Aussie Growers Thread

ok this is too fucking funny, I left didn't keep coming back just left, one because someone who is supposed to be one of my best mates is so fucked up on whatever hes on he shits on his loyal mates not once but twice and doesn't have the balls to confront me directly has to make up a screen name to
talk shit!
2 one of you boys is a shitty mate too cuz I didn't have to come here to get it it came to me and it ain't venus or mofo it's one of you lot and I'll leave it to you guys to figure out who the biggest snake amongst you snakes is that's how fucked up some of you are you eat each other. I came the first time with a hard on against coco cuz I just didn't like how he spoke to people asked rubes and he called him a Google grower and had no respect for his knowledge and I probably should a just let it be but I didn't and I went after him which after reflection wasnt the right thing to do so I apologize. After rubes the snake dogged me publicly I just kept my head down, so I let things cool down and I came back just wanting to get a grow on and make mates and not cause waves and that obviously went sideways because you lot decided I was a good target and well played to you guys I bit. problem is you are blaming me and another user for fucking up your page, not true I cant fuck up a page by disagreeing whether someone's a pedo or not I just happen to believe in innocent until proven guilty I know it's a alien concept but that's me and I dont make judgements until I see everything.
You guys tend target people you dont like or dont fir in and you make them so uncomfortable they just dont want to come back, calling women volcano holes others pedos and just shitting on others grows which is really not on at all it's pretty disgusting really. to bobqp, ozcocoloco, Luke, Pappa smurf Rubes has talked big shit about you guys to me privately if you want proof PM me I've saved all the text. Rubyfruit is the shittest mate I've ever had in my life and the only thing saving me from a knock on the door from the cops because he is a dog is I have his address and photos and he knows if I get done he will too and he knows that cuz I told the dirty dog so. Rubes talked shit about all of you and coco was the one he stabbed in the back most but I paid the price because with a little encouragement from my shitty mate I went in hard on coco and yes I have those text too.
So if you guys think hes a good bloke keep on thinking that but just remember after 5 years as a loyal mate helping him with so many things always being there as a mate he fucked me I dont think any of you have that history with him so just imagine how hard hed fuck you over if he needed to. Rubes grow a fucking set you coward you do all your bullshit on the down low you really are the lowest of the low. what you guys did was fine its grubby but not as grubby as a dog of a mate.

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ok this is too fucking funny, I left didn't keep coming back just left, one because someone who is supposed to be one of my best mates is so fucked up on whatever hes on he shits on his loyal mates not once but twice and doesn't have the balls to confront me directly has to make up a screen name to
talk shit!
2 one of you boys is a shitty mate too cuz I didn't have to come here to get it it came to me and it ain't venus or mofo it's one of you lot and I'll leave it to you guys to figure out who the biggest snake amongst you snakes is that's how fucked up some of you are you eat each other. I came the first time with a hard on against coco cuz I just didn't like how he spoke to people asked rubes and he called him a Google grower and had no respect for his knowledge and I probably should a just let it be but I didn't and I went after him which after reflection wasnt the right thing to do so I apologize. After rubes the snake dogged me publicly I just kept my head down, so I let things cool down and I came back just wanting to get a grow on and make mates and not cause waves and that obviously went sideways because you lot decided I was a good target and well played to you guys I bit. problem is you are blaming me and another user for fucking up your page, not true I cant fuck up a page by disagreeing whether someone's a pedo or not I just happen to believe in innocent until proven guilty I know it's a alien concept but that's me and I dont make judgements until I see everything.
You guys tend target people you dont like or dont fir in and you make them so uncomfortable they just dont want to come back, calling women volcano holes others pedos and just shitting on others grows which is really not on at all it's pretty disgusting really. to bobqp, ozcocoloco, Luke, Pappa smurf Rubes has talked big shit about you guys to me privately if you want proof PM me I've saved all the text. Rubyfruit is the shittest mate I've ever had in my life and the only thing saving me from a knock on the door from the cops because he is a dog is I have his address and photos and he knows if I get done he will too and he knows that cuz I told the dirty dog so. Rubes talked shit about all of you and coco was the one he stabbed in the back most but I paid the price because with a little encouragement from my shitty mate I went in hard on coco and yes I have those text too.
So if you guys think hes a good bloke keep on thinking that but just remember after 5 years as a loyal mate helping him with so many things always being there as a mate he fucked me I dont think any of you have that history with him so just imagine how hard hed fuck you over if he needed to. Rubes grow a fucking set you coward you do all your bullshit on the down low you really are the lowest of the low. what you guys did was fine its grubby but not as grubby as a dog of a mate.

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I got as far as you came on Coco...and then nearly spat my beer..
The Pedo admitted his crime. Its not guilty or not- its a sentence hearing.
Yes we all know who VD was.
The pic of Venus's face is the one most people don't have, not sure why you are bringing her up again for.

Best Sock award still goes to Baza.
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this is about Rubes Luke stop diverting just cuz theres a dog amongst you dont blame others for your fleas. classic
mate..ruby called coco a google grower on this very thread. There were indeed pics of Venus shared on TNT as Tyler said. ur sprouting old shit for a reaction