Asked to Re-confirm

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Been a while since I checked this thread, I have not gone through and removed all the unresponsive accounts yet. I will get to it this week. As far as the outsourcing goes the burden is just to much for our mail servers to handle, and our servers get blacklisted because we send out so much email. Its not how many bytes an email account takes its how much and how long and email takes to send out we eventually get backlogged and it crashes our mail servers. If you have noticed the site is even a bit sluggish atm but we are bringing in brand new servers to add to our "cluster" these servers are not cheap and yes advertising $'s do pay for it. It is a means to an end i guess. For the techy's we are getting brand new 3x( duel proc xeons 48 gigs of ram in each) and a SAN server with duel raid cards. anyone that knows about hardware isnt cheap and it is upwards of 30k. Dont know what else to tell you guys, if you want to donate hardware just send it to the address at the bottom of your confirmation letter though. Just make sure you spell Calgary right :) thread closed.
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