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Clearly you do, otherwise you would stop bringing it up.

I think you are obsessed with the rep system, and further obsessed that CJ's had the audacity to actually give you a well deserved neg rep. If it were me, you'd have gotten a lot more, especially since you refuse to let it go.

Stop making pointless posts just to raise your post count. If you don't have any substance to actually add to the atheist thread, simply GTFO, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out... Yeah, that sure seems like we're all here to "tear you apart" huh Babs... :roll:

Obviously needs a repeat--FROM A BELIEVERS THREAD.....imagine that. P, get a life. Neg rep me all damn day long, I ASSURE you it will NOT phase me.
......and just one last thing. I really don't know who is worse between you and C*J.

You basically demand that Braz apologize to you, "because" he for ONCE said something facetious in response to your many NUMEROUS tirades.

Along comes C*J demanding an apology for my thinking it was him who neg-rep'd. Funny how it happened only seconds after insulting him with the word "faith." CJ doesn't like that I can dish out the same kind of bs he can.
He actually DEMANDED that I apologize, OR ELSE.

I'm done with you both. Not only a waste of my time, but insulting to my very being.......GET LOST.

It's too bad you never apologized for the initial claims that you made that he did it without any evidence.

See, I sent a private message to him saying that if you retracted your accusations (either before or after he provided you with proof) I would give you positive rep to counter the damage you felt had been done.

You didn't do it in either timeline, so what would have amounted to a zero state chance if I had countered it, stacked up even more.

Too bad. You need to learn how important evidence is in this world.

I would hope you are never on a jury.
I would hope you are never on a jury.

Man, you sure have that one right Morgen!! Can you imagine BEING in the same jury with Babs??!! :roll:

Be like that Malcolm in the Middle episode.... but without the happy ending.
It's not being on the same jury that scares me. It's being in the defendants box.
If there is the potential for someone to decide your guilt or make a sentence recommendation based on faith rather than evidence, that corrupts the whole point of having a system of evidence in the first place.



Can I get an observer to tell me which side appears to be more logical?

I've been keeping up, although I haven't had the chance to do much posting myself. I think the evidence speaks for itself as to who is the more logical group, but since evidence seems to be ignored, i will state that the "religious" side seems nonsensical, deluded, defensive, and basically bat-shit crazy. They are clawing desperately on to their fairy tales, and are unable to come to terms with the fact that life is short, death is final, and they are not at all important on a universal level, at least not in a way they can comprehend.

Sorry religious guys, but this is how I percieve your arguments so far. :sad:

As for the humanists/rationalists, they have put forward some excellent, well thought out arguments, and some very valid questions, which have of course been ignored or brushed aside. Nevertheless, i'm sure anyone with an ounce of intelligence and logic is seeing what i am seeing in your posts. There are some truly smart people on here. Who says weed makes people dumb. :bigjoint:
I see the leftist blogger's are desperate to disparage others religious believes again.

Can't you find a way to abolish human rights, without disproving "The creator" as referrenced, in the declaration of independence?

Here are some other folks who need Jesus, because they obviously don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Richmond High School gang rape: Cops arrest 2 in attack on Calif. teen girl; Bystanders did nothing.

In fact the bystanders were laughing.

I wish i could be in that jury box!
I see the leftist blogger's are desperate to disparage others religious believes again.

Can't you find a way to abolish human rights, without disproving "The creator" as referrenced, in the declaration of independence?

Here are some other folks who need Jesus, because they obviously don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Richmond High School gang rape: Cops arrest 2 in attack on Calif. teen girl; Bystanders did nothing.

In fact the bystanders were laughing.

I wish i could be in that jury box!
We made a thread for atheists, then the bible thumpers came in trying to spread the word of Jesus which resulted in debate.
Save the right vs left shit for the politics section.
Not all liberals are "godless communists" and not all righties are bible thumping inbreeds, no your jewish zombie was not referenced in DOI. Our constitution gave us our rights, not your imaginary friend.
I see the leftist blogger's are desperate to disparage others religious believes again.

