Aussie Growers Thread

3rd longneck ?
Fuck gigs I need 8 or 9 just to think about it....bkers dozen and is just do it no questions asked
lol only had 50 and i needed smokes i was have a fucked day im drinking on an emty stomach im only a little tips tho its wierd sometimes i dring a bottle rum and barely get past tipsy other times i haave a couple and im pissed lol
You better be drinking it out of a brown paper bag
lol na im at home all tho havent got any coolers or whatever there called so a paper bag would probly keep it colder longer im gunna start making my own grog to sell fuck it may as well make a bit of casg on the side
20180116_194009.jpg 20180116_194107.jpg what use rekon i think where im at most of the heat has passed i rekon at nigh ittsl be sweet im tempted to add another led i like these viperspectras so far for tje price there good tjat put out fuk all heat might get a bigger out take and get that hole in tje floor cut out what tool would i need and can it be bougt for cheap have some goof ventalation use the 5 inch i all ready have as intake but tje upside being the air will be fressher and iv i flower it at night n sutch took these before i feed the 2 smaller ones have been recemtly topped
without sounding like a fuckwit you ever wanna travel outta your state ill put you up in my second little home...right on the beach for free
oh..and we will get on it the first night then you will need the rest of the week to recover lol
ill defenetly be coming to see u bro ill start saving and fyi i dont get hungover so you will need tje rest of the week to recover lol
what use think looking at tje pics i cant figer out how indica or sativa thay look man the smaller ones look more stretched to me witch is a decribed phenotyp on seedfinder then theres the bushy mother fucker but i toped that but even so it was still bushy bevore
View attachment 4073894 View attachment 4073895 what use rekon i think where im at most of the heat has passed i rekon at nigh ittsl be sweet im tempted to add another led i like these viperspectras so far for tje price there good tjat put out fuk all heat might get a bigger out take and get that hole in tje floor cut out what tool would i need and can it be bougt for cheap have some goof ventalation use the 5 inch i all ready have as intake but tje upside being the air will be fressher and iv i flower it at night n sutch took these before i feed the 2 smaller ones have been recemtly topped
I recon if it keeps goin like this gigz u'll have a nice harvest buddy...
Have ya worked out how much stretch the strain has got mate.. Im interested to see the stretch on it hope ya got head room hehe... looks like she gonna LED bush out tho which is prob better for ya...