budding is quite leafy so far don't you guys think?
Is it my impression or anybody else, all whites tend do grow quite nice but lack the capacity to give consistent weigth when budding?
That is what makes me weary of all white panels? Maybe you want to twist that a bit with some extra reds?
Can I also point out to you SDS, there is something you must know but I'd like to remind you of this?
Most Chinese 660nm reds are very narrow band; A very narrow 660nm is different than a large band 660nm (osram, rebel ...actually rebels used to be amazing with a very large band, now that changed slightly). Narrow band 660nm are suspected by many reputable sources to be causing issues, especially if present in large amounts.
Something to consider I think, in case you'll ever experiment again with 660's.
I am personally very glad you guys are experimenting with whites, and I'll be very happy to be proven wrong and have the tech develop.
But maybe you have been pushing this white revolution a tad bit too early ............... even you is going to some pinky custom diodes don't you?
Also there is something else that makes me a bit weary of you guys; I am a diyer, you are diyers but also getting into business with those panels? Sorry but you have to understand my point .... I am not saying you can't be the honestest of the sellers but
where there is profit one has to be going there with caution.
Leafy or not .....
Please show me or give me a link ,with a grow that resembles this ...
With a
red/blue combo of
135 Watts ,please...
And preferably ,
asian cheapos ,
onewatters ,
unlensed leds used...
Driven ,also, with
crappy drivers....
I'll be waitin'....
If you dislike those panels,simply do not buy ...
There are plenty of led makers out there...
" Made in USA "...As you ,probably,like them to be ....
(Although that ,they are made in China ,in fact..
Approx. 95% of them....)
Here in Europe....
There are plenty of others ,that they are ,even,
willing to be on a waitin' list,for those Astir panels...
( ....I can assure you, for that...

.... )
And it's not about the money.....
( At least ,not only for the money....)
I just hate/dislike ,"standalone" red or blue leds ....
Or any other monochromatic led...
I'm pretty sure ,we can do without 'em...
How I should put it ?
We want to be different.....
Already,had enough with this " red led " issue....
You are free to use them,if you like so....
As for us,here at Astir :
Specially ,for those 660 nm ones...
Now,you'll have to excuse me ..
I've a research to continue...
P.S. :
Pink is not red... More like Red+Blue+ a bit of the rest visible wls (=>White )...
And yes ..." Red wls " is a total different thing from " red leds "....
"Red" begins at c. 600nm and goes all the way up to c.720 nm ..
Still to find a red led to cover all the red bandwidth...