Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
And eventually i want to get a 2x2 tent or 2.4x1.2 but this was the only one i could sort before heading back up .. the plan is to run a diy c02 set up and if its too much I will dim the lumatek down a bit


Well-Known Member
man im kinda streesing here im hoping once i fix the watering issui amd also feed it a lower ec then hopefully it shows me some sign of its doing better i feel its putti g on a bit more frost and ist stinkier idk fuck im just gunna keep on feeding it but ipl add a couple mills of tje base un till its around what tje ec should be for this stage i think im just stressen over nothi g tje plant def ain 100 perce t but i rekon ill make it 2 harvest im probly just being a bit paranoid or think the out come will be worse then it is im hoping tjats it tho lol


Well-Known Member
man im kinda streesing here im hoping once i fix the watering issui amd also feed it a lower ec then hopefully it shows me some sign of its doing better i feel its putti g on a bit more frost and ist stinkier idk fuck im just gunna keep on feeding it but ipl add a couple mills of tje base un till its around what tje ec should be for this stage i think im just stressen over nothi g tje plant def ain 100 perce t but i rekon ill make it 2 harvest im probly just being a bit paranoid or think the out come will be worse then it is im hoping tjats it tho lol
Is it in soil or hydros ?


Well-Known Member
im in coco bro seedsman white widow there is so e burni g bit those leaves where pretty mutch touching the light my thoughts are moving to dpfast n i can think stright rn but tjere was some lower down leaves that looked to hca the same thing altho thae ones i know 2 def be light burn were bleached in pkaces where this one i think is legit bjrn some of the lowers ae darker and a bit of tip burn i was gunna add somthing else bit i forgot god dam it


Well-Known Member
iv seen plants on here that ended up harvested that looked waaaaaaaay kore fuked then mine but i now 99 times out of 100 im wrong soo all i can do is feed it waeker strength and if it getts better keep it there shot if i can atleast get wone decent sized nug properly dried n cured then ill be happy