Aussie Growers Thread

Well unless it's a coincidence. Or I'm severely under educated on the matter. I'm led to belive my eldest nephew's mental conditions are a result of his idiot mother taking Datura while pregnant. And the second eldest has faint but similar issues. Once again for the same thing.
You a fan of daytura ? Or just not a fan of D.M.T ?
I liked daytura but I was going thru a messed up time at 15 and it worked for me the 3 or 4 times I had it...
Never had dmt but watched over a mate a few times who used to hit string doses but trusted me to spot for him.
After a while he started acting all strange when he wasnt on it and that was enough for me not to try it
Who pitches a tent an their double bed to sleep on and a week after his last strong dose
That’s the problem with all natural hallucinogens,figuring out the purity and dose that’s why I’ve always preferred to take L.S.D. If you can get a good source it’s very clean and clear and very little come down if it’s well made
That’s the problem with all natural hallucinogens,figuring out the purity and dose that’s why I’ve always preferred to take L.S.D. If you can get a good source it’s very clean and clear and very little come down if it’s well made
My favourites ...only got worried when after a gd 3 yrs dropping lsd when i was driving and the white posts on side of road were all leaning different ways.
Kinda like a flashback ....
I used to really like the gold nikes,purple Buddha's and Smurf trips
Used to score a sheet of Buddha's for only $150 at one stage
Could make 7x that back and trip free a dozen times
So I'm thinking I dodged a raid touchwood ...wont be hauling my goodies back home for a while yet to be sure.
2 girls outside are going along ok but def my slowest start to a season in 5 yrs...
Lost all the seedlings including the 2 gmks.....fuck
Gotchya there and I think u would succeed if small dose then gradually stronger slowly till u find it
And doing it in the right settings,there’s some good mushroom shamen in Mexico that can “lead” your trip in the right direction. Ayahuasca can be very life changing done in the right way but that’s one that I can’t see myself doing it looks pretty heavy
So I'm thinking I dodged a raid touchwood ...wont be hauling my goodies back home for a while yet to be sure.
2 girls outside are going along ok but def my slowest start to a season in 5 yrs...
Lost all the seedlings including the 2 gmks.....fuck
Weather look like improving any time soon ?