Attention growers!!!!

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Well-Known Member
HAHAAAA yep STONEY i said. fishing is a blast and i shall do da wikapedia thang too. thanx fer da info! i have an ugly stick btw. haha


Well-Known Member
awesome thread guys...really enough haterade in ya?
but did you know that plants WILL truely indeed flower under 18 hours of light?

Botanists usually divide plants into three categories relating to their preferred day length: short-day, long-day or day-neutral. Short-day plants, such as chrysanthemums, kalanchoe, azaleas and begonias, will thrive on less than 12 hours of light per day. In fact, these plants must usually go through a series of even shorter days before they will set buds and flower.
Long-day plants require at least 14 to 18 hours of light each day. Most vegetables and garden flowers are long-day plants, and when they don't receive enough light they get pale and leggy. Day-neutral plants, including foliage plants, geraniums, coleus and African violets, are usually satisfied with 8 to 12 hours of light all year-round.

Now most MJ strains will not produce mature trichomes (yellow, gold, amber) while under 18/6 but you will see white and partially cloudy trichs. Keep in mind you must be using the right spectrum of lights to induce the plants enzymes to fight off what it thinks is UV rays.

Please quit arguing and start helping a fellow grower out.
We're talking about cannabis plants here. And as i stated thousands of times cannabis (unless auto strain) will not flower under 18/6, it will however show its preflowers once it is sexually mature, however you will never get buds from using an 18/6 cycle.
Here is the thread of the guy who claimed it did lol..


Well-Known Member


HAHA, that's totally fucked up. We are here to share and learn from one another.


Well-Known Member
awesome thread guys...really enough haterade in ya?
but did you know that plants WILL truely indeed flower under 18 hours of light?

Botanists usually divide plants into three categories relating to their preferred day length: short-day, long-day or day-neutral. Short-day plants, such as chrysanthemums, kalanchoe, azaleas and begonias, will thrive on less than 12 hours of light per day. In fact, these plants must usually go through a series of even shorter days before they will set buds and flower.
Long-day plants require at least 14 to 18 hours of light each day. Most vegetables and garden flowers are long-day plants, and when they don't receive enough light they get pale and leggy. Day-neutral plants, including foliage plants, geraniums, coleus and African violets, are usually satisfied with 8 to 12 hours of light all year-round.

Now most MJ strains will not produce mature trichomes (yellow, gold, amber) while under 18/6 but you will see white and partially cloudy trichs. Keep in mind you must be using the right spectrum of lights to induce the plants enzymes to fight off what it thinks is UV rays.

Please quit arguing and start helping a fellow grower out.
I think this falls into the category of "Who cares". We are talking about cannabis and anyone who has ever grown a plant and gotten any bud off of it knows most strains will flower with 12/12 and not 18/6. Thanks for the info though.


Well all you can do here is state what you believe, have heard, and the results that you are getting. I don't believe that cannabis plants will flower/bud/fruit, whatever you wanna call it, until they are put under a 12/12 light cycle (excluding autoflowers of course). I believe this because this is what I've read in every cannabis growing book, website, forum; and because this is what has worked for me in the past.

I have however seen some weird things happen to plants before when they are on 24/0 light cycle and then are switched to a 14/10 light cycle. On some plants I've noticed that it will start to show it's sex like it does within a week of changing it to a 12/12 cycle, but then they quickly disappear and it keeps vegging. That has only happened on a couple of mutant plants and was in no way what i would call "flowering mode".

I think this thread is dead. Some people here are stupid, ignorant, just like causing trouble/arguments. I think any intelligent individual who reads these forums will realize what is accurate information or not, especially when pertaining to flowering light schedules.

thank you for the heads up tho by making this thread.


New Member
Sativa plants are usually found in tropical areas of the world, close to the equator, where the length of day and night is about the same all year round. It is therefore perfectly acceptable to grow tropical sativas under a light regime of 13/11 during vegetative growth and to flower them under 11/13 on/off. Sometimes sativas won’t even flower under 12/12 as it is so close to “home” that they just keep on growing. Sativas take longer to finish flowering than indicas, usually twice as long and sometimes even three times as long. Sativas are generally more tall and lanky than their indica counterparts. They have thin and modestly serrated leafs like in the picture above. Indica leafs on the other hand can be heavily serrated and both species can have very large leafs, sometimes several times larger than your hand.
The sativa buds are also different in appearance to the indica buds. Sativa buds sometimes resemble a fox-tail and are not as tightly packed as indica buds. Getting tight sativa buds really is an art form that requires some practice.
The Cannabis Indica subspecies on the other hand, has adapted to the colder climates and shorter days further up north from the equator. Most indica plants will remain in a vegetative state until the light regime is changed to 12/12, with some variation between strains. Some early maturing indica strains will flower under 18/6, lights on/off. Indicas have thicker and broader, more prominently serrated leafs than their sativa counter parts and the buds are usually more compact, sometimes even rock hard. They stay shorter and grow wider than sativas, often branching out heavily with frequent nodes (bud sites).

