Aussie Growers Thread

The sour will break through the mesh tomorrow so hopefully can get a nice carpet of buds going soon...
I mayy even go for two scrog layers next yr one at 1.4m one at 1.8m ...if I can assure enough airflow
My scrog is adj in my flower tent i push everything down untill the lowers are with em then i just raise the scrog about an inch or so a day then let her fight it during stretch abit they fill nice that way ive found and i didnt need the second net no more....
thats cool iv never heard of thise nues before i like tjat its suitable for all mediams do u have 2 ph it ?
Nope that’s the part I like most lol. No A+B and self ph’ing. I actually haven’t checked the ph throughout this entire grow lol. Oops. I probably wouldn’t recommend doing that tho, self-ph’ing or not. I’ve just been lucky with any issues I guess. Otherwise I would have checked it.
Nope that’s the part I like most lol. No A+B and self ph’ing. I actually haven’t checked the ph throughout this entire grow lol. Oops. I probably wouldn’t recommend doing that tho, self-ph’ing or not. I’ve just been lucky with any issues I guess. Otherwise I would have checked it.
lol no ph im sold id actuely i rekon i could get away without phing ever sinve iv been adding tje humic and fulvic suplement it works out 2 be 6.1 i find phig is really easy now the hard part seems 2 be evenly watering tje mediem lol ill be surprised if i make it a week after gettin my flowering nutes sk tempted 2 flip