Atittude seed bank scam beaware 2013

A buddy placed 2 others recently with Dr. GreenThumb and HempDepot.... no guarantee, just cheap and simple delivery. Both orders arrived surprising quickly.

Personally, I'm done with Attitude because of all the complaints. But, I have gotten every order from them but one, and that was resent quickly. I'm happy to recommend these, which I've had excellent success with:

SanniesShop, Sea of Seeds and Herbies. People seem to love Single Seed Center too, or whatever it's called. It's all about customer service with me. I often communicate with Sannie, and Herbies is real quick to respond.

  • well i just looked at your tracking number and it said it was delivered today in australia
    So go check your letter box and im sure attitude will check your tracking number and see the same so good luck. LY894162298GB

If the local cops don't check it first LOL... Here's my tracking number, my addy so now you can have my name and know my methods. The mind boggles.

HA! I guess I'm not the only one who checked on the delivery status of your
Sh@man still trolling around without achieving anything. What a surprise. Can't even get a moderator demoted but thinks he can take down the attitude :lol:
I had my beans confiscated by customs, and got the dreaded brown box with the green Customs tape. I sent an email to the 'tude and they asked for a picture of the box and the tape, showing both my address and the return address all in one picture. Being the technically challenged guy that I am, it was tough to take a close enough picture, but I finally got it accomplished. I sent the picture to them, and they said they'd resend. I told them I was too paranoid to have them resend since now I'm on some police state list (NSA, DEA, etc.) and don't want to tempt fate. They gave me a refund minus the cost of the T-shirt (which Customs, in their generosity, did pass through). I took a waaaaaay more polite approach though. I killed them with kindness, and either the person I corresponded with was nicer than the people you dealt with, or they just liked the way I schmoozed them. I think all the seed companies need to update their strategies.
I had my beans confiscated by customs, and got the dreaded brown box with the green Customs tape. I sent an email to the 'tude and they asked for a picture of the box and the tape, showing both my address and the return address all in one picture. Being the technically challenged guy that I am, it was tough to take a close enough picture, but I finally got it accomplished. I sent the picture to them, and they said they'd resend. I told them I was too paranoid to have them resend since now I'm on some police state list (NSA, DEA, etc.) and don't want to tempt fate. They gave me a refund minus the cost of the T-shirt (which Customs, in their generosity, did pass through). I took a waaaaaay more polite approach though. I killed them with kindness, and either the person I corresponded with was nicer than the people you dealt with, or they just liked the way I schmoozed them. I think all the seed companies need to update their strategies.

you're not on any sort of watch list m8.. years ago, i got the dreaded letter from an order from sannies.. before i had even gotten the letter, i had pm'ed sannie and told him it had been a month and now show, so he resent..
the day after i got the letter, i got another package from him.. it was my beans this time, so imvho, if i were on some sort of watch list, i'd never have gotten the beans the day after the letter, sent to the same addy of course, nor any of the 100 or so orders i have made from various banks since that time..
As above, I doubt you're on a watchlist.

And yo are correct, manners go a very long way. Go into any shop or email exchange with a shop and act like an asshole and you're not going to be given good service. What was that saying, never piss off the person who will handle your food.
you're not on any sort of watch list m8.. years ago, i got the dreaded letter from an order from sannies.. before i had even gotten the letter, i had pm'ed sannie and told him it had been a month and now show, so he resent..
the day after i got the letter, i got another package from him.. it was my beans this time, so imvho, if i were on some sort of watch list, i'd never have gotten the beans the day after the letter, sent to the same addy of course, nor any of the 100 or so orders i have made from various banks since that time..

I've got another order coming, left the 28th of Feb., and now at the freaking Chicago mail hub since the 1st of Mar. I'm trying to not check the status, which with the USPS is probably irrelevant since I don't know if every envelope is actually tracked. I assume you're in the US too, since you're at the Overlook LOL! I live in an extremely fucked up red state, thus the heightened paranoia.
I live in an extremely fucked up red state, thus the heightened paranoia.

so anyone can recommend. Man i searched n read reviews it seems all seed bank have had some sort of problems. so disapointed like =.=
so anyone can recommend. Man i searched n read reviews it seems all seed bank have had some sort of problems. so disapointed like =.=

I ordered last December and everything came through fine. don't listen to the trolls.
I ordered last December and everything came through fine. don't listen to the trolls.

well, to be fair, if you live anywhere near chicago, or think your order would go through chi-town customs, a lot of orders are getting snagged there as of the past year or so..
if you live on the east coast or think your order will go through nyc, your chances of getting it go up greatly..
well, to be fair, if you live anywhere near chicago, or think your order would go through chi-town customs, a lot of orders are getting snagged there as of the past year or so..
if you live on the east coast or think your order will go through nyc, your chances of getting it go up greatly..

