Assistance needed with mess of a first time plant


So basically I planted two seeds I found in a sack I bought just to see if they would sprout and one did. Needless to say, I have no idea what I am doing. This poor little lady got off to a rough start but seems to be much better now after I made some changes. So first let me tell you what I hope to achieve with this plant, what I know about it, and where its being grown.

Since this is my first plant I don't want to get too technical with it. I just want to learn some tricks of the trade for my second attempt and maybe score some free bud from this plant. I have no clue what strain this plant is, all i know is that it is a female. I currently have it out on the balcony of my apartment (no worries I have cool neighbors and a friend's house to move it to when/if it gets too big and sketchy).

The poor girl isn't looking as good and healthy as other plants I've seen on this site (which I only discovered yesterday) so basically I would just like help with keeping her healthy. I am curious to know if it would be worth while for me to harvest her this fall or to wait and let her grow for an entire yr and do it next fall (2010). I'm not interested in moving her inside as I don't have the space or money to invest in that. Plus from what I hear California doesn't get cold enough to do any harm during the winter, but then again I am an extreme amateur and could be totally wrong.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Peace



Well-Known Member
First, the plant won't survive until next year. Marijuana is an annual, meaning it completes its lifecycle every year (outside). So figure on it continuing to bud until end of September or early October, when it will be ready to harvest. Looks like you are in Cali so I would get some flowering ferts from a local Hydro store or Nursery. Fox Farm products work well and are a safe bet if it is your first time. Overall not too bad for your first grow. Keep reading up, this site has pretty much all the info you will need to grow a succesful crop. And everyone here is more then willing to help out with advice. Good luck dude.


Active Member
looks good bro.. just do what u do make note of stuff that happens and read read read ... you will be flyin high soon enough that soil looks dry to hope fully u stay on watering it.... get a good flower nute with a little n in it it looks like it could use it...


looks good bro.. just do what u do make note of stuff that happens and read read read ... you will be flyin high soon enough that soil looks dry to hope fully u stay on watering it.... get a good flower nute with a little n in it it looks like it could use it...

I was told that since I took the seed of this plant from a sack I bough the plant was gonna be a hermaphrodite. True?

Will get some flowering fertalizer on her soon, unless I find out its a hermy.

Thanks for the quick replies.