Aussie Growers Thread

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
lol still an expensive bloody spill, tried to suck up as much as i could with the syringe lol. fucking stupid plastic cap is a pain in the ass to get on and off.

I think i've been very lucky i've only had a tiny infestation of fungus gnats to deal with early on and nothing since, ever since i've been watching like a hawk for any other bugs. been great since i added the beneficial nematodes to the soil, also pretty anal about keeping the grow room clean.
I find it hard to believe I got o bugs n shit with my tent autos soil grown hand watered and every day I go to work I open the tent door to air out etc cos I got no humidifier etc
Bogan style is working for me but only cos it's a T5 im guessing

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
My 1 m sqr tent seems to be a bit cool with the temp sitting at 22-23, iv had the idea of putting another 400w in tent, iv already got a 600 in there and when I put a fan in with just 600 the temp was sat at 18-19c, so if I put the 400 in with fan blowing between the light and top of plants do you think the temp would go to high or be about right, I just think the temps bit low, any advise guys ?
that temps fine. In fact its about perfect.

A tent that size a 600w (if its a true 600w) is fine to. Id use the 400 for veg and the 600 for flower to save some lectricity cost.
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Well-Known Member
There's a few things that dictate internal grow space temps. The main ones are the ambient temps of the room you're growing in, the heat generated by all your hardware. And what venting/circulation you've got in place.

Warm air has to go somewhere. Otherwise it builds up outside the grow space. Which in turn can further rais the internal temperature if not removed some how.

Also. I'm not sure you need 1000w in a tent that size. As long as the light covers that floor space evenly. I think you may have enough wattage with just the 400w light.

*correct me if im wrong peeps*
I'm a believer of more light is always good but nugs is right,in a 1m square the tent even 2 400 Watters is too much. In a 1x1x1.8 area the max recommended is 648 watts.


Well-Known Member
Yh mine is at 22-23 in tent but out of tent it's bout 13c, iv just been thinking now you said that if I heat the room the tent is in will that highen the temp into tent?, I don't know because the tent will be so cool because the tent has a direct inlet from outside so it's all the really cold air from outside straight into tent, or if I restrict the air flow from outside would that then gain heat
22-23 degrees is a pretty good temp with lights on just try not to have more than a 4 degree temp differential between lights on and lights off temps


Well-Known Member
lol still an expensive bloody spill, tried to suck up as much as i could with the syringe lol. fucking stupid plastic cap is a pain in the ass to get on and off.

I think i've been very lucky i've only had a tiny infestation of fungus gnats to deal with early on and nothing since, ever since i've been watching like a hawk for any other bugs. been great since i added the beneficial nematodes to the soil, also pretty anal about keeping the grow room clean.
Fuck I feel your pain man those fucking stupid caps


Well-Known Member
Ive been looking at thseeds. They look like quality plants, big nugs and nice colour. Preety much there whole line up looks good
If you find the right MK Ultra your onto a winner aswell. The Hog I had was just o.k but if you like your Sativas the Sage lines have some really nice ones amongst them,really different to most other sativa lines and have a great frame for outside.


Well-Known Member
Lol I just want the whole plant to put outdoor this year
If its a male and you do breeding is be down for a few beans but with a structure like that im calling it a fem as most of you would
I wouldn't be game to do it outdoors here Ive given up running affie Dom strains Ive had too many mould on me. Definitely looks like a female, I find males get a really ribbed thick stem you ever noticed that ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I've found they have smaller leaves, taller seedlings, and them really defined ribbed stems
For sure those vigorous males are a real trap the older guys here used to use those for making seed and I think that's why a lot of their stuff has gone downhill,it's a bit of a hemp throwback I think. Early flowering super vigorous males are the first ones that are getting culled this year for me