Got my beans after 6 days in Chicago. Different method altogether so kudos to my brothers overseas.
Stop slagging the 'Tude, seriously. If you were courteous in your communications to a woman a few thousand miles away, you would've had a different experience. Give Jodi lip and of course she's not gonna give a rat's ass about you. No offence but you were RUDE guy.


You just go demanding a refund, then get all aggressive at the girl. Their terms of use state that they can NOT re-ship before 21 days. They make NO claim that they will refund anything, only to RE-SHIP LOST ORDERS OR DAMAGED CONTENT. The law in the UK does NOT ALLOW THEM TO SELL SEEDS FOR GERMINATION so be REALLY happy they are getting away with all of us breaking that one rule that keeps them in business.

If you go through the forums and read the reviews on Attitude, you will find all the tips you need to get your package to your door safely. YOU fucked up. Not them. So you give them the worst lip and of course your account gets deleted. Thousands of happy customers and then guys that just lose it over nothing.

I can't think of one other person that didn't have their order re-sent if something went wrong, not ONE.

It's annoying to read all the rude responses to the Tude when people don't follow the terms they agreed to when they bought the beans. I've had mine snagged, sent a pic of the tape as requested, and got a full refund. Jodi is super cool if you're not an ass. Be a jerk, get the jerk treatment.
Brother, you have to learn the art of schmoozing. You can't catch bees with vinegar. Always read the agreement, follow it, and be polite. If you're all butt hurt right up front that puts people on the defensive. Never wear your feelings on your sleeve because then you're an easy target to anger and dismiss. When you're pissed right off the bat, then the person you're dealing with immediately goes into "Fuck him" mode. Kiss their ass, make nice, and good shit happens. That works no matter who it is, your boss, the cops, some online seedbank, your girlfriend. It's no sweat off your ass to pretend to be nice, and then you get what you want. There's no satisfaction with freaking out, getting all worked up and feeling like a used Kleenex. The satisfaction comes in getting your way, and not wasting time and effort on anger.
[FONT=&amp]Hi Everyone

I have notice a lot later people have been having trouble with attitude seed bank in my eyes they where the best and i had never any problems with them up unit 4 months ago
It seems to be they are using your local laws against you trying to say we sent orders to you and saying customs got them but when you check the tracking numbers they provide its delivered to another country ????

Please read these following emails.. I never received my last two orders and i understand sometimes these things happen but providing fake tracking numbers ect to cover the fact they never sent the orders is just a all time low, The second order was sent to the wrong country apparently and they blame royal mail witch i did fall for until the tracking number started to go to someones house lol [/FONT]


[FONT=&amp]Jodie from attitude

Hi There[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]No problems, maybe next time you should read a company’s terms and conditions and not order if you do not agree to their terms([/FONT][FONT=&amp]so sending to wrong country is in terms in conditions[/FONT][FONT=&amp]) and understand it can take up to 21 working days.([/FONT][FONT=&amp]yes i waited 21 days and now you want me to wait for another 10[/FONT][FONT=&amp]) Ill remove your account now. [/FONT](Like i was going to order again)

[FONT=&amp]Many Thanks,
Jodie @ The Attitude[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]From:[/FONT][FONT=&amp] Aussie Grown []
Sent: 25 June 2013 23:12
To: Jodie @ The Attitude
Subject: RE: SB Online Contact Form: Important[/FONT]

I tell you what i will be contacting my credit card company on the 1st of july [/FONT]

Subject: RE: SB Online Contact Form: Important
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2013 16:49:06 +0100[/FONT]

Hi There[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Please let us know if this has not arrived by the 9[SUP]th[/SUP] July.[/FONT][FONT=&amp] ( I ordered on the 8th of june 2013 )[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Many Thanks,
Jodie @ The Attitude[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]From:[/FONT][FONT=&amp] Aussie Grown []
Sent: 27 June 2013 13:56
To: Jodie @ The Attitude
Subject: RE: SB Online Contact Form: Important[/FONT]



Remember me the guy that brought from your site and you sent it to a different country (LY894162298GB) then completely acted so unprofessional and ask me to wait 21 days great customers service there

You also said it was placed in the wrong bag ( according to the tracking number it is for Chicargo and seems to be going to someone in that state)
I have uploaded the tracking results for you to see

