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Athiesm is a religion of sorts. It's the root of "secular humanism"

Have the Atheist done anything good? Name a few? Surely there must be groups of atheist making a difference (for better) in the world.

Atheists make sport of insulting Christians, and practicing Jews, but they don't make fun of none believing Jews like bill maher. Why is that?

Atheism has never killed a single person in recorded history.

Have athesits done anything good? No, nothing, not a thing. No atheists do anything good at all ever. You know being a good person is solely a religious character trait, and one cannot be moral without God telling them what's moral.

Because Mahar is not a practicing Jew. He knows its all bullshit. I beleive he's an athesit...
What Is Secular Humanism?

Secular Humanism is a term which has come into use in the last thirty years to describe a world view with the following elements and principles:

  • A conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, whether religious, political or social, must be weighed and tested by each individual and not simply accepted on faith.
  • Commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence, and scientific methods of inquiry, rather than faith and mysticism, in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions.
  • A primary concern with fulfillment, growth, and creativity for both the individual and humankind in general.
  • A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception of it.
  • A concern for this life and a commitment to making it meaningful through better understanding of ourselves, our history, our intellectual and artistic achievements, and the outlooks of those who differ from us.
  • A search for viable individual, social and political principles of ethical conduct, judging them on their ability to enhance human well-being and individual responsibility.
  • A conviction that with reason, an open marketplace of ideas, good will, and tolerance, progress can be made in building a better world for ourselves and our children.

Sounds terrible ....
No list of humanitarian acts performed in the name of atheism?

In your original post you said Atheism was "enlightening", but you have no examples of acts to back that enlightenment up?

And as to your claim that atheism hasn't caused any wars, are you unaware that the godless communists are responsible for much oppression - of the people - and many wars?

Communism failed in Russia, and I see the Chinese being oppressed, no reason to try it here :hump:
Because Mahar is not a practicing Jew. He knows its all bullshit. I beleive he's an athesit...

That's a Belief and it's not true.., he's actually claimed to be a lot of other things as well that are not Agnostic., but he has never claimed to be athease

I beweave..:mrgreen:

No list of humanitarian acts performed in the name of atheism?

In your original post you said Atheism was "enlightening", but you have no examples of acts to back that enlightenment up?

And as to your claim that atheism hasn't caused any wars, are you unaware that the godless communists are responsible for much oppression - of the people - and many wars?

Communism failed in Russia, and I see the Chinese being oppressed, no reason to try it here :hump:

Communism has embraced atheism, but only to destroy the entrenched religion already in place.

Communism will use ANY tool at their disposal to achieve their goals, and atheism isn't a goal... it's a tool.
Atheism 10-28-2009 09:01 AMYou wrote, "Neg rep me all damn day long, I ASSURE you it will NOT phase me." Remember now, you asked for this. Whining about it would be disingenuous
...and it still doesn't phase me, LOL...have fun.
EXPERIENCED GROWER HELP! I am new to this so I'm not too sure when to harvest... I am looking for more a couch lock high. My outdoor potted plants are 4 months old. Have been flowering for about 6.5 weeks with super bloom for past month. If you could look at these pics and tell me a couple things... How much longer should I let it grow? AND can you tell what kind of strain it is ( name and I/S) Thanks! I live it Southern Cali so frost isn't a concern.
Communism has embraced atheism, but only to destroy the entrenched religion already in place.

Communism will use ANY tool at their disposal to achieve their goals, and atheism isn't a goal... it's a tool.

Reps= for that

Can you tell me if Larry David is an Atheistic Jew, or a believing Jew, and if all Jews feel that it's ok to do this sort of thing to other human beings? See below:

Outrage du Jour: Larry David Pees on Jesus

By Roy Edroso in Exploring the Right Wing Blogosphere, Featured, Religion, TV, The Arts
Wednesday, Oct. 28 2009 @ 2:10PM
​On the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode aired on Sunday, Larry David took a leak, some of it got on a painting of Jesus, a Catholic saw the painting later and thought the painting had miraculously wept, etc. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch readers find this (at present) the "cringe-iest"moment in the ep, beating "Larry grips belly fat to avoid death" by six points.
Some people are even more exercised and the profanation has the outrage mill in full churn.
"Would he think it comedic if someone urinated on a picture of his mother?" asks preeminent Catholic scold Bill Donohue. "This might be fun to watch, but since HBO only likes to dump on Catholics (it was just a couple of weeks ago that Sarah Silverman insulted Catholics on 'Real Time with Bill Maher'), and David is Jewish, we'll never know."
We'll probably never know how David's Judaism protects him in this case, either, but The Conservative Gentleman tries to provide a test case by painting a Hitler mustache on David's picture. "Now we have not had a serious axe to grind with Jews in the past," says the Gentleman, "but we are unsheathing and sharpening it for this one... Jews wonder why people around the world hate them, why they've been hated for thousands of years. Jews like Larry David are why." God, we've been waiting years for that explanation!...

