Aurora Indica Scrog/Screen of Green journal with pics!

31 grams of sweet leaf, trimmings, and some small buds.

1 LB of Land O lake Butter.

6 cups of filtered water.

Crock pot.
Metal strainer.
1 pack of cheese cloth.
Wooden or plastic spoon.
Large mixing bowl.
Tupperware container.
Rubber gloves.

#1, I Started by pouring the 6 cups of water into the Crock pot and bringing it to a boil.

#2, I then lowered the heat to low and added the 1 Lb of Land O Lake butter.

#3, After the butter finished melting I added the 31 grams of ground up leaf trimmings and sweet leaf. I keep the crock pot on low (about 215* F) and every time the mixture began to boil I would stir it. Simmer for 3 hours!

#4, Get ready the strainer and cheese cloth, I used 4 layers.

#5, After the 3 hour simmer I turned off the crock pot and let it sit for 5 min.. Then I slowly pour the mixture from the crock pot into the cheesecloth into the large mixing bowl. After all the mixture has been poured through the cheese cloth, you can now ball up the cheese cloth and wring out the leaf matter ( be care full as it is very hot still).

#6, I then set up a new piece of cheese cloth and the strainer over the Tupperware container, and pour the contents of the large mixing bowl through the cheese cloth. Wring out the cheese cloth.

#7, Put a cover on the Tupperware container and put in fridge over night!

In the morning I checked it out and it looked perfect!

#8, I then removed all the solid butter with a spatula, and I placed the butter on a paper towel. After I patted the butter dry I put in in a smaller container and stored in the fridge.

That's it! It was that easy! I'm going to the store later to buy some cookie mix! I'm going to do some chocolate chip & some peanut butter cookies tonight! I'll let you know how it goes!:spew:


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nice, i cant wait to make my own butter, 31 grams huh? shit i already have like 25 grams of shake of like 10 differnt kinds of weed over the past month, ill keep saving and add that to my plant trimmings, i might do hash instead though. Let us know how those cookies turn out! and i hate how when you upload photos now they go all out of order and shit, i do like that i can upload like 25 pics at once though, only if the were order by file name it would same 15 min of rearranging pics lol.
nice, i cant wait to make my own butter, 31 grams huh? shit i already have like 25 grams of shake of like 10 differnt kinds of weed over the past month, ill keep saving and add that to my plant trimmings, i might do hash instead though. Let us know how those cookies turn out! and i hate how when you upload photos now they go all out of order and shit, i do like that i can upload like 25 pics at once though, only if the were order by file name it would same 15 min of rearranging pics lol.
Yea, the pic thing is fucked up... I did have them in order grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I did not even notice until you said I'm kind of pissed I wanted to show you what I did in order!

I did put one small piece of the butter in my mouth and it melted like a Hershey bar! I have to wait until tonight to bake some cookies because if I do it during the day everyone will want some! LOL I should give one or two to my mom's uptight Boyfriend who thinks weed is just as bad as crack! That would be funny shit, I would have to get that on video! Hahahahah
Yea, the pic thing is fucked up... I did have them in order grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I did not even notice until you said I'm kind of pissed I wanted to show you what I did in order!

I did put one small piece of the butter in my mouth and it melted like a Hershey bar! I have to wait until tonight to bake some cookies because if I do it during the day everyone will want some! LOL I should give one or two to my mom's uptight Boyfriend who thinks weed is just as bad as crack! That would be funny shit, I would have to get that on video! Hahahahah

lol sorry i had to be the one to point it out. Ive always wanted to do that, make some bomb cookies and give them to people that think weed is like meth or something, but then i start thinking, man i'd be pissed if someone gave me meth cookies lol. opps its 420 gata go!!
I'm trying to get a ride to Wal-Mart so I can get some cookie mix, and of course some yummy Milk to go with it! Hopefully I get a ride tonight....I need a few more Jars for curing lol I lost a little more weight last night from drying (I swear I didn't smoke any lol) , it's 100 grams now all in jars except for some I have in a Tupperware container! I'm smoking some tonight! I'll Let you all know how it goes!
aiight man.. enjoy those cookies and that weed. =) maybe if u get high enough.. you can just fly ur way to wal-mart... shit works for me all the time! =D lol. Just can never seem to make it back home... lol
This journal was great, I'm starting an AI grow right now in my closet, the SCROG idea is awesome, I'm gonna incorporate that into the grow. Thanks man, and great job!
Wow dudes, the cookies were great! A big hit, everybody like them! I'm going to bake two more batches tonight, but this time they are all for me, and one other buddy of mine who I'm surprising! I'm thinking some time in the future I would like to grind up like a 1/2 0z of good bud and make a 1/2 lb of butter with that! Then make some cookies!
The weed is great, even for not being cured enough yet , it still taste good ,and it is starting to smell more and more like bomb weed everyday! It gives you a very smooth tasty hit, and then you exhale and it leaves you gasping for a breath! Coughing weed with an intense high. Got me motivated to do laundry, and vacuum! And I was up till 2 am planting rooted clones I cut of Super Skunk (so far 11 out of 18 have rooted 1 died).Then today I woke up ate 2 cookies, drank a cup of coffee, and smoked a Aurora joint and went right outside to work in my yard! Great weed, awesome long lasting high! gotta go bbl
OK, I have begun to set up a new grow! It will be a scrOG, but this time I'm using my T5 4 foot 4 tube florescent light. I wanted to use 4 plants but I lost one so it will have to be three. One of each Aurora Indica, Papaya, Wonder Women! The scrOG itself will be twice as big as the last one to accommodate the 4 foot light! I'll post a link when I start a journal on Monday or Tuesday!
OK, I have begun to set up a new grow! It will be a scrOG, but this time I'm using my T5 4 foot 4 tube florescent light. I wanted to use 4 plants but I lost one so it will have to be three. One of each Aurora Indica, Papaya, Wonder Women! The scrOG itself will be twice as big as the last one to accommodate the 4 foot light! I'll post a link when I start a journal on Monday or Tuesday!