I would like you to do the honest thing and reship my parcel ASAP or give me a refund
you are making me behind in a season and its highly annoying and highly irresponsible of you to not fix this problem
right then and there and ask me to wait it out

I will send a message to you Facebook team as well

Subject: RE: SB Online Contact Form: Important
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:19:53 +0100[/FONT]
Hi There[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]We have to wait 21 working days as this has happened in the pat and all the items have been redirect to the correct counties. I am very sorry this has happened, but this was an error of the mail services. I have contacted Royal Mail and they have stated that the item was put in the wrong country bag when processing. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Many Thanks,
Jodie @ The Attitude[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]From:[/FONT][FONT=&amp] Aussie Grown []
Sent: 17 June 2013 12:41
To: Jodie @ The Attitude
Subject: RE: SB Online Contact Form: Important[/FONT]


REFUND my money from that order DONT reship it
I still havent reiceved my last order 4 months ago and then i reorder and you send it to the wrong address apparently ...
And offer no support or refund
just on the hope that one day it might get back to me are you kidding me

Jesus lossing a very loyal customer
What not to say you just send empty envelopes across the world

Subject: RE: SB Online Contact Form: Important
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2013 11:02:08 +0100[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Hi there
Thank you for your e-mail about an item you are expecting from The Attitude.

I am sorry to hear that your item has been forwarded to the wrong country. Once the item is processed in the mail service the item should be redirected on a flight to your correct country.

I would like to explain that under the Universal Postal Agreement, any enquiries regarding your item have to be initiated in the country of origin.

Sometimes the parcel are mistakenly scanned but still going to the correct shipping country
Thank you for your e-mail and if we can be of any more help, please contact us again after the 21 working day period we are required to wait for a delivery. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Many Thanks,
Jodie @ The Attitude[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]From:[/FONT][FONT=&amp] James []
Sent: 10 June 2013 23:49
Subject: SB Online Contact Form: Important[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Name:[/FONT][FONT=&amp] James

Why is this order going to the wrong country
tracking number
Order number
687133-130609 [/FONT]

Then why change your story and edit your posts when you get caught out bullshitting and then ask how to delete it.
And as for picking on your post if you dont like it dont start the thread.
All i was pointing out is your story changed and didnt add up

I asked how to delete it because the problem was fixed but decided to leave it up to show customer service.
The point i was trying to make is why i should have to wait 21 days for a mistake they make. If i order and it was coming to my address i would of been happy to wait it out but if you can see a parcel going across the world why should the customer who has already paid wait for someone else mistake ???

For my story not adding up its sort of hard to explain a fucked up situation isnt it ? so i just [posted photos] sort of trumps anything anyone has to say dosent it ?
Last edited:
:roll: That's because we get our orders. We are smart enough to get the guarantee. You didn't, customs snagged your beans and now you are a bitter little person with a chip on his shoulder.

Douch i order stealth also pictures dont lie ? why keep defending them ?
My photos are gold and prove everything i have said ?
Brother, you have to learn the art of schmoozing. You can't catch bees with vinegar. Always read the agreement, follow it, and be polite. If you're all butt hurt right up front that puts people on the defensive. Never wear your feelings on your sleeve because then you're an easy target to anger and dismiss. When you're pissed right off the bat, then the person you're dealing with immediately goes into "Fuck him" mode. Kiss their ass, make nice, and good shit happens. That works no matter who it is, your boss, the cops, some online seedbank, your girlfriend. It's no sweat off your ass to pretend to be nice, and then you get what you want. There's no satisfaction with freaking out, getting all worked up and feeling like a used Kleenex. The satisfaction comes in getting your way, and not wasting time and effort on anger.

Respect bro ... i will try it next time
I just have to chime in here and say I work in customer service ( nutrition products) with people that do not get orders every day. does that mean we suck? not really ( considering we process thousands of orders every 24 hours). Once it leaves our warehouse it's not in our hands anymore. We ship internationally also and it can be a pain if shipping gets messed up.
Same with any other company, so blaming attitude is like blaming the wind. no point.
Also I too will go out of my way to help someone that is nice to me over someone that is a jerk to me. People seem to think if you work for, represent a company you ARE the company and they can take their frustrations out on you. I am not saying you were not entitled to getting your items , but kindness even when angry goes farther. trust me.

That being said I have always ordered from Attitude, and never had a problem. not to say I never will but if and when I do I'll handle it with kindness after I go smoke one to chill.
I just placed an order today actually, been waiting days, impatiently at that. The barney's farm promo just started so I'm very happy.
Will update once I get them.