You may read similar opinions at white power site Stormfront ("Like they won't be happy until people DO PERSECUTE them"), unless your blocking software disallows it.
Michael Savage, in a dramatic twist, comes to the defense of the Jews against Larry David. Savage believes David "needs to be stopped before he brings terrible calamity on the Jewish People" and suggests he is "an anti-Semite in Jew's clothing," as well as "a typical Brooklyn type" who, in typical rootless-cosmopolitan manner, "migrated out to Hollywood to produce this vulgarity." Savage also blasts the negative image of Judaism promoted by Seinfeld, Woody Allen, etc. Please, no one tell him about Arnold Stang.
The Conservative Beacon asks why doesn't David make fun of Muslims if he's so brave, then answers himself: "We must be ultra-sensitive and sympathetic to Muslims as a result of 9/11. We must spare their feelings." Another deathless question answered! Curb Your Enthusiasm should be reclassified as educational television.
Eventually critics bring out their biggest insult: David's work resembles that of Andres Serrano. "Larry David's 'Piss Christ,'" cries Big Hollywood. "If a crucifix submerged in urine can be high art," says Moonbattery. "why can't urinating on portraits of Jesus be high comedy?"
Inevitably, boycotts are proposed. Christians "will turn the other cheek by not watching you and not visiting your sponsors," claims Leaving Normal. "Cancel your HBO and tell your cable provider you will not subscribe to the appropriate plan until they remove it from their package," proposes The Gray Morass.
Others worry about fallout. "I assume another publicity hungry freak will try to top peeing on The Savior of all Mankind," says My Word and Welcome to It. Then he provides samples: "Pope answers ad on Craigslist to be a 'host' at an S & M party. We find out he likes to play the submissive male..." We hope he's registered this with the WGA. Well, it's reached Fox News, quoting a blogger who demands an apology, so we assume the outrage has reached a head and will soon decline, to be replaced by some other anti-Christian menace -- like the Hate Crimes Bill.

Oh an be sure to boycott Time Warner while your at it! :cuss:
EXPERIENCED GROWER HELP! I am new to this so I'm not too sure when to harvest... I am looking for more a couch lock high. My outdoor potted plants are 4 months old. Have been flowering for about 6.5 weeks with super bloom for past month. If you could look at these pics and tell me a couple things... How much longer should I let it grow? AND can you tell what kind of strain it is ( name and I/S) Thanks! I live it Southern Cali so frost isn't a concern.

TeeP.. your picture just goes to the homepage to download.., If it's an indica (short stout fat thick leaves) in flower, you may have a couple of weeks left.. If its an Sativa (tall, thin, Lanky leaves) you may have a little more than a few.. If it's a mix, then the predominance of that strain phenotype might go somewhere in between the two., It depends.. However, try downloading you pic again, but do it in another section that is more suited to help answer that question.. We have more important things to discuss over here..

:lol:, I'm just joking witcha' buddy.., but yeah, do it in another section and you will probably get a lot more input and help..
No list of humanitarian acts performed in the name of atheism?
I'll provide you with a list if he can not do so off hand.

See, when atheists get together and do good deeds they don't stick a symbol on top of it and claim it in the name of a religion.

The only thing uniting them is a common will to do something good.

And there are atheists that do things that are negative, assuredly.

But I've never heard of atheists banding together to form an atheist organization to do unpleasant things in it's name.

I do welcome any samples you can provide though. It would be interesting reading.

In your original post you said Atheism was "enlightening", but you have no examples of acts to back that enlightenment up?

I don't find enlightenment applicable to atheism, as the common definition of enlightenment tends to be a philosophical or religious construct. So I'd be surprised to see examples in that case.

