Aussie Growers Thread

It was just the words been played I kept reading them instead of enjoying the song lol
JBT are tops seem em at a day on the green and at a local venue 2 twice.
There a festival in Hastings vic I was looking at can’t remember the name but I remember Bush, Live and the Stone Temple Pilots we’re playing might get a ticket. Few of the boys seem keen
The music is great.
The words is where it hits you.
On Weald of Kent I watched once more,
Again I heard that grumbling roar
Of fighter planes; yet none were near
And all around the sky was clear.
Borne on the wind a whisper came,
"Though men grow old, they stay the same"
And then I knew, unseen to eye,
The ageless Few were sweeping by

Obviously, I only always wanted to be a Lumberjack, not a fighter pilot.....

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OK, OK, I just couldn't help myself:o

BTW, the footage at ~ 2.50 mins is in REAL time (not sped-up). The exit from a C-130 really IS that quick & brutal!
The fastest left/right turn you'll ever make in your life....

This is footage is above 1000ft during the day. I've done it from 500ft at night.

Am I a complete nutter? Yeah, I'd like to think so & will happily take that apparent indictment as a compliment :finger:
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Mate, you gotta get with the Aussie sense of humour & propensity for self-deprecation.

If you can't take the piss out of yourself, no-one will respect you when you do it to others....

PS. TISM are predominantly a band made up of lawyers, so they hide their faces to protect their "professionalism" whilst blowing-off steam.
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Tism. I used to love" Im on the drug that Killed River Phonex", thats also called something about an oldman?? Gets u pumping.
To be fair it was spoiled about 5 years ago

I'm obviously old & decrepit & should be put out to pasture....

Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.


I REFUSE to rust unburnished!
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