Aussie Growers Thread

My back hurts..Just finished trimming the Northern lights. Even made sure there was no large stems so Giggs wont be upset.

I hate trimming, prick of a job. Did I say my back hurts?

O..and I found one seed. Will this seed be a fem? The seeds the plants were grown from were fems. I'm thinking not but its worth asking the Q
should be fem if theres no lads about
the way i feel to day charles manson wouldent make the consideration list for crazy fuken anxiety getting me good today lol fuck fuck mother fucker
What up gigz?
i cant stop thinking about having kids n diffrent shet like meeting a girl n that but fuck no chiks ever do if thay did thay fucken celbrate that day for the rest of there lifes man plus just geanral anxiety adhd shit normely
I have things that i do but there not working and no this isent a masterbation but there not working i feel like if i can find the right song amd listen to it ill be cool i just really wanna meet more girls but fuck all the good ones are taken