Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Just wanna say merry Christmas idk what I did to make certain people be against me but I love all uncunts thanks for the good times
You didn’t do anything gigs told u that. U stayed neutral and got persecuted for it. “If ur HER friend u can’t be mine”. Told u schoolyard behaviour at its best. AND it’s the internet. Laughable.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
They aren't too bad,a bit of a punch on is almost a sure thing for us,if it's not either each other it's with the neighbours or some cunt down the street lol good times :)
Your kid knocked my kid off the bike

What ya say cint by .....zzzzzz,t
They aren't too bad,a bit of a punch on is almost a sure thing for us,if it's not either each other it's with the neighbours or some cunt down the street lol good times :)
It's why our family only put out plastic knives and forks lol


Well-Known Member
I passed out for a bit but I did have a bottle of rum and a six pac of beer in me iv cracked the jimmy now gunna have a few n watch super troopers 2


Well-Known Member
We went round to the next door naybers this arvo - bunch of pisshead legends. Had a bunch of toothless bogan women trying to give me cuddles by the end of it. Was pretty funny, plus I met the head chef at my favourite eating spot and he said we're on mates rates from now on. Going to eat out a fair bit in 2019 I reckon


Well-Known Member
For those that don’t no n Ar part of the jelly gangg think it was rubes that said where like the Kelly gang but auto correct made it say jellly gang sort of thing