Aussie Growers Thread

Question... If a plant that was 50/50 chance of m/f , I topped it and let it clone ..the rest of the plant turned male but I'm seeing what looks like calyxes on the new growth on the clone .. ...the plant was originally in one big pot with 2 other plants but was separated and took fucking ages to it possible to show male stuff with no female parts but actually be a female.. did I shock it ..
Question... If a plant that was 50/50 chance of m/f , I topped it and let it clone ..the rest of the plant turned male but I'm seeing what looks like calyxes on the new growth on the clone .. ...the plant was originally in one big pot with 2 other plants but was separated and took fucking ages to it possible to show male stuff with no female parts but actually be a female.. did I shock it ..
That's a Hermaphrodite
They do say they’ll report people for selling prohibited items to the police In their t&c. If they found out someone was paying or explosives or bulk herion over Paypal you wouldn’t want them to report that? Not saying I agree with it but they don’t exactly hide the fact they report sellers to police and in doing so protects their company if something does happen from the sale before police can intervene.

I have a feeling that even with full legality behind cannabis Paypal will still stop people using it’s service to sell cannabis products.
They have been doing that for years and won't change or not it's a federal offence still.
Pay pal doing this saves them being shut down by the feds