Can't you find a way to abolish human rights, without disproving "The creator" as referrenced, in the declaration of independence?

Here are some other folks who need Jesus, because they obviously don't know the difference between right and wrong.
Richmond High School gang rape: Cops arrest 2 in attack on Calif. teen girl; Bystanders did nothing.

In fact the bystanders were laughing.

I wish i could be in that jury box!
I'm not clear on what the article has to do with the topic.

Were all the perpetrators & observers involved in this crime Atheist or Agnostic?

I can give two examples of crimes where the perpetrators were religious nutjobs: The cases of Elizabeth Smart and Jaycee Lee Dugard.
He's using "Remote Viewing" to establish the ideology of those involved. It's a secret handed down to only the highest level Christians in Xenu's army.

Maybe with his cosmic Christian powers he can explain why the ratio of Christians vs. Atheists in prisons is heavily skewed, with the prison population of atheists being smaller than the general population.
You basically demand that Braz apologize to you, "because" he for ONCE said something facetious in response to your many NUMEROUS tirades.


I've never "demanded" any such apology from Brazko. You completely fabricated that. (I will however ask that you either find the quote where I "demanded" an apology, or that you apologize for the accusation)

The most I've said about him is that it's a little tough to understand his posts, him and Sunshine like to keep things vague and unclear.

Who the hell do I think I am?

I guess I fancy myself a defender of reason and justice and eliminator of stupidity and ignorance. Does that make you my nemesis?? lol
I can give two examples of crimes where the perpetrators were religious nutjobs: The cases of Elizabeth Smart and Jaycee Lee Dugard.

If you went by population statistics alone, then 70% of crimes would be perpetrated by the religious (nutjobs aside).

Oddly, the percentage is much higher.

edit: had to run out for a minute. my stats are from 1997, so let me grab newer stats from the Bureau of Prisons. D'oh, the stats aren't directly available on the web site. Probably have to contact them directly.
The deluded faithful of the almighty myth are constantly trying to wash their blood soaked hands of the past away. It's not possible though. You can't say, that was then , this is now.

No ... who a person, or what an institution REALLY represents, is measured by what they do when they think no one is looking or when they have complete control over events around them.

In both cases, the church comes off as murderous thugs throughout history.

If the church could go back to the old ways and get away with it..... all past deeds indicate they wouldn't hesitate to start burning folks.... past deeds count against you in the present.
I love Bill Maher, to bad too Many Atheists don't understand his Agnositc views..,

They are pretty much the Same as his views on >>>>>>>>>

Atheist Baby has no Chance at all.., Before they can even comprehend a God, they are turned into mindless sheep.....,
They are Going Down

Agnostic/Atheism are kissing cousins.

Religion is the crazy uncle everyone keeps locked up in the attic.

Athiesm is a religion of sorts. It's the root of "secular humanism"

Have the Atheist done anything good? Name a few? Surely there must be groups of atheist making a difference (for better) in the world.

Atheists make sport of insulting Christians, and practicing Jews, but they don't make fun of none believing Jews like bill maher. Why is that?
Agnostic/Atheism are kissing cousins.

Religion is the crazy uncle everyone keeps locked up in the attic.

And we have Scientific proof of what happens to Kissing Cousins... I'm just Saying..:mrgreen:

At least the Crazy uncle has his Porn.. Upstairs..
Atheists make sport of insulting Christians, and practicing Jews, but they don't make fun of none believing Jews like bill maher. Why is that?

You're dead wrong there. Bill Maher is a crackpot. Just because he's not religious doesn't mean he's immune to believing in other crazy stuff.

He's a big supporter of medical quackery.

Pharyngula, a popular biological science and anti-bullshit website regularly tears him a new one, and I've seen PZ's posts generate 25,000 visits to a website in an hour or two, so there's no small number of people aware that he's not fully rational.

His take on religion just happens to be extremely rational.