Aurora Indica Scrog/Screen of Green journal with pics!

Yes I did......375 grams...or...13.39 oz That was wet weight after I trimmed up all the buds. As you can see in the pics there is quit a bit of stem still. I'll weigh it again after it drys a bit and I'll remove some of the stem. I just finished harvesting my Papaya plant as well I didn't weight her, but she looks bad ass as well! Different from the Aurora in both looks and smell making them easy to tell apart. Can't wait until I can tell which I like best! I but I get about 3/4 oz dry weight of the Papaya....Not sure about Aurora yet maybe 3 1/2 oz- 4 1/2. I'll be back soon and post some pics of the Papaya..


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Looks nice! Have fun =^D

Hahahahahha that's some funny shit. lol I would tell you that is was just some soil from cleaning out some plant pots... but then I would be fibbing! lol I cleaned the pic!
nice fuckin pics tho!! the buds look really really good!! u did a good job trimming too! they look great! it sucks tho... those big fat buds u have... are gonna shrink sooo much.. =( just warning you.. =(

My siamese twin bud i had was as big as my arm at one point... i even had a pic of it.. and then.. once it dried.. omg it fucking shrank soooo small!! cant wait to hear a smoke report!! and a final weight!! do u have a fan blowing in the box or around it??

be careful.. make sure not to have the fan blowing IN.. it made my buds dry in like 2 days... =/ sum were dry in 3 days. they were fine tho.. they werent harsh tho.. but im sure it woulda been better if they dried forlike 5-7 days.
Yea, I know about bud shrinkage! This is like my 3rd grow indoor, and I've grown outdoors for over 4 years now! lol I'm using the cardboard box only as a bud holder. The top of the box is open and It has vents at the bottom sides I cut in it. It is in a dark room at about 70 degrees and 47% humidity. I turn on a small fan once and a wile but it is not really necessary. I'm drying in my bathroom & I set my buds up to dry almost the same way as I always do, so I know I'm good! I'm going to wait the 3-5 days and then start to flower my four other plants Aurora Indica, Wonder women, Super Skunk, and Papaya in the bathroom. I also had 4 of my 18 Super Skunk clones show roots last night, so I'm off to a good start with them!
Hay all just a quick note....I put an Aurora clone out side 3-5 weeks ago to see if I could get her to bud, after 3 weeks and no sign of flowering I figured I would just keep her as a mother plant. Well I haven't checked on her in a week or two and i saw her today and she was 2 feet tall and had a bunch of flowers on her! So I decided to bring her in the house, put her in a 5 gallon pot, and flower her under my 400 watt HPS light! Should only take another month or so, so maybe I can beet the heat, and get one more indoor grow in! I'll try to post a pic tomorrow If i can sneak her in the house!
I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning, can't wait to hear what the dry weight is!!!! :D
LOL mee too! I'll take a weight today. I was planing on cutting the buds off the stems today anyway, and putting them in a paper bag, so when I do that I will post up the weight.
I just got back from the store, I bought 1lb of butter and a pack of cheesecloth. I'm going to wait until about 11pm and start to make cannabis-butter in a crock-pot in my room. Hopefully everyone will be sleeping so they don't smell it! lol
yeaa i was just gonna say the same thing.. cant wait to hear the dry weight!!

hey W-Scott... gonna need ur help buddy.. lol. im going to attemp my 1st oudoor grow!! =) already got the WW seed geminated. gonna plant it indoors 2day.. and let it grow for a couple weeks, adn then go out into the woods and plant that shit.. and if she does good. gonna plant a couple purple power seeds outside as well.

soo whats the least amount of time u can veg them indoors for b4 sticking them outdoors?? i was plannin on doing it for 2-3 weeks.. cuz u see how fast my WW's grow. lol. in 2 weeks she will be a beast!! and i wanted to know wether its better to just dig a big ass hole... and stick her right in the dirt (and loosen up the lower dirt in the hole so the roots and grow) or should I did a big hole... and fill the hole with the Miracle Grow Moisture Control "GARDEN SOIL"? i bought that on accident instead of the potting soil... but i htink i could use it for the outdoor plant. =) and it has nutes too... and will hold moisture pretty good.

juuuust wondering. adn when u plant them outdoors... how long do u usually leave them out there?? and how much do u yield? and what month do they start to flower in??