And as to your claim that atheism hasn't caused any wars, are you unaware that the godless communists are responsible for much oppression - of the people - and many wars?
Marx's communism and the practiced communism are different beasts altogether. Soviet and Chinese communism are dogmatic faiths, equivalent to religion. They demand atheism simply as a means of eliminating organized resistance by any potentially powerful group within the totalitarian state. And as religion demands unquestioning faith, as an organization it would steal away those who would serve the dogma of the communist dialectic.

Atheism does not equal communism. The Scandinavian countries are primarily atheistic (if not adeistic), and Denmark is about as atheistic a country as one can get, and all are democracies.

They also have a much higher level of education per capita than the US, which goes hand in hand with atheism.
And Babs *still* keeps bringing up the neg rep that she absolutely doesn't care about whatsoever.
There must be over 30 posts by her about it.
And Babs *still* keeps bringing up the neg rep that she absolutely doesn't care about whatsoever.
There must be over 30 posts by her about it.
Don't be ill morgen just because you've been exposed.
I'm sure there will be thirty more knowing who it's coming from. ;-) worries, I'll feel free to post them every time.
I'll provide you with a list if he can not do so off hand.

See, when atheists get together and do good deeds they don't stick a symbol on top of it and claim it in the name of a religion.

The only thing uniting them is a common will to do something good.

And there are atheists that do things that are negative, assuredly.

But I've never heard of atheists banding together to form an atheist organization to do unpleasant things in it's name.

I do welcome any samples you can provide though. It would be interesting reading.

I don't find enlightenment applicable to atheism, as the common definition of enlightenment tends to be a philosophical or religious construct. So I'd be surprised to see examples in that case.

Marx's communism and the practiced communism are different beasts altogether. Soviet and Chinese communism are dogmatic faiths, equivalent to religion. They demand atheism simply as a means of eliminating organized resistance by any potentially powerful group within the totalitarian state. And as religion demands unquestioning faith, as an organization it would steal away those who would serve the dogma of the communist dialectic.

Atheism does not equal communism. The Scandinavian countries are primarily atheistic (if not adeistic), and Denmark is about as atheistic a country as one can get, and all are democracies.

They also have a much higher level of education per capita than the US, which goes hand in hand with atheism.

Athiest have a right to believe as they wish, but they spend a lot of time, and money trying to persuade others not to practice they're beliefs openly. They sure are a close minded, intolerant, bunch.

SAT scores prove the intelligence of the American people has declined since the state took God out of the schools, but you're free to measure intelligence in others ways I suppose. This is a free country after all.

I couldn't get your link to work, and didn't have much success finding any organized Atheistic Charities, but I had no problem finding many Christian ones.

Christian Charities Rank High in Top 100 U.S. Nonprofits
Christian charities made up nearly a quarter of the 100 best nonprofit groups for financial integrity in the United States, according to a leading nonprofit management magazine.
Twenty-two Christian organizations were ranked in the 2007 Top 100 list by The NonProfit Times. Notably, three groups – Catholic Charities, USA, The Salvation Army, and Habitat for Humanity International – were among the top 10 best charities.
To make the list, at least 10 percent of an organization’s income must have come from public support.
International humanitarian and development groups World Vision and Food for the Poor ranked 14th and 18th, respectively, among other Christian nonprofits that made up made up a quarter of the top 20 charities.
Well-known ministries such as Campus Crusade for Christ, Samaritan’s Purse and Compassion International were included in the top 50 nonprofits. Compassion, a leading child-development ministry, advanced to 48th place this year, up from 54th place a year ago.
“We are grateful to God for allowing us to experience such unprecedented growth,” said Dr. Wess Stafford, president of Compassion International, in a statement Friday. “In addition to His unfailing guidance, God has blessed Compassion with committed sponsors and donors, whose trust and confidence are highly valued and never taken for granted.”
“It is through their consistent financial loyalty, that Compassion has been blessed to see generations of lives transformed,” Stafford added.
In addition to a higher ranking in The NonProfit Times, Compassion was given a four-star rating for the sixth consecutive year in 2007 by Charity Navigator – one of the nation’s leading financial-accountability organizations.
Other Christian nonprofits that made the top 100 list included Christian Broadcasting Network, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and Catholic Medical Mission Board.
Correlation does not equal causation.
Show me a link between prayer and SAT scores.
It wouldn't have anything at all to do with military spending consistently getting the lions share, and school funding the shaft during Republican terms. Or the "teach to the standardized test" method of funding used to create an illusion of students better educated than they are.
There's no prayer in schools in Canada any more. Our kids certainly aren't suffering for it. Education has actually had a decent budget here for the last 50 years.

