*** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

I plan to germinate in tissue till sprout then place in 4 inch pots with canna soil. first 2 weeks use 125w fluro then after bang em under a 250w m.h this will be in a 60x60x100 tent. basically just a little unsure about the process when in the tissue is it as simple as to just put in in between 2 sheets of moist (lol moist always makes me chuckle) kitchen paper whack in the airing cubpoard for a couple of days til they pop then i've heard u bury em in the soil twice the depth as the seed wide? I plan to use 4inch pots and use the rhinzo summat canna nute but use that at 3rd stated dose and infrequently. Any advice or ideas would be greatly recieved. Is there a more refined method. I've read a few books and thought abought root cubes but cant really understand them!! Do u jus pop the spouted seed in em keep them moist under lights then pop em in pots after couple of weeks??

Sorry if this seems garbled!!! I'm having my first operation soon.

Any advice greatly appreciated Cheers Doc
hey doc i read early in this thread that lights come one at 5 pm and off for flower at 5 am . two ?'s if im in veg but my lights come on at 6 am 18/6 how can i switch the lights time to coming on at 5 pm? will it shock them? they are small now but there are many so before i flower i want to change to that 5 5 thing. thanx alot
hey doc i read early in this thread that lights come one at 5 pm and off for flower at 5 am . two ?'s if im in veg but my lights come on at 6 am 18/6 how can i switch the lights time to coming on at 5 pm? will it shock them? they are small now but there are many so before i flower i want to change to that 5 5 thing. thanx alot

You can set your 12/12 time when ever you want. I've never shocked a plant going to 12/12.
thanks DOC.... the growth is on the top and the bottom i cleaned my area with lysol and turned my fan to 24/7 i also got some brand new soil and put some on the top but and im gonna try to not water them so much. just a little scared cause i got some fast growing plants for soil there going almost twice as fast as my hydro did. if it continues ill do the baking soda, but is it possible for it to be webs can your soil have tiny spider cause it almost looks like tiny spider webs? could it be something in the soil?thanks alot for your help
what is a good brand of silica to buy and should i use it at full strength in my coco grow? and when?
So it's potassium sand. It could/would supply potassium and mybe some o2. to the soil. Didn't find a price. Bet it don't take much. Don't know crap about it. I was just checking it out.
So it's potassium sand. It could/would supply potassium and mybe some o2. to the soil. Didn't find a price. Bet it don't take much. Don't know crap about it. I was just checking it out.

The benefits of silicon include increasing pest and pathogen resistance, drought and heavy metal tolerance, and the quality and yield of agricultural crops according to the Biotechnology Center at the University of Wisconsin... Ive heard it has a lot more benefits as well, but I haven't researched it much at all yet to be honest... I thought that Dr.V used it, so thats why i ask. :leaf:
I use it with every watering at 2ml/gal. Increases cell wall strenght and helps with drought resistance and nitrogen fixation. It can be used as a PH -up as well. It's also used in the last 2 weeks of flush at 1ml/gal and promotes the osmotic fluid movement within the plant. Alot of silicate products from different companies. Some try to use fancy product lable names but its just 30% potassium silicate. Your stores should have them....... Sorry I havn't been as active as I would like on this thread and forum but I moved from Arcata in Humboldt to Denver to open my own dispensaries in Denver/Co Springs. "Humboldt Healthcare". Once everything is up and running I plan on allocating more time to this thread as well as others. Thanks to all for keeping this thread alive and helping those in need. I'm doing some(depending on how busy my schedual is each week)free clsses and training for MMJ pats in Denver/Co Spings. If you are a med pat in those areas and need free help with your "personal medicinal grows only" then send me an email to : VonDank@live.com I will return your contact. Thanks again to all. Side note---Will post a couple picks of some indoor trees I have going in a couple of weeks. I'm running 6-----32 gal trees under 6---1000's plus 3---1000 verticles. Will post pics in three weeks-----the trees are 3ft tall x 2-1/2ftwide now... Hope all your grows are wonderful and hope to hear from you sooooooooooon. VonDank
I may need a little help with a problem that i have i have just put my plants into bio plus 2 weeks ago and now i have noticed that the tip's are yellowing and this is continueing along the edge of the new growth it is only happening on the new growth all the old leaf's look fine.On the back of the bio plus it says that the plant's only need water for the first 2/4 week has this is my second week could the plant's need a small ammount of feed.Any advice that you have would be great thank's for your time.....................tyke..............................................................................................................................
I may need a little help with a problem that i have i have just put my plants into bio plus 2 weeks ago and now i have noticed that the tip's are yellowing and this is continueing along the edge of the new growth it is only happening on the new growth all the old leaf's look fine.On the back of the bio plus it says that the plant's only need water for the first 2/4 week has this is my second week could the plant's need a small ammount of feed.Any advice that you have would be great thank's for your time.....................tyke..............................................................................................................................

I Know this is about 2 weeks old but are you still having issues???