Aussie Growers Thread

There's a couple of guys doing some good looking mixes,all their prices are similar but they are using top shelf inputs.
I'm not into doing no-till in pots for a couple of reasons which may or may not be right but I use a similar recipe for my mix but I re-compost my soil after each season.

If you want to do no till in containers they have to be at least 75l in my opinion. Would waste my time in anything smaller.

It works better in big beds
I mainly add stuff to increase the biology in the castings because I only use them to brew tea with. I'm working on a design for a modular large scale system that I can harvest a tonne of castings a week from,hopefully will have a working model up and running early next year.
Nice.I was a partner in a fairly large worm farm back in the late 90's.It was on a horse agistment property
I mainly add stuff to increase the biology in the castings because I only use them to brew tea with. I'm working on a design for a modular large scale system that I can harvest a tonne of castings a week from,hopefully will have a working model up and running early next year.
Nice.I was a partner in afairly large worm farm back in the late 90's.It was on a horse adgistment property where we leased an acre,got all the manure we needed,and paid in castings,which was used on the paddocks. A win for everyone.
One thing to watch out for is mice and rats.Those little fuckers will nest in your worm bedding and explode in number very quickly if you're not onto the little cunts early.Which then attracts a fuckload of snakes.At one point lifting the covers off each morning was only done with a big metal rake,because more often than not there would a be a big fat mouse engorged brown snake slithering around underneath.
If you want to do no till in containers they have to be at least 75l in my opinion. Would waste my time in anything smaller.

It works better in big beds
Are you saying this from experience? just curious.
most people i've spoken to say 60ltr would be about the minimum.
I'm in 15gal,I plan on reusing them indoors next year.
And I'm seriously considering a 4x8 no till bed for 2020.