Aussie Growers Thread

Tried all the Byron bay ones the habenero is nice but I like the coconut one best
I normally do a bottle of that and 2 teaspoons of hab powder to one kilo of chicken wings..let sit overnight then into the Weber next day
Yeah I only buy sauces from events or online now and thats pretty rare since I've been making my own. Nothing from a shop can match it for ball tearing heat and flavour. you only need a bees dick of it and it smashes you. Those wings sound good
I've only had a weak dose of shrooms. But, from what I've tried. It was freakin awesome! Colors were more vivid. Just about anything could move and/or morph in front of your eyes. And the dumbest things were funny.

I was laughing my ass off at the word spreadable on the margarine. And before that I was watching the color trails coming off my fingers as I waved them in front of my face. Probably looking like a complete idiot to anyone not seeing what I was seeing.

I do remember being paranoid about the camera in my phone though. I had to put black tape over the lense. I didn't want it "looking at me".
I'd love to try growing mushrooms just to learn something new, there is one hell of a DIY on here but I don't think we can get any spores or are a lot harder than seeds to get in alive.

Bloody hell Coles is smashing woolies in regards to hot sauce these days. Going to try out this Usaine Bolt's hot sauce lol.. just sounds wrong saying that. The byron bay Chili one is only $5 per bottle and its the hottest sauce you will get in a supermarket, obviously not hot hot though but decent for an off the shelf bottle.

getting spores is easy, just like getting seeds. google it and you will get a heap of vendors. i just order the spore prints and make the syringes myself. the prits just come in the mail in a small folded up piece of alfoil.
I've only had a weak dose of shrooms. But, from what I've tried. It was freakin awesome! Colors were more vivid. Just about anything could move and/or morph in front of your eyes. And the dumbest things were funny.

I was laughing my ass off at the word spreadable on the margarine. And before that I was watching the color trails coming off my fingers as I waved them in front of my face. Probably looking like a complete idiot to anyone not seeing what I was seeing.

I do remember being paranoid about the camera in my phone though. I had to put black tape over the lense. I didn't want it "looking at me".

a strong mushroom trip is an experience. way better visuals than acid by a long shot. i have had doors melt, floors fall away. my timber floor is a constant source of craziness with different things morphing out of it all the time. sometimes you will look at something thats a meter in front of you then all of a sudden the universe stretches and its now 100m away from you. time is distorted. complete craziness.

Surprising how often I've found myself needing to do a massive shit when on a big dose of acid or shrooms and I always take dump before dropping. Must be lots of fibre in mushies and blotters

hahahaha every fucking time i trip i have to shit. and when your right in the middle of a heavy trip the toilet is one of the craziest places, theres always tiles and patterns to move around. i will never forget my first trip. coming out of the shitter i made the mistake of looking at myself in the mirror. the first time you see your face warping and twisting and looking all oddly coloured can be a little confronting lol
ye I wa gunna eather do pf tek or get pre made bags I wanna ged non magic ones 2 n make my own syringes most likely will do pf tek n start from spores n stuff