Sorry for all the questions man.. just happy that i have a friend that grows outdoors as well... and can help me out. =) and the fact that u live 30 min from me.. is great.. soo that way i know that it can be grown outdoors in this area. =)

I dont wanna take over ur thread or anything.. soo here's the link to my outdoor grow thread.. u can reply there if u want. =)
I just used my coffee grinder and ground up all my leaf trimmings. I got 31grams , to make butter with!! I'll take and post up a dry weight later!!
Aurora Indica dried weight was 115 grams ! I got her in a brown paper bag for a day or two then to the jars! Probily sneek a sample tonight!

Papaya dried weight was 12.5 grams ! I have her in a small cardboard box for a day or two then to the jar!

So I did get about or a little more than expected from the Aurora, and I got about what I expected from the Papaya.

To give a smoke report I will wait about another week or two so that it can have time to cure first!
very good yield buddy, as i said im scrogging in my next grow, gonna be top dawg in a homemade stelf cabinet. ill pm ya in a month or so when i start! i would rep ya but iv gotta pass the love abit before it will let me.
Roll on smoke report!
4 - 0's nice! imagine if you would have had 4 screens like that in your bathroom lol. Congrats on the great yield, that was just under a 400w right?
Yep, just under one 400watt HPS light! Definitely happy with the yield! Yea, I'll post up a link when I start a new journal. I just brought an Aurora Indica clone inside the house from outside, I put her outside about a month ago in my green house. I wanted to see if it would bud outside this early in the year. After three weeks and no sign of flowering I gave up and decided to make her a mother plant. When I went to cut a clone a few days ago I notices flowers everywhere! So I brought her in to finish her...I'll up load some pics in a few min....stand

She is 2 foot tall exactly, and its hard to see but she is in the flowering cycle! I'm thinking of topping her and making a clone out of it, what do you all think I should do?


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Nice lookin girl there, i love outdoor plants, they look so damn healthy and green. Id make a clone, why not? Ya i asked about the 400w, cause thats what im using on my screen thats similar in size but i think you vegged like a week or two longer then me, and im using CFL's too, so its a good comparison i think, and damn if i got 4 - o's of mine thatd be ridiculous. But i dont think i will, White Widow doesn't yield that much usually i think ( maybe im wrong :) ). Ya and please do post up the link for the new grow once you get it all started, you grow is a SCROGgers inspiration btw lol.
I'm going to start to make cannabis butter right now! I'll let you know what I did and how it comes out in the morning!
wow man.. nice yield!! see. i knew youd get at least a QP.. not bad.. a QP from one plant. =) im hopin i can get close to that with my WW plant. and good luck with the butter.. if possible.. u should post up[ a quick guide on how 2 do it. lol. cuz i wanna try makin sum once i harvest this plant. =) an dyeaaa, i cant wait for the new journal to start!! well.. im bout to take pics of the plants... chek'em out if you'd like.
Yep, just under one 400watt HPS light! Definitely happy with the yield! Yea, I'll post up a link when I start a new journal. I just brought an Aurora Indica clone inside the house from outside, I put her outside about a month ago in my green house. I wanted to see if it would bud outside this early in the year. After three weeks and no sign of flowering I gave up and decided to make her a mother plant. When I went to cut a clone a few days ago I notices flowers everywhere! So I brought her in to finish her...I'll up load some pics in a few min....stand

She is 2 foot tall exactly, and its hard to see but she is in the flowering cycle! I'm thinking of topping her and making a clone out of it, what do you all think I should do?

if you are going to clone this take a bottom side branch do not take the top. The tops are more risky and harder to clone plus at this stage it will cut your yield greatly to top it:)