Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Believe what you will im done arguing with you over it. If you seriously think a boost in pk can trigger a whole second flower set thats your call.

I personally dont believe it and thats my call. From now on i will just keep my opinions to myself.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Fuck you and ruby have been buying up big with seeds the last couple of months.
There was a 30 plant indoor grow ( not mine ) to consider for the incredible bulk order...
And as far as gps go I'm just stocking up on gd genetics to store for the future
Couple packs been opened but there's gonna be a dozen or so in the fridge staying unopened for a gd 12 months.
Attitude sent the huge order in 3 lots tracked.
2 made it safely while one went missing thery resent that regular mail and I got it inside 9 days

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Fuck you and ruby have been buying up big with seeds the last couple of months.
The way I kill seeds I need to mate lol
Put 17 down to germ last week or so with 7 successes...4 orange og didn't/havnt cracked...the other six broke out of the seed casings but didn't take above soil due to rejects or grower fuck up
I've been known to pop up to 20 fems and keep the strongest looking 5 or so giving the rest of them away when I'm getting ready for outdoor season
I only go by 2-3 weeks growth to do my picks tho as I can't afford to get done with around 20 one month old plants


Well-Known Member
The L.A Affie is a straight Affie from around 1978
yeah I've got 1 LA affie cross in the stash and theyre slow to get going but good indoor plants. From what I gather NL#1 is another afghani indica so I'm thinking there could be some similarities in there


Well-Known Member
They were the only ones to not crack in paper towel so I put them in a shotty of water they sank straight away..still havnt cracked so now I've put all 4 in solo cups to give em a decent chance of cracking...
The beans are 2015 so not to old I'm positive plenty will crack got plenty to go thru
Put a couple sr71 in paper towel tonite
Best looking 6 in the pic are a mix of hibernate,maverick, bounty hunter and @eastcoastmo Afghan skunk x 2
Good luck bud, hope they crack for you!!
Look forward to seeing those afghan skunks too, had lots of positive feedback on those too!!


Well-Known Member
Believe what you will im done arguing with you over it. If you seriously think a boost in pk can trigger a whole second flower set thats your call.

I personally dont believe it and thats my call. From now on i will just keep my opinions to myself.
Opinions are fine,stating opinions as facts isn’t its spreading misinformation and there’s enough of that going around the boards already


Well-Known Member
So, the SA govt are looking to up the fines on possession of mj, from $500 to $2000.
And have classed it as a dangerous drug, destroying families.

All I'm hearing is. Don't get your kicks from those guys. Give us your money, so we can poison you instead.

Get fucked big brother.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
So, the SA govt are looking to up the fines on possession of mj, from $500 to $2000.
And that have classed it as a dangerous drug, destroying families.

All I'm hearing is. Don't get your kicks from those guys. Give us your money, so we can poison you instead.

Get fucked big brother.
Possession of how much?

Local Federal Liberal senator wannabe is campaigning atm and on radio today he was saying how cannabis is the Gateway drug, yada, .yada, yada. Even had a mental health expert who happens to be a Liberal member to back him up.
Local Federal Greens wannabe senator is running on a rec legal platform.

I wont be voting for either of those two.


Well-Known Member
Used to be only $125 fine for having an 8th or less. Now it's going right up. And can include jail time , of up to 2 years or something like that. How fucked is that.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Used to be only $125 fine for having an 8th or less. Now it's going right up. And can include jail time , of up to 2 years or something like that. How fucked is that.
That's fkd, Ounce is a warning here, You can have 3 warnings in a 10 year period.

Looks like the aussie govt will not be going down the Yank path


Well-Known Member
That's fkd, Ounce is a warning here, You can have 3 warnings in a 10 year period.

Looks like the aussie govt will not be going down the Yank path
Good luck to them. They can try and make us out to be criminals. And fine us. But there's a vast difference in the number of po po to the number of people growing. They'll basically be wasting resources trying to convict everyone.