Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?


Well-Known Member
I had every intention of making an update for today but, unfortunately, Life tends to happen sometimes and all those plans go to pot. Well yesterday was one of those days, and while Johnnie is still doing just fine, I am just unable to tell you about the 8th day of flowering. She stil hasn't shown sex yet, but I am intensely hopeful that she is a girl... I tried my hand at beginning another herb garden, but this time in my room. I also organized some things and made a lot of room for maneuvering and it will make adjusting this plant for the next month or so extremely convenient. Today is not your average day so I will make an update, but it will be several hours after the usual time. I have been letting the soil get a bit drier than usual between waterings and I am certain that I will come home to a droopy plant, but that was the point. I want those roots to use every bit of that soil because I will NOT be transplanting again even though I predict this plant will become a beast within 40 days. Take care!


Well-Known Member
I with all my plans went to pot. lol

You started another grow area? Ha ha.. Someone's an addict!

Still no signs of sex?? You sure you got Johnny on 12/12?? LOL jk.

When do we get updated pics of the nodes!


Well-Known Member
Oh no! HAHAHA Herb garden like culinary herbs and other medicinals and aromatics. Damn! There is just no explaining it!!!! Weed is all three of those! I have Sage, Lavender, Basil and Tarragon along with like 3 pots with some kind of bulb flower (Can't remember the name but it is blue, fragrant and just really mellow looking... Tomorrow I'll scan the insert.) all from the store the other day. My way of adding spiritual nourishment to my daily routine. Well I haven't checked the plant yet, but I would assume it is pretty droopy and it will be getting only my freshest aged tap water today for my thirsty girl! Just to let you know that if I ever see some vag on that plant, it will be a drop everything and show the world emergency... You guys will prolly know just as soon as I do.

Veg-20 days Flower-9 days
Water will be given today just until I see water come from the bottom and after 45 minutes I will repeat the process. I will not be adding nutes to the water because I added pelletized chicken manure to the soil at transplant and so I will skip ferts for this watering and will continue the watering after that. I also plant to retrain that impudent meristem... It just keeps getting taller and taller and it is fitting right into my plan. :twisted:
Soon, it will be coiled most of the way around the rim of the pot and my wreath of buds scheme will be nearly complete. Why do I kinda feel like the emperor from Star Wars?

I think that this particular plant is the kind of plant that anyone would want to grow! It handles my fascist style of LST without too much of a problem. A few times I was a little less than gentle as I get the branches to my will, but I never beat her, Officer! It has grown so much in such a short amount of time and it is so forgiving of mistakes and abuse. From near decapitation at cloning to nearly ripping a branch off at my first LST, it has just done marvelously! Musta been the piss...

Well, here are a set of about 15 pics... I took a page from one of your posts and took the best examples of my current stash that my camera can afford. As you can see, it leaves much to be desired, what with all the immature seeds and all the skuffing that was done before it even got to me... I am thinking that my current project will get me a quality that would put my current supplier to shame. Well, That is all the time I have to brag for today, but you will see some pics from today, up tomorrow.

Take Care!



Well-Known Member
Your posts are so comical.. Very exciting!

Cant believe 9 days in flower and no signs at all. Is the plant growing a lot more during it's longer nights??

Im so glad you put how many days VEG and how many days FLOWER on each entry. Makes it SO much easier. ha

Its still looking really good and healthy.

And Im still laughing at the "it will be getting only my freshest aged tap water"


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I have made a little update for today. I went in and touched the tarp and it felt noticeably warm. So I threw up the tarp and what did I find, a droopy little plant in need of water. The extra 42w bulb I added must have hiked it up that much more! I pulled the plant out and hastily grabbed some foil ducting and reworked the whole ventilation issue. Instead of the tarp just blocking light, it is also being used as a funnel to focus the gust from the fan just past the array of lights and into the tubing just above them, then to the top of the closet... It wil be a pain to setup everyday and a risk for light leaks both ways, but what can you do?

I really have focused all of my serious attention onto Johnnie. As a result there are a slowly growing double row of secondary shoots that are all growing at the exact same speed all down the length of her 8" stem. There are about 16 that I can count (not all in this pic) and it is looking like all of them could be colas.


What would I do with a surprise harvest of 8 ounces? I would cure 2 ounces to use for smoking the other 6 would be cured to make tinctures so that I could enjoy a mighty high every day and not cook my lungs so quickly. Seem Like a good plan?

Here is the prison of light that my plant is confined to when not being photographed


So now that I have the temps down and the plant watered, I should start seeing this fantastic growth that I have come to expect from Aurora Indica. Here is a pic of the canopy beneath the lights. It does well to show how every bit of the pot is being coverd by green.


Here is a pic of my meristem again with its 6-point restraints.... No seriously! Count them... 6! Told you! ...impudent....


And this last one is just a sad image of droopy, droopiness. I was pleased to noticed that they are only droopy and not wilted or withered looking. Those would have meant that the temps were literally cooking the life out of my plant!



