rid of mold, or fungus...


Don't spray them with water...

You want to lower the humidity, as that's probably why you have mold problems.

Look up mold cures in the search box, or wait for the Doc he might know...
it only happens in winter and i have a dehumidifier and my humidity is around 30%...
i cut the branches and they are drying so i guess ill just try and get it all off when it finishes.. sulpur is good but you cant use oils and i treated with einstein oil so i couldnt burn sulfur.. maybe next time.. spring is near though thank god
Yeah I ran a search, seems like there's not much you can do at this point...

Mold is a nuiscence that's hard to get rid of and spreads easily...

There are products you can buy to kill mold and their spores, bit I wouldn't recommend using them this close to harvest.

Mold doesn't like light, so keep that in mind... But drying and curing your harvest with mold might be a problem, you might end up with some ruined weed...

Keep the moldy parts far away from the ones that are clean to keep it from spreading, even then it may be too late, there are probably spore all over everything already...

Sorry bro, that's what the census is...
is there such thing as giving too many lumens to your plant?

IE. in one of my marijuana horticulture books, it says with a 400 watt hps, your hang the hood so the glass is 2.25ft above the canopy for 10,000 lumens for flowering per sq ft in a 5 sq ft area.

would it be a problem, help, or do anything if you made it lower. so the lumens would then be say 15,000
The 3% is the topical solution for minor cuts and scrapes... The 35% solution can be bought at most all hydro stores...

Since the application rate of 35% is 6mL per gallon, I imagine a dose of 60mL per gallon of the 3% would be the same... :?

Hahaha the lumen poison question...

I definately wouldn't worry about that with your 400Wer. The only thing you should worry about is heat from getting it too close. A vented hood definately helps with getting in close.

I'd get it as close as possible in early flowering, probably 8-12 inches... Then raise it mid flowering to 12-16 inches, and finish out with it up around the 18 inch marker.

At least that's what I do with my 600Wers... You might be able to get closer...

Later on in flowering if you don't raise the lights they won't chunk up and swell, they'll get irregular growth on the tops...

I just realized I said "close" a whole bunch of times...

But having a 400W hang 30 inches from the tops over a 5x5 foot area won't do very well at all...

I'd say the most area a 400W can cover is 3x3, 4x4 max...
it only happens in winter and i have a dehumidifier and my humidity is around 30%...
i cut the branches and they are drying so i guess ill just try and get it all off when it finishes.. sulpur is good but you cant use oils and i treated with einstein oil so i couldnt burn sulfur.. maybe next time.. spring is near though thank god
Increase air flow in and around plants-----spray(2-1/2 tlbs baking soda in 1 quart of water with a few drops of liquid dish soap) plants 2 hours before lights on--make sure to cover tops/under foliage/soil/containers. Cut off effected parts and dispose. Dry buds in another area(don't risk contamination). note: I'm very surprised that you have PM with a humidity of 30%-----What kind of humidity gauge do you have?--what is the dehumidifier you have?
i have a 65 pint GE and the humidity gauge is on the dehumidifier and i have two temp humitidity gauges in the room.. i am drianing into my bucket so it kicks off every 2-3 days and fluctuates up to 60% sometimes but never for over a day..
I only had it on 4 of my 32 plants and in small sections not bad..

I think i f'ed myself trying to get the night temps to dip to 55 so my blueberry would bruise.. but i turned the heat back up and treated them yesterday with milk and water.. today it looks to be in check and we have a warm front coming.. 4 more days..im stokeded

but the couple of buds i harvested with the mildew.. would water curing be possible.. i read a thread about drowning your buds in water and drying from a "water cure" seems like a possibility?? or should i pour the buds on my dead hommies?

Did you just say you fed them milk and water?!?!

What are you thinking?

Are you jerking my chain?

And you wonder why you've got mold everywhere...

Common man....
Maybe you should pee in there to neutralize the mold...

(Just kidding)

Quit it with the milk!

Do a thourough flush with hydrogenperoxide H2O2...

To make it easy for you... One liter of topical 3% H202 mixes into 16 gallons... 60mL per gallon...

Spray them with the baking soda solution...

Man, you were racking my brain, cause there's no way you'd have a mold problem at 30% RE (relative humidity)

Then you said milk...

Also, so you don't have to dump the collection resevoir on the dehumidifier you can attach a hose on the side of the resevoir bucket to drain... Into whatever...
Toss the infected bud and plants out(you don't want to make people sick. Yes I have heard of growers using milk for powdery mildew but it was done straight from the cow and the document said it was done out-doors in some foreign country---people will try anything when their desperate:lol:. Sounds like your gauges are working correctly so I guess your room is at 30%--I've never heard of anyone having PM @30%RH but that doesn't mean its not possible. Do you have little or poor air-flow in-between and around plants? In the last room I built(120 SF) we had 2-16" oscillating fans on 24/7, on the wall across from each other plus a 500CFM scrubber fan moving the air around the room. Great air circulation will keep pests and mold at bay. Also---from the sounds of it, you want to bring the purple out but My advise to you is to keep your nigh-time temps no lower than 15 deg. of your lights-on temp---10deg being ideal. Growth slows below that point.