Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
1 out of 2 isnt bad. I grew 7 plants from seed and wound up only having 2 females. I was pretty pissed. all the ones that took off were male.


Active Member
My situation was the other way around, 1 plant stayed small and had slow growth, the other ie female just grew and grew and grew, I recent started with another 5 seeds early this month its in a previous post in this threa with pics, but 4 of the 5 are growing great but there is 1 small crappy 1, I bet its a male, what a big dumb animal....

The Cat

Lol, Na, not Mino, Im from Saint..
Wat strains you got going on?!
None at the moment as im still putting the finishing touches to my grow closet and im waiting on my mates plant (no idea of what strain it is, just a plant in a pot of dirt) to get a little bigger before i took a couple of clones off it but now that i know we are neighbours i might have to hit you up for a cup of exotic "sugar" ;-)


Nah noboday gave me a male clone, but that is a funny cruel trick to play on someob0dy u hate I guess, I started out with 2 random seeds, and i cut clones then sexed them as soon as i could, i ended up 1 male 1 female so ima happy......Ps I just put him in a plastic bag and threw him in the bin, I also took his 5 clone vegin brothers and did the same.

hahaha I felt bad but what to do. :)
i had worse 12 males down the side, someone stole two males plants i lol'd so hard an binned them

i am left with 7 in my grow room
an 1 outdoor that my 2yo nease owns an maintains :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So given that im 90% sure my beautiful bushy sativa is a male (c********nt!),i was thinkin that i would try and dig up the confirmed female ive been LST'ing in the back yard(ground not container) and try and put it in a pot.

Anything i should do to prepare it? i was thinking i might take the pegs holding it down off the morning of the transplant so it stands up so i can get around it with the shovel better.

U's recon it will take well to growing vertical again in a pot?


Well-Known Member
how do you manage to know absolutely everything eh ninja, haha. what is it you do with your days?

i just got home from bunnos, whoo


Well-Known Member
None at the moment as im still putting the finishing touches to my grow closet and im waiting on my mates plant (no idea of what strain it is, just a plant in a pot of dirt) to get a little bigger before i took a couple of clones off it but now that i know we are neighbours i might have to hit you up for a cup of exotic "sugar" ;-)
That's cool, well it's gud 2 kno ppl in d area.. Who knows, u may pick urself up another mad-bargain @ d boot sale 1day..


Well-Known Member
meh ok, picture sharing isn't very fun. my buzz is harshed. bah humbug. i wont mention the frickin twins again


Active Member
Hey. I am having a slight problem. I have a batch of clones that are yellowing between the veins of the leaves. whats causing this? Is my nutes too strong or too weak? Oh I also dont have an ec or ppm tester.


Well-Known Member
Hey. I am having a slight problem. I have a batch of clones that are yellowing between the veins of the leaves. whats causing this? Is my nutes too strong or too weak? Oh I also dont have an ec or ppm tester.
How old are they? Yellowing is normally a sign of a Nitogen Deficiency. If u hit em wit Nitrogen, the colour will come back n they will go a nice Lush shade of Green once again..


Active Member
The clones have not rooted yet. and are still in the cloning box. I will up the amount of nutes i am feeding them then. thanks. they are only 5 days in the cloner


Well-Known Member
The clones have not rooted yet. and are still in the cloning box. I will up the amount of nutes i am feeding them then. thanks. they are only 5 days in the cloner
Woah, wen u said clones I thought u meant they were established already. Clones that have not rooted should not be fed chemicals. If you give them chem, then they will burn, and also they will not strike root in order 2 look 4 food (as they will already b getting it).
Purified water @ 6.2 should b enough.


Active Member
Woah, wen u said clones I thought u meant they were established already. Clones that have not rooted should not be fed chemicals. If you give them chem, then they will burn, and also they will not strike root in order 2 look 4 food (as they will already b getting it).
Purified water @ 6.2 should b enough.

Ahh thats where I have been going wrong then. thanx buddy. My local hydro shop told me to use Kick start when soaking and to keep using it until I change to my main nute. Will not use nutes again. cheers


Well-Known Member
If i happened to live next door to a policeman and he spotted my plant or plants over the fence wat authority would he need to enter my house i.e he couldnt just knock on the door and demand to come in could he?? Without sum sort of warrant or order?

Or if he jumped the fence or sumthing to have a look he'd be in the wrong would he not?
Im not familiar with these types of laws or legislation,anyone help me???
Cheers BB.