attitude seed bank


Well-Known Member
Yea I looked at the gifts at 8:00 AM there time,2 hr's before it started LOL the gifts were gone before it started... that's OK, I want the Amsterdam trip anyway! Already got my bags packed :)


Active Member
hi have you guys had your tracking numbers etc for the birthday promo?? also i got on attitude at bang on 10:00 i brought a paid for my order it took through to sagepay where i paid i recieved an email from sagepay saying thank you for your purchase an thats i,t i have not recieved an email from tude to provide me with the tracking number an confirmation of my order, also when i log into my account an i look at my order history the order i placed says awaiting payment so i click the view button an theres my order just wondered do any of yours say still waiting for payment in your order history or did you recieve an email with your tracking id, i know they were busy an that an i have recieved an email from sagepay to say my payment has been sucsessfully processed with all my address etc jus a bit paronoid that something has messed up as the server kept going down , see when i payed an went back on the tude site they had a board up saying be back in 30mins due to increased traffic an i am paronoid that when i payed the server went down an now my payment been lost between sagepay an the tude if you get what i am saying, sagepay has given me id numbers for payment an the number of the cart i brought so do any of you guys account say still waiting for payment or did you recieve tracking id an confirmation email from the tude sorry for long winded write up


Well-Known Member
Like all 'Tude promos. You gotta strike fast and early. And for you conspiricy theorists, put you foil hats back on. You will feel better......


Active Member
yes see thats what i thought when i brought from there before i got tracking id straight away but this time it says awaiting payment, but i have payed through sagepay an recieved confirmation email from sagepay but nothing from the tude no email no tracking id on order status nothing i hate when this shit happens as said i was on there at 10 when it first started i got all the freebies etc in my order i gotta bad feeling bout this i have been to bank an money has come out so i dont know why does it have to be saturday i cant phone or nothing till monday now thanks for the replys


Active Member
The free gifts were gone before they were even supposed to start. I looked at like 4 am and they were already gone.
if you looked just after they got back on after they crashed the gifts came in stock, and they added all the others, i gott a little glass stash jar
peace thanks berry i hope it changes
It will mine changed this morning..I ordered all my order yesterday except for one..They were saying pending, I did one this morning and walla all were processing/packing on saturday youcan tell they are working today just dont want to tell people shhhhhh...I let out the secret lmao


Active Member
yeah just had a look now an it still says same
Your Orders
All the orders under this account are listed below:
Order No
(to enclose with payment)Tracking NumberStatusDate/TimeActioni jus deleted order number hereAwaiting PaymentMar 04 2011, 11:16 AMan this it said view
As you can see i ordered this morning ,last night and yesterday morning and all are packing processing...Hopefully all is well and since you got the sage payment confirmation you really dont have to worry.
Processing/Packing Mar 05 2011, 11:55 AM View
Processing/Packing Mar 05 2011, 00:08 AM View
Processing/Packing Mar 04 2011, 13:31 PM


Active Member
yeah see mine dont say that it says what i posted above awaiting payment etc when i click view there is nothing in there bar the seeds i ordered an it says payment type at bottom sage pay date an time the only thing i can click is the printable version tab thats it damn why does this happen to me


Active Member
As you can see i ordered this morning ,last night and yesterday morning and all are packing processing...Hopefully all is well and since you got the sage payment confirmation you really dont have to worry.
Processing/Packing Mar 05 2011, 11:55 AM View
Processing/Packing Mar 05 2011, 00:08 AM View
Processing/Packing Mar 04 2011, 13:31 PM
i hope so man yes sagepay has given me cart number from tude an another number to qoute for transaction so hopefully all is well an i have been left at the back for some reason
yeah see mine dont say that it says what i posted above awaiting payment etc when i click view there is nothing in there bar the seeds i ordered an it says payment type at bottom sage pay date an time the only thing i can click is the printable version tab thats it damn why does this happen to me
Trust me as long as you have the payment confirmation in your email you dont have to worry..Things are jacked up right now they have alot of orders to fill.If worst comes to worst call up monday morning early and get it settled which im sure will be no problem


Active Member
thanks widow i gave some rep for reasurance as said never happened before an i been reading a few threads that the tude has been scamming peoples cc details an using them at apple store etc you know how it is blaze one up start putting 2 an 2 together an i think i came out with a 100 peace widow thanks man much love uk love
I just repped you back and im sure you will be happy by monday...If not im sure a phone call will fix it no problem just save the confirmation number