
  • Thread starter Thread starter PadawanBater
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Chick near my house leaves church signs on teh bustop massive ones with really fucking weird questions and she waits there and tries to convert everyone. She knows me now as the locall athiest coz i always logic slap her arguments big style. And rip her posters off.

To be honest i prefer the one of katie Price already up :)


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I feel sorry that so many are so afraid of death.... they find the psychological need to tell themselves that they will exist for all of eternity.
I feel sorry that so many are so afraid of death.... they find the psychological need to tell themselves that they will exist for all of eternity.

It depends what the meaning of IS, is. What does exist mean? For me, Eternity is NOW. Maybe you mean infinity?
I wonder about an infinite instant or an unending moment for the mind of a person at death,It is well established the brain dies and is no longer alive with the rest of the body at death,but do we really know what happens to the consciousness upon death? dose it go somewhere or is it just one big stretched out lucid instant, would your state of emotion or mind hold influence or significance over the state of the deceased persons infinity.
Say you get hit in the head really REALLY hard in a certain spot, and you lose the ability to make conscious decisions about motor skills. It seems as if the brain is the organic machine that allows concsciousness to take form, and when the brain is damaged or dies, so does the concsciousness. Why would concsciousness be any different from anything else in the universe?

But i don't really know... i can't really be certain of anything, it just seems most reasonable to me, even if i don't nessisarily like the idea.
well being an Atheist is the most proudest thing i have ever done in my life. i do not care what others think about me or my attitude. but i know that i am damn right and i enjoy it.
I feel sorry that so many are so afraid of death.... they find the psychological need to tell themselves that they will exist for all of eternity.

I didn't have that psychological need as a child. I saw death around me (pets and such).. Oh well. They had a good run you know? It wasn't until I was tricked into believing I was immortal (lol) that I felt the fear of death.