Dude I'm looking forward to it! I just read through this whole thread and got a lot of good info. I'm doing SOG right now, but I'm thinking about scrogging 2 bubbleponics 6-planters once I'm done with this one in a couple weeks. I'll definitely be looking to you for some help if that's cool!
OK, I have begun to set up a new grow! It will be a scrOG, but this time I'm using my T5 4 foot 4 tube florescent light. I wanted to use 4 plants but I lost one so it will have to be three. One of each Aurora Indica, Papaya, Wonder Women! The scrOG itself will be twice as big as the last one to accommodate the 4 foot light! I'll post a link when I start a journal on Monday or Tuesday!

thats watsup! cant wait to see the new journal!! now are the plants already under way?? like have u been bvegging them for a lil bit? or r u starting these from seeds/clones>

and i was just wondering too... u have any dry bud shots?? like maybe just a nice lil nug or 2?? lol. im curious as to what they look like now ll dried.
drrasta47, Cool dude. glad to have you along, and happy to help if I can!

Chb444220, Yes, the plants are already started and a little to big to put in the scrog! So I plan on cutting the tops off the plants off so they will fit, I'll explain it more in the new journal as soon as I start it. And yes I will post some dry bud shots later on today!

In my opinion the Aurora Indica is better than the Papaya! It looks, smells, taste, and gets me higher than the papaya. Papaya is good to don't get me wrong......LOL
drrasta47, Cool dude. glad to have you along, and happy to help if I can!

Chb444220, Yes, the plants are already started and a little to big to put in the scrog! So I plan on cutting the tops off the plants off so they will fit, I'll explain it more in the new journal as soon as I start it. And yes I will post some dry bud shots later on today!

In my opinion the Aurora Indica is better than the Papaya! It looks, smells, taste, and gets me higher than the papaya. Papaya is good to don't get me wrong......LOL

aiiight cooool cant wait to see the new plants!! and i was gonna ask u if u were doin a scrog again.. but i guess that answers my question.. lol.

and kk. cant wait to see teh dry bud shots either.. they end up lookin so different from when they are 1st cut (and full of moisture) and then after about a week or 2 of drying/curing.. and im just curious how they look now.

soo u changed ur mind about the papaya bein better than the aurora? lol. i remember at 1st u said u though the papaya was better. lol. well thats good tho.. since u have more aurora than u do papaya.

I just got back from the woods... was checking for another spot to grow my outdoor plants.. i went pretty far/deep out there.. its not really woods.. more like a field with woods on either side. its where they have the power lines.. but i found a couple new/better spots that im gonna grow at.. better than my other spot. its off of a main path.. soo i went to water them today... and i just get so paranoid ppl r gonna see me and be like wtf is he doing.. soo i cant ever take my time and relax while tryna do anything... =/ i just put a lil water in there adn walked away... but i wanna be able to take my time.. ya know wat i mean??

well cant wait for the pics and the new journal!!
Yea, you need to spread them out, put a few in different spots. Just in-case someone or some animals find it. That is what I'm attempting this year, three or four plants in a spot, then 20 yards away or something in another location. I like to put out at least ten to fifteen plants minimum this year, if I can find enough spots. LOL Be back later with bud pics!
Yea, you need to spread them out, put a few in different spots. Just in-case someone or some animals find it. That is what I'm attempting this year, three or four plants in a spot, then 20 yards away or something in another location. I like to put out at least ten to fifteen plants minimum this year, if I can find enough spots. LOL Be back later with bud pics!

BUD PICS BUD PICS BUD PICS...that AI is too fucking beautiful lol I can't wait
I vegged for 4 weeks then decided to scrog it, then I vegged for another 3 week making it a total of 7 weeks. But it would have not taking that long if I knew I was going to scrog to begin with. Pics coming soon taking then now!!
Ok, here are a few pics of some dry buds along with a link to my you tube video also of my dry buds! Its kind of dumb lol I ate four cannabis cookies and smoked three joints today so I was flying high when I made it the video! I still am :dunce:LOL
This last batch of cookies I just made are real potent, I added more butter to the cookies mix than I did last time, and I made bigger cookies! A real tingly body high, I almost feel like I'm floating!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

link to the video!


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