Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

We know RBG are Primary colors. However, will adding an actinic Green bulb to RB actinics produce the same synergy as would white, be it cw nw or ww? I think not. RBG actinics can be likened to digital music, where the resultant sign wave looks more like steps. White leds are analog in their spectral delivery of RBG, incorporating the colors/spectrums in between

To me, the entire mid-band spectral range from ~ 500-600 will have a much more synergistic effect between RB than Green actinic.

Of course today we don't need actinic RB either, as the newer whites provide sufficient quantities of both + the all important mid-band.

The plants' genome (Indica v Sat) indicates its' preference for more blue or red. This determines whether the mid-band leans toward the R or B.

I suspect that difference may be no more than ~ 20% one way or the other.

second week of flowering till now. these days showed signs of sex.. 2 of them both white russian are male... i'm still happy though because i have 2 female different strains, blueberry under hps and white russian under the led..

the male:

the first male weny directly into bodybag... :cry: the other one is hanging by my female russian, in order to create a "blue russian" personal strain for one good friend.


blueberry under hps goes great i think

but also the 2 remained white russians are going well under led panels


we also change the structure of the panels..for now over/side head


unfortunately we can't have 2 of the same strain under each different type of lights.. but i think that we can make a descent comparison about the yield.

everything happens for a reason... that's what i know... great plants ganja... blueberry is going to flower like a rocket from now on...
Day 53 at 12/12 ...

Most of fan / old leaves removed...
They were pretty damaged,alright...
From now on ,for few more days ,she has to manage with the bud leaves...
( Removing whole leaves or pinching the tips of them -at end of life cycle-,is said to provoke the plant to produce more.. " poison ",as a defend mechanism ,against herbivores...)
Watered only with straight R.O. water,to aid " substrate ion rinsing "....

53 1.jpg53 2.jpg53 3.jpg53 4.jpg
Great team work guys!

Damn those leds are shiny

Sailor ,what do you think about adding 2UV leds on each panel during both veg and flowering period ?
Sailor ,what do you think about adding 2UV leds on each panel during both veg and flowering period ?

Probably at my next grow ,I will utilise 3 panels ,each having 2x 390-410 nm leds...( 180mWatt flux/ led )..
6 x 180 mW= 1.08 Watt of violet/UVa ....
Go easy at veg and "full throtle" at flowering with any UV light..
And for sure not much...
Extremely easy to get adverse effects from UV illumination ...
( -Specially,from UVb 280-320 nm...- )
what do u think about my led set up ? ( for both veg and flowering )

10WW.4CW.4NW.4R630.2UV(420-435nm)... 2 panels of 22 watt each... thats about 4w of UV right there..too much..?
dont worry i ll wear sunglasses ;-)
what do u think about my led set up ? ( for both veg and flowering )

10WW.4CW.4NW.4R630.2UV(420-435nm)... 2 panels of 22 watt each... thats about 4w of UV right there..too much..?
dont worry i ll wear sunglasses ;-)

I may suggest this...
390-750 nm led grow panel.jpg10W 4R 4C 4N 1B 1UV.jpgpower distribution.jpg

YAG Phosphor Whites
10 x Warm White 2500-3500 K
4 x Neutral White 4500-6500 K (5500° K daylight )
4 x Cool White 6000-9000 K
4 x Red 620-640 nm ( 630s' )
1 x Blue 465-475 nm
1 x UVa/Violet 390-410 nm ( or u can use 420-435 nm Violet/Deep Blue... )

It seems that,it has a pretty nice full spectrum coverage....
From 390 nm UVa (approx ), far to 750 nm NIR...
All these plants from this project are so lovely! :clap:Incredible work and knowledge from * Astir Team * about LED :peace:
I may suggest this...
View attachment 2359305View attachment 2359309View attachment 2359321

YAG Phosphor Whites
10 x Warm White 2500-3500 K
4 x Neutral White 4500-6500 K (5500° K daylight )
4 x Cool White 6000-9000 K
4 x Red 620-640 nm ( 630s' )
1 x Blue 465-475 nm
1 x UVa/Violet 390-410 nm ( or u can use 420-435 nm Violet/Deep Blue... )

It seems that,it has a pretty nice full spectrum coverage....
From 390 nm UVa (approx ), far to 750 nm NIR...

^^^I actually like this combo.......I would still drop the one actinic blue diode for a deep red(660nm) one :P..........nice girl btw
^^^I actually like this combo.......I would still drop the one actinic blue diode for a deep red(660nm) one :P..........nice girl btw

Oh ,in that case ,you 'll probably need one FR at 720-740 ...( Like-for those ,kind of PCBs'/panels- an Edixeon "cherry red" 720-750 nm led...)
Probably,it 'll be the "right" thing to do...To compensate the adverse effects of 660-680 light..While keeping the "good" ones...
Far red provided by Warm Whites,is just enough ,to compensate the 650-700 red ,that is also there,from warm Whites...
It won't be enough ,to counteract the extra 660+/- light....


Something else now....

About concentrating light....

Want to "gather" light ?
Want to minimise side-over the given led's half-angle-light " losses " ?
Either you use lenses..

The Old-good-all-time-classic.......Reflectors...
-3% max,power losses....
Not same like lenses ,but still it's a good ...light-boy,cosidering gathering the 'herd' of photons....


24 led .4 rows of 6 leds reflector ..