if tude would start actually using stealth tactics when shipping, i would use them again, never had an order snagged,, but got sick of their "stealth" shipping, it's a complete joke. if your package gets opened, it's a wrap.
How could you get sick of their stealth shipping? You only had 1 order. Good lord. Just be yourself man. Don't try to be more than you are. They got your beans to you. What more do you want? I agree with you 100% that they need to change their shipping. I am not going to order from them until they change things too. I have 6 orders from them and they all made it. Be happy your orders go through NY.
He knew what you meant about being behind in the season. You didn't understand what he said. You can not say anything to them about growing, meaning you can't tell them you're behind in the season. So, you claim to have ordered from Attitude many time with no problems, but you act like this the first time you have a problem.AGAIN HOW IS IT MY FAULT all i did was give them money for them to write the wrong address on a parcel if your saying its my fault i didnt get a refund i will with a chargeback from visa THIS POST ISNT COMPLAINING ABOUT A REFUND I MAY OR MAY NOT GET its about the customer service you receive with attitude and the scamming behavior who knows if they just didnt have the right stock in at the time, so they just give you someone else tracking number knowing they will make you wait it out for 21days and then ask for another 10days
while the new stock is coming in?
Its called marketing if they didnt have the stock we would go to herbies or greenhouse or dinafem
why would i want to deal with them if they keep delaying the process the idiots are still chassing me on facebook trying to get me to take this down offering freebies( I was very well known to them and we always had messages from them & talks on the page about stuff i too havent had problems in years as well this is why i am so pissed off) in the end i am a man of principle and all i am saying is if someone clearly has sent it to a wrong address and the customer waits it out why ask for another 10 days why even make it a hassle its not like they sent it to me and i am scamming them they can see the tracking too its crystal clear to see and should be simple fix considering its in the USA and i live in AUS
I just want to show everyone how much of a fuck arond it was and how they make mistakes and make the customs wait becuase it somehow there fault and should wait ( Sorry i will not wait for attitude to get the returned mail back from across the world before they reship it and we dont order and get our seeds then pay a month later do we ? )
As for being behind in a season i dont need to explain this to you if you can't figure it out
Watch this you might understand it more
Anyway this is my last post on this matter
Stop slagging the 'Tude, seriously. If you were courteous in your communications to a woman a few thousand miles away, you would've had a different experience. Give Jodi lip and of course she's not gonna give a rat's ass about you. No offence but you were RUDE guy.
You just go demanding a refund, then get all aggressive at the girl. Their terms of use state that they can NOT re-ship before 21 days. They make NO claim that they will refund anything, only to RE-SHIP LOST ORDERS OR DAMAGED CONTENT. The law in the UK does NOT ALLOW THEM TO SELL SEEDS FOR GERMINATION so be REALLY happy they are getting away with all of us breaking that one rule that keeps them in business.
If you go through the forums and read the reviews on Attitude, you will find all the tips you need to get your package to your door safely. YOU fucked up. Not them. So you give them the worst lip and of course your account gets deleted. Thousands of happy customers and then guys that just lose it over nothing.
I can't think of one other person that didn't have their order re-sent if something went wrong, not ONE.
One time they sent me non female seeds by mistake and let me keep the other ones and sent me the correct ones.yea attitude is the shit, nvr lost mine n u always get some cool stuff n free shit
well i just looked at your tracking number and it said it was delivered today in australia
So go check your letter box and im sure attitude will check your tracking number and see the same so good luck. [FONT=&]LY894162298GB[/FONT]