Sativa plants pack a more racy, cerebral and creative high compared the sedating, body stone effect that you get from smoking indica plants. The high can be very strong in both cases although the experience might be different. Some growers prefer the cerebral high but it can sometimes make you a bit paranoid and raise your pulse, so others prefer to get stoned because the experience is more gentle on the mind.

The third subspecies is Cannabis Ruderalis which originates from sativa plants that escaped from outdoor plantations in northern Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe. Because the day can be very long during parts of the year in these areas, reaching up to 24/0 in the summertime, the plants developed the unusual ability to flower under any light conditions.
Some commercial strains like Lowryder carry Ruderalis genes which means that they can be grown outdoors in arctic regions of the world since they will flower regardless of the photoperiod. They are also a valid choice for indoor grows where height is an issue, because these plants are cannabis dwarfs and only grow so big. There are mixed opinions regarding these auto-flowering plants but personally I find them to be an interesting addition to the spectrum of cannabis strains that are commercially available today.
It is more difficult to grow sativas because of the way they behave but once you learn how to grow them properly, growing indicas becomes a breeze. Indicas have a more predictable growth pattern, they can be kept quite low and do not stretch as much as sativas. The closer you get to a pure sativa, the more trouble you are looking at. Sativa plants also seem to have less distinction between the vegetative and flowering stage compared to indica plants, which means that they might continue growing in height even when the light schedule is reduced to 12/12. This also means that they are more difficult to control in the indoor environment. Often a good 50/50 mix will have the best of both worlds in terms of easiness and potency.



Well-Known Member
I think the point was MOST strains flower with 12/12. Almost all the strains you get from seed breeders are a hybrid of some sort and 12/12 is what does the trick. Yes it is true that some equatorial strains actually flower when given more light. But we are talking 99% of the strains people grow today. There are exceptions to every rule. I didn't see where anybody said "absolutely every strain on the planet needs 12/12 to flower". Let's speak in practical terms here. I've worked with early flowering strains before and not one of them ever flowered under 18/6. :peace:


Well-Known Member
thats what iv been trying to say Ludacris, that autoflowering strains flower regardless of light cycle but ALL other strains need a flowering light cycle - whether it be 12/12 11/13 13/11 10/14 etc etc. but never 18/6 because that is a vegetative light cycle.
You just contradicted everything that you were saying yesterday and have just proven me right.
Also iv received several messages from members saying that you like to start arguments with people even tho you are so obviously wrong.
And it is obvious by all the posts in this thread that you are a waste os space... like someone said before...
'You can take a fool to knowledge, but you cant make him think' - very very true in your case.


New Member
I think the point was MOST strains flower with 12/12. Almost all the strains you get from seed breeders are a hybrid of some sort and 12/12 is what does the trick. Yes it is true that some equatorial strains actually flower when given more light. But we are talking 99% of the strains people grow today. There are exceptions to every rule. I didn't see where anybody said "absolutely every strain on the planet needs 12/12 to flower". Let's speak in practical terms here. I've worked with early flowering strains before and not one of them ever flowered under 18/6. :peace:
just like i have stated doc my facts run true and everone should know this before banding bullshit about me and what i know.
doc i have no beef with you and dont want any trouble.
(stay cool).




New Member
thats what iv been trying to say Ludacris, that autoflowering strains flower regardless of light cycle but ALL other strains need a flowering light cycle - whether it be 12/12 11/13 13/11 10/14 etc etc. but never 18/6 because that is a vegetative light cycle.
You just contradicted everything that you were saying yesterday and have just proven me right.
Also iv received several messages from members saying that you like to start arguments with people even tho you are so obviously wrong.
And it is obvious by all the posts in this thread that you are a waste os space... like someone said before...
'You can take a fool to knowledge, but you cant make him think' - very very true in your case.
no you were proved WRONG.
and i did not contradict anything i told you and you lamely reported me.
then just like a cry baby you started this thread to attack me.
well it did not work.
and you did say you were not interested in helping newbies as they are stupid ?????.
now thats silly and a bit of a joke as i will help out newbies where i can without disrepecting them.
why not start a usefull thread without the personal attacks.
(so sad).



Well-Known Member
no you were proved WRONG.
and i did not contradict anything i told you and you lamely reported me.
then just like a cry baby you started this thread to attack me.
well it did not work.
and you did say you were not interested in helping newbies as they are stupid ?????.
now thats silly and a bit of a joke as i will help out newbies where i can without disrepecting them.
why not start a usefull thread without the personal attacks.
(so sad).


lol man u must be smokin some nice haze or sumfin because your trying to victimize yourself, never have i said anything bad about new growers.. also... is there any way i could block you?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lol i can also see that you thuggin n buggin aint u, your a real gangsta with those links in ur sig to snoop and dre.


New Member
lol man u must be smokin some nice haze or sumfin because your trying to victimize yourself, never have i said anything bad about new growers.. also... is there any way i could block you?:bigjoint:

you are the victim of embarrassment


Well-Known Member
just like i have stated doc my facts run true and everone should know this before banding bullshit about me and what i know.
doc i have no beef with you and dont want any trouble.
(stay cool).


I didn't think I was causing any trouble but O.K.??????
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