Aussie Growers Thread

I need to get into Silica for my outdoor...
I see what it does and it could definitely help
I spent 3 hrs this morning fixing up the outdoor area and it now allows what I'm guessing is an extra 20% sunlight in than what was the norm for the last 5 yrs
So hopefully that helps
There's one thing no additive can replace and that is light and no LED,HPS or CMH that I know of can match good old sunshine :)
A lot of people say that silica use in soil is unneeded and a waste. Glad im not the only one who has found otherwise.
Alot of people especially on weed forums confuse their opinions with facts,there's a big difference between not needing something and something not being being advantageous. Personally I don't add Potassium Silicate to my normal feeding mix I prefer to foliar spray it but I have been adding Power Si (Monosilicic acid) to their feed mix
And I'm a dumb arse.....where does that leave you ?
Have we had the same amount of trips ?
Maybe we are of the same intelligence master dopeyropey?
Haha, I’m a dumb arse most of the time. A couple flashes of brilliance in there but mainly pretty average brain wise

Ive had 5 tabs over the last week or so and a couple massive benders on coke, mdma and k thrown in there so that might help account for me being a bit slow on the uptake. Just popped out for a lung dart too. Ripped my throat to all shit and gave me a bit of a head spin. Top shit
Afternoon all, just wondering if I could get some advice?
I'm very inexperienced but keen to learn.
The current setup is 2x300w CMH, anyone had experience with CMH?
Question is should I have a 3rd for flowering?
It's a 1.5x1.5 space and was hoping to do 4 to 6 at a time.
Currently got green crack, sour diesel and c99 vegging. Coco perlite in 28L pots using h&g ab, Cal mag and rhizotonic.
I understand I have probably made some mistakes but that's why I'm here.
CheersIMG_20180923_164838.jpg IMG_20180923_164829.jpg
Amino treatment (silica) and roots excelurator are some of best supplements I have used... I start using both around week 3 from seed and stop using around half way through week 3 of flower, my branches never droop and are solid as, you nearly need to break out the big artillery to cut them
Can I get that online or is it classed as chems. As mine seem to need a root boost .. I might be baby'ing them to much
Haha, I’m a dumb arse most of the time. A couple flashes of brilliance in there but mainly pretty average brain wise

Ive had 5 tabs over the last week or so and a couple massive benders on coke, mdma and k thrown in there so that might help account for me being a bit slow on the uptake. Just popped out for a lung dart too. Ripped my throat to all shit and gave me a bit of a head spin. Top shit
That type of drug (ab)use would only help expand your mind ;)
Afternoon all, just wondering if I could get some advice?
I'm very inexperienced but keen to learn.
The current setup is 2x300w CMH, anyone had experience with CMH?
Question is should I have a 3rd for flowering?
It's a 1.5x1.5 space and was hoping to do 4 to 6 at a time.
Currently got green crack, sour diesel and c99 vegging. Coco perlite in 28L pots using h&g ab, Cal mag and rhizotonic.
I understand I have probably made some mistakes but that's why I'm here.
CheersView attachment 4203722 View attachment 4203726
@jzs147 uses CMH he might be the man to answer that