Asked once no reply


Well-Known Member
Now youve asked twice and no reply,you would do well to remember this is no ones "job" and there is no requirement for an answer.There is always the option of doing some personal research to find your answers you know.Not like there arent millions of cached net pages on this stuff...


if you want help, post something useful.Honestly if you cant take the time to provide information and a decent thread title (that isnt an insult to this community) I dont have time to bother with this thread.
Wow some people thanks for the others info been growing for a while now was just making sure I was rite on my diagnosis thought this was an open question to anyone not an attitude from someone

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
@kenneth nuorala

OK, first off.
2 pics of 1 leaf leaves far too many questions to give a quality answer!
Then you give us a whole area shot and that is getting helpful but, still leaves us with the still needed answers to the basic questions you have not supplied.

I am not scolding you here ok? You just didn't understand right?

Many of us with advanced years and abilities get tired of asking for the basic things we need to know to help.
The sticky posts and the introduction to new members area GIVES you the answers on how to post these questions so we CAN answer properly......

With that out of the way.

Where on the plant did the leaf come from? It would have been much better to have taken it (pic of the leaf) ON the plant. Then a pic of the whole plant.
What soil (I see it appears to be soil)?
Did you amend the soil with anything? - list it!
What do you use for feeding? - List EVERYTHING you use!
What is your feeding and watering sched.?

My first look said Ca/Mg def. BUT the whole area pic leaves that in doubt......So please, answer those questions and get a quality answer that you can actually USE!

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
If that was a bottom leaf more than likely it would be light deficient. From your last pic there's no light reaching the bottom of your plants. But like others have stated need more info man