Aussie Growers Thread

whay cant u pommy dogs stay out of other peoples buisness lol u need a fake accou t to troll not even man enough to use ur proper ones u wanna talk about spelling all of u cunts exept the posh cunts fuck up the english lenguege more than we do atleast when we speak people understand us u fuken chav cunt
red lines, bro...
lol pommy prisons are a joke fuke love watchen em bitch about how thay get treated then u find out tjere in there for robbing an old lady or some shit use are a fuken joke no wonder use lost to tje americans use all just stand there in neat little rows getting picked of while tje yanks wjere atleast smart enough 2 use geurilla warfare lol dumb asses
Thought id chuck ya a few likes bro ya be trying i give ya props....
Nah fuck him.
I was prob gonna give him props for trying to but he called someone a regard.
Call them a cunt or a whore but once retard is used it shows a cruel daughter is autistic seen that word used to often the last resulting in me getting an assault charge.