Well-Known Member
Well Happy Halloween everyone! I couldn't even check on my babies yesterday because of my having a 4 hour training module at work, directly after clinical. A blessing is that we have til monday to turn in our assessment paperwork and we have a late-start day today. I got to come in and check and see that after 20 days of veg and 11 days of flower, this plant is seriously trying to show me some of that sweet snooch! There are stipules that look like pistils and there are new nodes coming in that look like pistils want to pop right out of it. I am sure that there will be some showing in the next 3 days assuming I don't get these horrendous light leaks. Each time I open my grow area, I have to rebuild my light barrier. I think I can do that for about another month and 10 days! I have some pics but they will have to wait because I have to be up and out in the next 6 minutes. I noticed that one of my 42w lights descended onto one of the older fan leaves and onto one of the newer fan leaves that are just getting some size. I am not expecting any lasting damage, but it sure looks like I abused this behemoth. I have used a small bar to tie down the meristem to the height of the pot's edge... TONS of new little thingies are just waiting for a chance in the light and now they have it! I have noticed that when I get in really close I see all of the elements of a canopy that need to be brought down a bit until I can see the stem and some of the soil beneath it, but then a couple of days of growth later, the growth makes it look like I did nothing. I would never have gotten this much growth without LST!


Well-Known Member
Well, I have only about 10 pics of today's findings and so I will just send them on up and let you have a look! There is one rather distressing picture of the light burns. The silver bar in the last picture has the meristem pinned down beneath it and you can see all that action waiting to happen...



Well-Known Member
Ive gotten a few light burns lately too. With everything all jerry rigged in my box until I get my cooltube, shit has been getting fucked up. Not to mention all of the stress #3 got during the 'no water' phase and.... let me tell you, my plants are lookin' hellish.

Man, your plant just doesnt want to show sex!! Maybe its not a weed plant!! haha


Well-Known Member
lol It was bound to happen... Here I am thinking I get a steady supply of herb and all I can get my hands on is a VERY convincing hoax! I could make millions with my slowly growing plastic pot plant! .....It's just turning lemons into lemonade, man! LOL


Well-Known Member
nah, its real man... But I do have a question!

Okay, so strains say shit like "Flower from 8-10 weeks" or WHATEVER right?

Well, lets say yours is 8-10...

Are you going to flower 8-10 from the day you dropped into 12/12 ... or from the day you see sex?

Or just flower until your trichs are where you want them?


Well-Known Member
I am going 8-10 weeks from when I set them to 12/12. I reckon an even better pla is to go losely by the weeks and fine tune your harvest time by trich coloring, but that is just what it seems like from all the harvest articles I've seen. Oh and AI is 7/8 weeks... I will be using the hash that I put together from my old kief, tonight! Wish me luck cause I am gonna use a full bowl as the carrier!


Well-Known Member
Well I had some time to kill because I had to go in to work and then got sent home after about only 30 minutes of work. I did some needed training and got some fan leaves to get out of the way and let these new nodes get some light and some height! The small one with the yellowing leaves is the clone that survived. There is some very definite growth and the new leaves are looking pretty fit! Believe it or not, this was the smaller and more stringy of the two clones... I had assumed this one wouldn't make it and so I find I was totally wrong! It has been out from under the mist hood abotu 6 dys ago and it is still holding strong where the other couldn't. Glad that I have another Johnnie to keep me company...

The herbs that are close to the CFL are sprouting now... There isn't much heat made by these CFL's but when the onyl sprouts are just beneath the only source of heat in the area, you start to think! lol

These pics I took are of the training I did and some of the results are quite satisfying! When high, looking at all those secondary nodes makes me feel like I'm looking down at a rain forest! Lot of little up and comers all in a row! Please let this be a girl... 20 Days in veg and 12 in flower and not a single sign of sex... and I've been looking!

Well I gotta head to work... Take Care.



Well-Known Member
So I have been looking for some sex while also... Dirty minds out of the gutter please!

Anyho I have been preoccupied with just finding out if Johnnie is a Johnny or not... I have been so busy with our final phase of nursing courses.... I so totally passed my final today and what do I come home to find??? Well you cats remember when I told you I would drop everything and rejoice at the sight of pistils? Well there is a blazing path from my grow area to this computer!

I've Got Vag! It's a gir! The pistils are too small for me to get on the camera, but in a day or so I will show them to you all! I looked around for balls as well as pistils, but I couldn't find any, so the abuse I have done to her was all forgiven. Let it be known, that at after Day 20 of Veg and 14 Days in Flower, I have a proven girl and a clone ready to make some more girls at a later date!

Well, I have a celebratory smoke... well I have two smokes that will just have to go into one... I just looked at the grade on my Med/Surg Final and I totally passed! And they say that weed makes you do poorly in school....


Well-Known Member
so i have been looking for some sex while also... Dirty minds out of the gutter please!

Anyho i have been preoccupied with just finding out if johnnie is a johnny or not... I have been so busy with our final phase of nursing courses.... I so totally passed my final today and what do i come home to find??? Well you cats remember when i told you i would drop everything and rejoice at the sight of pistils? Well there is a blazing path from my grow area to this computer!

I've got vag! It's a gir! The pistils are too small for me to get on the camera, but in a day or so i will show them to you all! I looked around for balls as well as pistils, but i couldn't find any, so the abuse i have done to her was all forgiven. Let it be known, that at after day 20 of veg and 14 days in flower, i have a proven girl and a clone ready to make some more girls at a later date!

Well, i have a celebratory smoke... Well i have two smokes that will just have to go into one... I just looked at the grade on my med/surg final and i totally passed! And they say that weed makes you do poorly in school....

fuck yeah!!!! Congrats hackelsaw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you! If they will now just multiply obscenely all over the plant. It has got me wondering, with a flower time of 50 days where 14 of those days were spent producing the first of what should be thousands of pistils, what will my yield be? Just the next something to wonder about.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! If they will now just multiply obscenely all over the plant. It has got me wondering, with a flower time of 50 days where 14 of those days were spent producing the first of what should be thousands of pistils, what will my yield be? Just the next something to wonder about.

you dont count the days that you were sexing........
the day you saw pistils is the first day of flower.....