Attempting to make my own batch of compost


Well-Known Member
Over the last month or so I went ahead and gathered all compost/maricle grow (old) that was used from past vegetable gardens. In the mix thusfar I have tried to mix all small amounts of fruit/veggie scraps, as well as a (small quanities) combination of rabbit droppings, steer manure and egg shells.....I had the whole mixture in a clean and sterilized garbage bin. Now when I started, the soil had nearly reached the top of the bin, but over time I noticed how it has lost about a quarter of the soil (or so it may seem).....My guess was the decomposition that was taking place.

Yesterday however, I was told by my girlfriend she had added old vegetables and fruit to the bin. My guess was that it would be alright as long as broke up the fruit/vegetables into tiny pieces.....I tried my damnest to mix the soil from the very bottom of the bin, but I can't. Reading one of Subcool's threads, I thought of just placing the soil on a clean and sanitized tarp....but that may pose abit of an issue. With two dogs and numberous street cats, I really don't want to place any soil on the ground. The bin has had a tendacy to get "hot spots" with knowing that, I have tried to dig as deep as I could and bring the warmer soil to the surface to breathe.....

One last thing I wanted to know. The soil has broken down alot and is so dark in color, I wondered if it would be overkill to add wormcastings to the mix as well???

Thank you in advanced,



Well-Known Member
I didn't think animal waste was ok for composting? I found some 1/2-3/4" plastic pipe (PVC?) and cut it into pieces as long as my bin is deep, then I drilled a bunch of holes in the pipes sides, I think about 1/4" drill bit . . . anyway, on the big side for a small pipe. Then I worked them down thru the composting materials to the bottom, to help air get down there. When I'm out back working, I move these pipes around in a circular motion to aid in pile circulation/decomposition. It helps and is easier than stirring.
You can also run water down these pipes.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think animal waste was ok for composting? I found some 1/2-3/4" plastic pipe (PVC?) and cut it into pieces as long as my bin is deep, then I drilled a bunch of holes in the pipes sides, I think about 1/4" drill bit . . . anyway, on the big side for a small pipe. Then I worked them down thru the composting materials to the bottom, to help air get down there. When I'm out back working, I move these pipes around in a circular motion to aid in pile circulation/decomposition. It helps and is easier than stirring.
You can also run water down these pipes.
It was my understanding that the rabbit droppings, and worm castings would break down rather well, but that is only if the soil/compost has good airation.....they also can act as soil for 3wk to month old plants, my guess is that I might need to re-read again, sifting through the posts in the forum, have come to the conclusion that - in moderation, nature will work itself out....

Probably completely missing the mark, but that is how I felt about it.

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
Buddy Williams If you did nothing, you would still end up with compost. In nature, the rabbits & squirrels don't mix what's on the ground, when no one's looking. Decomposition just takes time. Mixing browns (carbon), with greens (nitrogen), moistening it & turning (adding oxygen) just make the whole process a little hotter & faster.
Adding the Rabbit manure (a good source of N 2.4 % on average) will add to the nutrient content of your finished compost. Since, Rabbits only eat a vegan diet, their poop is full of good stuff. I applaude your choice to make your own compost & use it to grow. I included two links you might find interesting:
How to Make Compost, a Composting Guide
Vermicomposting: guide to composting worms


Well-Known Member
It would make sense that vegen animals waste (wabbits/deer/elk/moose, etc.) wouldn't be like feces, a composting taboo (in the West) . . . I do recall the Vietnamese using their pet crap in paddies (and on punji stick traps) but that was another world.


Well-Known Member
you need to look into making teas which is the best organics is a site that breaks it down for you this is where I order my compost, and tea from. the tea is the shit ...keep it simple compost tea brewing{ KIS} you are about to learn some shit,the real deal bra!

Well-Known Member
iam flowering and my lights dont come on til 11 pm well i need to cut a hole in the top of my room for a squirrel cage fan i just bought and i cant use a saw at night. so is it going to be very bad to go in and make the cut during the dark part of my cycle and let light in?