Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah ironically this room was going to be a commercial kitchen if only we bought the panellling, could put it too good use right now
I've worked on rooms that we're fully built from freezer panels and that is the best shit for grow rooms,others were stud frames with insulation paneling and mylar clad but for a dividing you don't need a proper frame unless you need to mount shit on the wall.
Never tried clinkers, but a cheap tin of ground coffee masks scents well
Something tells me it’s going to take more than coffee to mask this smell lol. My dad took a tiny bud home with him and rang me 2 days later to say if my mum rings to say I didn’t give him anything cos he reckons the car STILL smelt of it and he was trying to tell her it was Rosemary lol!!
I’ve got oven bags and hubby said to use those too. So by vacuum seal you mean cryovac?? I don’t have one of those
I just have one of those food saver ones. Get one that you can vary the amount of vacuum,some have a set pressure they have to reach before they seal and it's usually too much and the squash the buds
Something tells me it’s going to take more than coffee to mask this smell lol. My dad took a tiny bud home with him and rang me 2 days later to say if my mum rings to say I didn’t give him anything cos he reckons the car STILL smelt of it and he was trying to tell her it was Rosemary lol!!
Bag it as mentioned above (mylar then vacupac) then put the bag in the coffee tin/coffee bag. Vacuum Packers and bags are cheap on the bay...
Something tells me it’s going to take more than coffee to mask this smell lol. My dad took a tiny bud home with him and rang me 2 days later to say if my mum rings to say I didn’t give him anything cos he reckons the car STILL smelt of it and he was trying to tell her it was Rosemary lol!!
Wear clean gloves and wash the outsides of each bag before you seal them into the next one, I make up parcels in a clean room that never has weed go in it. Cops train dogs to pick up on masking agents if you seal it right and don't get shit on the outside you won't need any
I've worked on rooms that we're fully built from freezer panels and that is the best shit for grow rooms,others were stud frames with insulation paneling and mylar clad but for a dividing you don't need a proper frame unless you need to mount shit on the wall.
Yeah true ok well thinking I might build a 2m w x 2.2m h x 3m L flower room have A/C on the inside. And build it against the back wall so I can mount some fans to it.
I just have one of those food saver ones. Get one that you can vary the amount of vacuum,some have a set pressure they have to reach before they seal and it's usually too much and the squash the buds
I just ordered one of the food saver ones. I couldn’t find anything with variable vacuum under 100 bux which is all I wanted to spend. So if the buds get squashed I guess it’s the small price to pay compared to getting the parcel at all..
The joystick female ended up with 1 male flower on top of one bud . didn't throe pollen. Harvested maybe 70 joystick x uplift reg seeds today . will plant them on the 1st of November
Something tells me it’s going to take more than coffee to mask this smell lol. My dad took a tiny bud home with him and rang me 2 days later to say if my mum rings to say I didn’t give him anything cos he reckons the car STILL smelt of it and he was trying to tell her it was Rosemary lol!!
Doesn't citronella mask smells and sniffer dogs can't stand it .. my dogs sneeze and carry on like fuck wits when they go near it.. double vac sealed and in a ziplock bag of fresh citronella or rosemary
Every single person who has taken my weed reckons the smell is absolutely insane to try and hide. One dude reckons he double bagged, put into Tupperware container, then put that into a metal biscuit tin and sealed the lid with aluminium tape, put it into the tray of his Ute and could STILL smell it wafting around the cab as he was driving! Others saying even when the stuff has left the house still smells of it how ever long afterwards!! Lol I can’t even smell it here anymore lol.

So I just ordered some Mylar bags to send care package to @giglewigle. Is that the best option or would cryovacing be a better idea??

Doesn't citronella mask smells and sniffer dogs can't stand it .. my dogs sneeze and carry on like fuck wits when they go near it.. double vac sealed and in a ziplock bag of fresh citronella or rosemary
Shouldn't smell anything if it's sealed properly