Asked to Re-confirm

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would be nice wouldnt it. but we wouldnt get answers even if we could ask. been there
so i noticed it did say this will prune old inactive since we here in this thread arent inactive does this mean we are still being removed...since we where told it was for the INACVTIVE ACCOUNTS only
would be nice wouldnt it. but we wouldnt get answers even if we could ask. been there
so i noticed it did say this will prune old inactive since we here in this thread arent inactive does this mean we are still being removed...since we where told it was for the INACVTIVE ACCOUNTS only

did you reconfirm?

you're still here. :)
Sorry admin & mods, outsourcing your entire email db wasn't a good idea.

I'm not well pleased and several people before me have stated precisely why.
When I saw the email in my inbox first thought was WHY are they emailing me. I'd guess that most of the users in your db are people that don't want contact with you, don't want spam advertising offers. They are the majority, the silent majority if you will. They want the information that this site offers and in return you get the page hits. You want to trim your database and subject your users to spam. Your site, your choice.

Email deleted, first, last post.
I just want to have my account deleted. I've tried to find out how to do it but it basically seems impossible. I hope that whatever this reconfirm thing is will involve getting rid of this account, username, etc.

I like this site but I just want to delete my username and make a new one because I use it for other things and don't want this site popping up if people do a search of that name.
i finally got my reconfirm email.

i clicked the link.

my head has NOT exploded yet.


Mine exploded when I got the email from the third-party outfit.

I won't be clicking on any link to a third-party website to confirm the email address I use for notifications from RIU. Unless proxied up, my IP and thus a pretty good guess as to my physical location suddenly appears in the logs of the third-party company if I do.

I'm very seriously considering whether I should delete my acct on RIU.

This was an extremely poorly thought-out manoevre on the part of admin. 0/10 on the security culture scale, folks.
Mine exploded when I got the email from the third-party outfit.

I won't be clicking on any link to a third-party website to confirm the email address I use for notifications from RIU. Unless proxied up, my IP and thus a pretty good guess as to my physical location suddenly appears in the logs of the third-party company if I do.

I'm very seriously considering whether I should delete my acct on RIU.

This was an extremely poorly thought-out manoevre on the part of admin. 0/10 on the security culture scale, folks.

the third party has been proven to be safe.

worst case scenario you get some spam.

accounts can not be deleted by the user.
'Proven safe'? What, did the mailer get the 'Good Dopekeeping' magazine seal of approval? And in worst case, my email address has been provided to a spammer? And I'm powerless to delete my RIU acct, to boot?

Thanks for building my confidence, there, fddie. :/

I maintain that this was a bad idea. If a mass mailing made the RIU server sweat, you buy more server capacity or manually dribble out mails in off-peak time. In a security-sensitive environment like this, you gotta keep it in church.

Just so you know, if my well-illustrated posts became connected to me, local laws provide for throwing my ass in jail for 20 years. Think about that whenever you think an administrative convenience exceeds my safety & security.
'Proven safe'? What, did the mailer get the 'Good Dopekeeping' magazine seal of approval? And in worst case, my email address has been provided to a spammer? And I'm powerless to delete my RIU acct, to boot?

Thanks for building my confidence, there, fddie. :/

I maintain that this was a bad idea. If a mass mailing made the RIU server sweat, you buy more server capacity or manually dribble out mails in off-peak time.

they're at your door right now. hide. :shock:

don't reply to the reconfirm. but why come here and cry about it? all these posts and i still don't get what you all want. it is what it is. if you don't like it simply don't reply to the email. coming here and making threats to leave isn't going to make anyone jump up and change anything. i don't think. maybe it will though. i could be wrong. commence bitching. :)
we again..where not asking you since you have no say in this erea but you continue to answer things out of your control. you do seem to know more than the ones that are supposed to be answrring here though...funny.

and still never got my answer. just a smart ass answer of your still here arent you...thats not an answer. i wasnt an ass in that question so why do you continue with smart ass answers

you dont get it still????...we dont want our info handed out to 3rd partiers with out our permission or a choice for that matter,. this is a pot related the junk mail people aware of this and are willing to hide your info when dea come knocking for data.

like i said before, what ya get for our info..nobody does this for free do they...
we again..where not asking you since you have no say in this erea but you continue to answer things out of your control. you do seem to know more than the ones that are supposed to be answrring here though...funny.

and still never got my answer. just a smart ass answer of your still here arent you...thats not an answer. i wasnt an ass in that question so why do you continue with smart ass answers

you dont get it still????...we dont want our info handed out to 3rd partiers with out our permission or a choice for that matter,. this is a pot related the junk mail people aware of this and are willing to hide your info when dea come knocking for data.

like i said before, what ya get for our info..nobody does this for free do they...

so don't confirm. how hard is that? you DO have a choice.

i just got a "welcome to rollitup" email. there is an option to "UNSUBSCRIBE" from the aweber address.

i guess i'll leave you all alone now. good luck and happy growing.
Lets think about this. How many bytes does it actually take to store an email address? Riiiiigggghhhhhtttttt....... $35 a TB, almost nothing. I'm willing to bet we have a lazy admin, thats not willing to sort through the dead/non-responsive accounts. Lets just mass-email all the potheads and see what happens.

Looks like the revenue source here will suffer.

I was happy being able to browse the threads here, and take what I need. Thankyou for anything useful I took from here.

I wont show a stranger my room. I wont give my IP to a stranger.
I won't be clicking on any link to a third-party website to confirm the email address I use for notifications from RIU. Unless proxied up, my IP and thus a pretty good guess as to my physical location suddenly appears in the logs of the third-party company if I do.

I'm very seriously considering whether I should delete my acct on RIU.

This was an extremely poorly thought-out manoevre on the part of admin. 0/10 on the security culture scale, folks.

Personally I'm not over worried about my personal safety with regards to this issue, however, I have now seen two good long time friends here walk away from the site over this and that REALLY pisses me off! We're losing good people through this and I agree that its bad management and lack of foresight. So I wont be reconfirming either unfortunately.
Personally I'm not over worried about my personal safety with regards to this issue, however, I have now seen two good long time friends here walk away from the site over this and that REALLY pisses me off! We're losing good people through this and I agree that its bad management and lack of foresight. So I wont be reconfirming either unfortunately.

except they haven't really left. ;)
Yeah, security here sucks for us illegal growers. They wouldn't delete my account for me after I got popped a while back. Kinda' pissed me off...

I guess the choice is, you either roll with it and keep on posting, or you dont... I dont think they care which you do. They want the advertising dollars, and if you want to continue to be a part of their little community, you got to play ball.

Fuck it, I still dig the site. Some real smart people, here... I clicked the link... Fuck it... I'm already facing growing charges.(Not related in any way with this site) My states passin' laws for Medical Marijuana, HOPEFULLY, this winter. If they pass laws in my state for medical marijuana, I'll get me a card, and put my business out there... If they dont pass SB1381, I'll keep my pictures and knowledge to myself, and use this site for drooling at Subcools daily bud porn.(Thats about the only thread I post in, since getting popped.)

I'm still here, man... :wink:
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