Attic or Basement

First off, I want to apologize....I ended up creating several threads pertaining to my grow setup instead of keeping it all in this one. I'm not trying to make folks work harder to follow my threads.....for some reason I thought that would be easier to follow breaking down the different issues into different threads. Anyways, my apologies if this has just made it more difficult for folks.

After some more exploring....measure....reading....I am now strongly leaning towards the attic after all. I resisted this due to the temp problems....however my basement is pretty wet and moldy, and I'd need to build another room down there to conceal my garden. Whereas my attic already has a room that I can commit to the process. It gets damn hot....but its dry, and secluded. Half my attic is finished and insulated, I'm thinking of insulating the other half, getting an air conditioner....and hopefully getting the temps down to a reasonable level. I see adding insulation as well..... Anyways, thanks to you all. If you have anything more to add, please feel free. Otherwise thank you all for sharing your knowledge with me.
Ha! Use both! Mom's n clones in the attic perpetual harvest SOG downstairs!

haha maybe thats not what you're lookin for but seriously why not. grow space is grow space just might have to put some extra work in makin the whole thing run smoothly
Hey Adamizer, yeah you do bring up some good points. And either space could be quite usable with a little tlc. Guess TLC=THC. Heh, anyways I really don't want to end up with much more herb than I can use. I'm growing for head stash for myself, my wife and maybe my father in law. Kinda scared of getting busted with too much. I live in NY where penalty is proportionate to weight rather than number of plants. Of course I seriously hope I don't get caught. Would REALLY suck.
I went down to the basement to measure....inspect....and plan and wow, it is really very VERY wet and moldy down there and I am doubting my ability to get it all clean and relatively sterile The more I think about it the more I am starting to lean towards the attic.

I saw a 12,000 btu portable air conditioner that I could pick up if I were to grow in the attic. Do you folks think this would be able to get the temps down to a reasonable level? Please note that my attic is currently uninsulated and it get very very hot up there currently. The other reason I am leaning towards the attic is that it is more remote than the basement. From attic to basement I have 4 floors, the bedrooms are on the level below the attic, then the main level one more beneath. Furthermore the attic is divided in half, one half finished, one half not. The entrance to the attic is from the finished side.

The unfinished (growroom side) is least 12X16 though the roof is sloped so I lose some vertical space towards the sides. There are two windows which I intend to block off. I'd prefer not to have a window air unit because of nosy neighbors.
So to summarize is this space workable? And if so what would it take? If I can use it then I would probably divide it is some way to partition off a veg room from a flower room.

My target yield is a qp/month on the low end. This is what I figure I would need to produce to keep me, my wife and father in law smoked up. A little more would be a little better I suppose. I don't see myself doing this commercially...but we do smoke a lot I suppose. Thank you sooo much for reading this and thanks for all your feedback. I have the money now and am ready to buy the equipment and am just trying to consider all of my options thoroughly before shelling out the cash.

One last question.....what kind of lights would you recommend this space given the heat issues and my target yield. Thanks again!!!!

Well, either way BLEACH will take care of the mold for sure. I just put 50/50 water to bleach in a spray bottle went to town on everything and then washed everything down with a rag mold simply dissapears. Either way you can use it in the basement or attic!
Well, either way BLEACH will take care of the mold for sure. I just put 50/50 water to bleach in a spray bottle went to town on everything and then washed everything down with a rag mold simply dissapears. Either way you can use it in the basement or attic!

Great idea stang! Yeah, I guess I'm not ready to buy my gear yet. Maybe I'll start sterilizing the basement and trying to set things up down there. The advice so far has been owerwhelmingly in favor of the basement. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll see what I can get done this weekend. Cheers!

basement next to the water heater use the pilot light exhaust for co2 it is easier to heat than cool.dehumidifiers for the room.cheaper than a/c...
Well my basement needs both dehumidification and A/C in the summer but it works fine, I also use bleach to wash walls, have had no trouble with mold or pests, touch wood!
Thanks for rockin' the knowledge Email468!

I'm going through preliminary stuff at the moment trying to get dialed in. I'm looking to make a small---VERY discreet room, growing 1-2 plants at a time (yielding ???) for personal, and no odor (wife's request). My neighborhood is very curious and the houses are built pretty close together so I need to minimize any attention, hence the odor request.

It's people like you that help people like me....Thanks!
Thanks for rockin' the knowledge Email468!

I'm going through preliminary stuff at the moment trying to get dialed in. I'm looking to make a small---VERY discreet room, growing 1-2 plants at a time (yielding ???) for personal, and no odor (wife's request). My neighborhood is very curious and the houses are built pretty close together so I need to minimize any attention, hence the odor request.

It's people like you that help people like me....Thanks!

glad i could help :joint: