Aussie Growers Thread

Thought that might have been the case.. I wasnt saying it wasnt nice - it definately was.. But i recognised the mistake as it was 1 i also made wen i started indoors.. Thought i was over fert n backed right off til a mate come over n corrected me.. That the plant was screaming for more fuel for the fire.
sorry ive become a bit paranoid these days,na just jokes.can someone tell me is it cool to give ya girls 24 hour light?
Can someone tell me is it cool to give ya girls 24 hour light?

It is, but they really dont benefit from it more-so than they do 18hrs of light. it stresses them less, gives them a dark period to grow, and saves ur electricity costs $$.
You can take Clones wen ur plant hits about the 6 week mark.. Firstly make sure it is a good strain b4 u commit to it, but a good sign that a plant is mature and able to give a good clone is when it grows alternating Nodes.

You can grow it up & take a clone and flower that, but u can also c if a plant will be a good yielder judging by the veg..
Who was giving u angst?
i took my clones in about week 3.

ok so my seeds are sitting at he post office they tried to deliver them to my mates and he was't home they left a card whats the go does he just go an pick them up cause i put them in a random name
Did you get them sent registered post..? oh dear..... I think you could tell your friend to pretend that person is their cus or someone close that isn't around to pick it up..?
yeah i rang the post office i used a chicks name they said anyone who can prove they live at the house can pick it up so i'll just get my mate to do it say is her bf lol

if i order seeds again i won't get them sent registered lol
oh dude lol where did you order them from? i can't think of a place that would be silly enough to send such an item registered

so the verdict is in, treatment was too late and i just lost a propogator full of ww and super silver haze to fungus.
kmoo i have lost heaps of seeds to watering too much when they young, they damp off and die little fuckers lost a pkt of bubble gummer and g force to it when i forst ordered beans. a few weeks ago I chucked a seed in a small dixie cup and have watered it once in near 2 and a half weeks. try water heaps less and open your vents on your prop lid. should give u the results u need, let the little fucker dry out til she 's near drooping. well not quiet that much but yeah u know what i mean. azz