Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I spent the day drinking beer and rubbing back and beating a rear corner of a old ute. We got it pretty good in the end. Shed is FULL of bog and paint as usual the more work you do the more problems seem to pop up.
Had awesome pancakes for breakfast- Mango in pineapple sauce and whipped cream. Missus did well I must say.

First smoke report from the first sell. This is a 40 year old who smokes an ozzy a week and has done for ages. "One of the best smokes ive ever had, and the best in a long while,". I'm really happy with that especially when it didn't get much of a cure.
Same here I've had a few great smoke reports over the last couple of weeks. Its nice to know people appreciate your work.


Well-Known Member
Couple questions for yas. Could a vert- or partial vert grow improve my over all yields in that big cab. Or do I need something like a minimum of a 4x4 area for that?20171112_203203.jpg


Well-Known Member
Couple questions for yas. Could a vert- or partial vert grow improve my over all yields in that big cab. Or do I need something like a minimum of a 4x4 area for that?View attachment 4041862
I have seen something similar to a vert done in a small cab but it grew up the side from the bottom. A bit like scrog but it went up the walls. Like a big cup of ganja plant with a single 150w cfl in the centre


Well-Known Member
Just dicking around with the mesh and such. The light his the wall a good foot and a bit above the sog screen height.

Originally I was going to keep that section of the side to veg clones in. Then it became the second grow space. Now it's storage.

And now I'm thinking of taking the center wall out to improve the area. But if I'm doing that. I may as well see just how much extra I can get. Utilising those side walls a bit if I can.