Aussie Growers Thread

Ok guys so I got my light ,switched him on and can now see what looks like dust but am pretty sure they are extremely tiny flying insects. What do I do
Neem oil already has a dispersant in it when sold. Unless your making your own neem oil from scratch.

I don’t use neem oil so o could be wrong. I have zero issues mixing my eco oil but.
I only done it that way last cple sprays cause i wanted to make sure ive covered the plants 100% to try kill all the brd mites if thats wats attackin me plants.. Other times wen using neem or mavrik i just added to water tgen sprayd
and everyone else too
correspondance from Grow Lights Australia,
Comparison Test- very interesting
Hi mate, if you are not already running a UV source such as CMH or fluorescent, we normally suggest the High Light UV boards.

Some growers prefer to run the High Red boards and then add fluorescent reptile bulbs such as Reptisun or Arcadia with 5-10% UVB. Other growers are already running CMH lights and we suggest running the High Red boards to supplement their lighting, as CMH already has a fair amount of UVA (and a very small amount of UVB), but usually needs the red boost that the High Red boards provide to increase yields.

However, a very interesting test has just been completed in the US using our High Light UV boards vs Quantum Boards with added UVB and UVA.

The test results are below and show four identical tents. One tent was a control using Quantum Boards and no supplemental UV. One tent ran Quantum Board 288s with added 6% UVB and 30% UVA Arcadia reptile fluorescent lighting, another tent ran Quantum Board 96s with the same 5% UVB/30% UVA, and finally one tent ran straight High Light UV boards with no added UV.

All the UV tents produced higher THC, CBD and terpenes than the control. But the surprising thing (not that surprising to us), was that the High Light UV boards not only beat the control by 20%, but beat the QB288s with added UV and were just behind the QB96s with added UV. The QB96s have added blue, which can also boost cannabinoids and terpenes (which is why CMH usually outperforms HPS).

Here are the results:

6 x QB96 Elite, 1 x 28 diode FR bar, 2 x 4’ T5 30% UVA & 6% UVB
Total THC: 19.8%
Total CBD: 0.7%
Total Terpenes: 4.7%

8 x QB288, 4 x QB35, 1 x 28 diode FR bar, 2 x 4’ T5 30% UVA & 6% UVB
Total THC: 18.7%
Total CBD: 0.63%
Total Terpenes: 5.0%

8 x High Light UV
Total THC: 19.1%
Total CBD: 0.64%
Total Terpenes: 4.8%

Control – 3'x3' room with 4 x QB96, 4 x rapidled FR pucks, NO UV
Total THC: 16.6%
Total CBD: 0.52%
Total Terpenes: 3.9%

There is a full write-up here by one of our grower partners:
man i can wait to see what you come up with AlarmClock with your set up

dude sounds like you mean this shit for real
man i can wait to see what you come up with AlarmClock with your set up

dude sounds like you mean this shit for real
Im only want to set up once if i can. I was gonna get shit light then keep upgrading but thanks to reza im gonna run double high light and just keep adding them on when money allows. I think if i do it right the first time i will save money in the long run AND HAVE BETTER BUDS TOO. Quality (not price) lasts longer. Anyway hope someone found those tests useful.
I meant
“If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad”
You made me sound like a cunt hahahahaha
she is cool as
(I am a bit cunty)
But the whole song gets turned on its head though with the lyric, why the hell are are you so sad. Gives the song more depth.
Didnt mean to make u sound Cunty but ill take that as a win. :hump::bigjoint:
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Im only want to set up once if i can. I was gonna get shit light then keep upgrading but thanks to reza im gonna run double high light and just keep adding them on when money allows. I think if i do it right the first time i will save money in the long run AND HAVE BETTER BUDS TOO. Quality (not price) lasts longer. Anyway hope someone found those tests useful.
you will save $ in the long term for sure. But dont expect to get the first run done with no problems. It can take a couple runs to get the feel of it.
Ok guys so I got my light ,switched him on and can now see what looks like dust but am pretty sure they are extremely tiny flying insects. What do I do
Wen i started my seedlings off i found i had bulk amount of fungus gnats come outta no where.
Not saying this is wats going on with ur grow but could be a possibility. I used a pyrethrum spray as foliar spray an top layer of soil plus added small containers around the plants 3/4 full of apple cider vinegar with cpl drops of dish soap an gave it a stir once evry now an then.
List of IPM links from the last week or so. (check spelling cause its me typing..)

Gnatorol. Eradicator works perfect to, is more expensive but is available at majority of hydro stores, we dont know the ingredients. Ebay
Azamax. 1L bottles available on EBay.
Plant therapy (Lost Coast)- Family Humboldt business. Free sample available at their website. postage is extra. Discount code should be available on the GML facebook page if purchasing.
OGS IPM spray (Organic gardening solutions)- Aussie. Note: OGS and Plant therapy seem to be very similer products but diff ingredients.
Dr Bonners peppermint liquid soap as a sufacate. Interestingly peppermint also comes up in a few home bug remedies. Available most placers locally and Ebay
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