Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
snapper (not too big though) done right is definitely in my top 3. backing it up with whiting and squid sounds fuckin good. Most of the decent fillets around here are bream and flatties and I eat too much of that to get excited about it these days. going to need to have a proper trip out to the shelf before the southerly swells kick in and get some big boys
Are these snapper too big Lol
Still taste good smoked


ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
snapper (not too big though) done right is definitely in my top 3. backing it up with whiting and squid sounds fuckin good. Most of the decent fillets around here are bream and flatties and I eat too much of that to get excited about it these days. going to need to have a proper trip out to the shelf before the southerly swells kick in and get some big boys
These are just a couple of nice wat I would call bigger than pan size..just right to cut small fat chunks off and crumb
Im over a big 20lber on the bbq in alfoil
..rather it crumbed with black pepper and lemon
Love smoked bream


Well-Known Member
Sounds perfect size. I don't do big fish often anymore - the taste isn't as good and it's a lot of effort. When we get onto bigger stuff it's normally kingies tuna or mahi mahi and they are all really good as sashimi so they rarely get cooked in our house. Tuna steaks are good if you cook em the day you catch them though


Well-Known Member
This is a nice size snapper for eating
A smaller kingi like this makes beautiful raw fish with coconut cream spring onions lemon and a little chilli
And wild pork is actually edible back home .. and better than any of this store baught shit ass pork thats so readily available ..



Well-Known Member
and if anyone hasnt tried it: pearl meat. that shit is fucking amazing in lime juice a bit of salt, pepper, chilli to taste and coriander (leaves roots and seeds of the whole plant). if I had one meal I had to eat for the rest of my life that may well be it


Well-Known Member
Its not me it' just off Google and I painted the face to make a point lol
Im honest man if it ain' my pic I'll say so everytime
youre good mate, I got it. cant even make a joke around here after all the fucktardery last night :D i think roller stone mustve gotten the boot. poof! its all gone