Attitude Seeds (problems with sagepay)


Well-Known Member
Hey all my rollitup homies thought I would come on here and vent I have been using attitude seeds for years and have never had any serious problems aside from customs seizing my seeds 1 time witch they promptly reshipped (although when I tried to contact the attitude by email to replace my seized order they did not answer and I ended up having to get up at 5am to call them in the uk)but now I'm trying to place an order and everytime I put my information on sagepay and try to submit it attitude tells me my order failed I called the bank and they told me the issue was on the merchants end I'm kind of in a hurry to order these what the hell is going on? Is anybody else having issues like this lately? Should I contact sagepay about this or the attitude? (Also I'm using a Visa debit card)


Well-Known Member
I don't know what could be causing this. Chase says the problem is not on there end mabey visa has something to do with it. the attitude did say they were no longer accepting MasterCard becuase of there unwillingness to work with legal cannabis buisnesses.


Well-Known Member
Update: I was able to to place an order with them they are still accepting all Visa cards the issue seems to be with sagepay I just had to call them directly in the UK to place my order just half to work around the time difference


Well-Known Member
I always have to call chase and drop the "fraud attempt" put up by the order, gl. Or maybe you didnt click a certain terms of service?