Aussie CFL Grow


Active Member
Fellow Stoners

Thought I'd post some pics of my ladies, in case anyone has any thoughts/suggestions. This is my 2nd CFL grow - the first one was kind of fucked, but due to own stupidity. Normally do guerilla grows or backyard.

2x Arjans Haze #2 Fem
1x Pure Gold Fem (attitude freebies)
2x Power Skunk (attitude freebies)
1x White Widow (4 weeks into flower)

Apart from WW, They are 21 days into veg. I think 1 of the free PS is a dude though. I'm suprised my ladies are alive still. Went away for 3 days and came back to broken extractor fans and 50C/120F temps, they all seriously looked like melted plastic, but seem to have come back. They also looking a bit thinner now due to cutting clones.

Am thinking of experimenting with reverting the WW to 18/6 now it won't go back to veg, someone told me they mature slower and will increase weight. Could be bullshit though. Anyone heard this?

Bong on.



Active Member
Cheers man, hoping to get some awesome smoke off them, but a bit nervous about getting busted. Where I am they pretty much dont give a shit if you grow up to 2 plants outside - i think you have to go to a course about why drugs are bad or something, and not get a crim record. Anything more complex and your screwed. Which is why I don't normally grow big at home.

For anyone interesting in technicalities...

Its about 6ft x 4ft area. Lighting is
6 of these 48W:
Will swap for the 3000K when flowering
4 of these 6700K jobs: (37W EX-D-X)
4 of these aquarium lamps:
(37W BR-HG for veg)
I also have 4 of the BR (more red spectrum) which I'll swap the 6700K lights for when flowering