If you were more concerned about getting education back in schools instead of prayer, you might see higher scores on the SATs.

Just think how they'll drop in Texas and Kansas if they ever manage to ram 'intelligent design' down students throats as they intend.

The link is fine, and even works in your quote. I suggest you try again.

So if 25 percent were Christian Charities, what does that make the other 75%? That seems odd in a country with 70% Christian population.

Large print makes Christians more effective? I need to try that with Atheism.

There is no proof of gods, therefore gods are irrelevant.

Hmmm. Nah, the words themselves say it all. No need to supersize them. Must just be something believers use to identify each other in forums.
Don't be ill morgen just because you've been exposed.
I'm sure there will be thirty more knowing who it's coming from. ;-) worries, I'll feel free to post them every time.

Well, if it will give you comfort I'd be happy to go Elite and give you some Negs as well so your persecution complex doesn't suffer.
Perhaps the Atheist only think they are smarter than Christians, in that case the argument is moot. :mrgreen:

This from
"Public-School Excuse # 1 — Give Us More Money!"

....Many studies have shown that most private Catholic schools do a better job educating children than public schools. A 1990 Rand Corporation study examined big-city high schools to find out how education for low-income minority children could be improved. The study compared thirteen New York City public, private, and Catholic high schools that had many minority students. In the Catholic schools, 75 to 90 percent of the students were black or hispanic. The study found that:
“The Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while public schools graduated slightly more 50 percent of their senior class; Over 66 percent of the Catholic school graduates received the New York State Regents diploma to signify completion of an academically demanding college preparatory curriculum, while only about 5 percent of the public school students received this distinction; 85 percent of the Catholic high school students took the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), compared with just 33 percent of the public school students; The Catholic school students achieved an average combined SAT score of 803, while the public school students’ average combined SAT score was 642; and 60 percent of the Catholic school black students scored above the national average for black students on the SAT, and over 70 percent of public school black students scored below the same national average.4
Recent studies confirm many of the Rand report’s findings. A 1997 study by Derek Neal, then associate professor of economics at the University of Chicago, analyzed the effect of Catholic high-school education on high-school and college graduation rates. Neal found that when inner-city students transferred to Catholic schools, their probability of graduating from high school increased from 62 percent to at least 88 percent. He also found that hispanic and black Catholic-school students were more than twice as likely to graduate college than minorities students who attended public schools.
Also, Protestant-affiliated school students consistently show superior academic results compared to public schools. The National Center for Education Statistics (NAEP) administers the National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP) to test the knowledge and skills of the nation’s students in grades 4, 8, and 12.
The NAEP’s 2003 test results showed that students in the Protestant-affiliated schools (as well as Catholic-school students) consistently scored well above public-school students in math, reading, writing, history, and geography. At all three grade levels, a significantly higher percentage of Protestant and Catholic-affiliated school students scored at or above the Basic, Proficient, and Advanced levels compared to public schools. Protestant and Catholic-affiliated school students also consistently scored higher on both verbal and math SAT scores compares to public-school students. Similarly, as for Catholic-school students, hispanic and black students in Protestant-affiliated schools were more than twice as likely to graduate college than minorities students who attended public schools.
Yet, the average annual tuition costs for Catholic and Protestant-affiliated schools for the 2002-2003 school year were approximately $3500-$4000 per elementary-school pupil and $5500-$6000 per Secondary school pupil. The average public-school cost per pupil was approximately $7300. 5
These studies show that Catholic and Protestant-affiliated schools give a superior education to public schools, especially for inner-city minority students. They give a better education at half the cost for elementary-grade students and about 30 percent lower cost for secondary or high-school students. Something is clearly wrong with public schools if they do an inferior job educating children for almost twice the cost of religiously-affiliated schools. Obviously, more money does not mean better education."

But what about technological achievements, and innovation, in a country that believes in a "Creator" (according to the bill of rights).

Belief in a Creator and scientific achievement seem to go hand in hand:
"America's unparalleled technological achievements and their legacy during the years 1870 to 1970 -- the greatest era of productivity the world has ever known."

But I suppose it was the Atheists who achieved so much, in so little time?? lol