Aussie Growers Thread

Those cups are shit.I had runs of bad luck with them, use the rooting cubes, much better. Soil looks crap to. Much to heavy.
Hey man thanks, it's a seedling mix and those cups work for me everytime but cubes and me dont work. Funny how different stuff works for different folks.
each to there own..i edited my post as the first one came across as harsh. But that seedling mix you have is full of bark and crap and no perlite at all.
Never used perlite for my seedlings I should actually mix some in next time lol never even crossed my mind
Hahah I use them too and I have 100 percent clone success rate so far.... only threw ones away I didn’t want
There great arnt they.
I went from like 30% cloning success rate to 100% when I switched to them to. Even germing seeds my strike rate went up and have never had dampening off since going to them to or broke a tap root transplanting.