Aussie Growers Thread

On another note..going out to feed the babies today..just a top dress with some bone meal,kelp,gypsum and organic dynamic Coco .what can I use to really push the girls that's organic? I don't mind using a bit of organic and synthetic only if it won't affect soil health. So far it's all organic. I will use a little sudden impact in a week or two leading up to flower and I'm pretty sure it's organic/synthetic .
If you can hold of some Urea and melt it down in water you can foliar spray it,there's probably no better way to get N into a plant than to foliar feed some Urea and fulvic acid. Searls Organic Kickalong is good for a fast result. If you want a faster action from pelletised organic inputs you can crush them up,the finer the particles the more surface area there is for the biology in the soil to go to work on.
try directing while it's soft if that is possible , I couldn't believe how much younger plants bent over a day of being slightly to one side of the light.. Just sounds interesting as a challenge, but I'm a newbie and I have had no luck yet with a pure female... Doesn't help I'm using seeds from seedy mull so I guess genetics come in to play now... Help I need some seeds ""WAHHHH"
I'll give you seeds rather than buy any from the fuckers at Yantra
I normally cut off the tips to get 2x more growth points and just keep doing that untill they are 1 third of the sise I need them to finish at .then simply flip to 12/12 and hope you've cut enough or hope you haven't cut to much.while they are still in vege you can pretty well cut them where you want..I'm a big fan of tying down .
And so what determines how many growth points after u top? Everywhere I’ve cut on the others so far has produced 4.