Aussie Growers Thread

Skiz you are smart man
we will never run the system until we have more money than the baby boomers
they run this and most places with a old school tie and don't care much for change
this why we have to vote
to stop this process of bringing in 60 yo men into our politcal system
we young blood with a new idea
that fits this nation
Skiz you are smart man
we will never run the system until we have more money than the baby boomers
they run this and most places with a old school tie and don't care much for change
this why we have to vote
to stop this process of bringing in 60 yo men into our politcal system
we young blood with a new idea
that fits this nation

hit the nail on the head
we need someone alot younger and down to earth
hit the nail on the head
we need someone alot younger and down to earth

When I was in my late teens I thought that by the time I hit 40 or 50 things would have changed as the kids of the 60's & 70's would be running the country ... well, I hit 50 and shit still smells like shit and the rulers of this country still keep dumping on us.
There are too many god fearing fuckwits who vote and the nature of politics is to get those fuckwits to vote for you, looking after the druggos never was and never will be an election winner.
I used to get really pissed off at the system that denies me the right to enjoy my CHOICE of recreational drug, but as the years go by you realise it is all wasted energy and I'd rather spend my energy getting wasted.
well the way i see it, australia seems to copy alot of what the US does...eventually theyll realise weed isnt so bad, and ease into it
I don't think rec use will come in for a long time but if we can medical in it would be a big step in the right direction
it's the reason why when my mates were donkey voting I was getting pissed off
I know both groups were looking like shit snakes but there is a chance that labour are more likly to at least look at it where Tony would rather fuck his daughters
if we are to lazy to read about the policys and then to vote nothing then we really do deserve to get nothing in return
every move foward is closer to the goal of getting this legal
medical or rec
Pot is illegal but cosmetic companies are allowed to put known cancer causing ingredients in stuff we use every day. Fluoride may cause cancer and other diseases but at least our skulls will still have nice white teef. It makes you wonder how many people actually died from cancer 100+ years ago before all this shit was around.
im a bit of a softcock lately drinking no sugar and caffeine coke the fake sugar they put in it instead apparently causes cancer... catch 22 in my book

sorry scg i live in sa will have to borrow a pipe bender and knock my own beast of a green house up instead cheers tho buddy
hit the nail on the head
we need someone alot younger and down to earth
i think were doomed labor and liberals are the same animal these days and the greens wont recieve the proportion of votes needed with their current policies too many sceptics of climate change out there and cashed up mining companies channeling money to the two major parties.... i hope im wrong tho
hahaha thanks Jim i try not to come off as too much of a stereotypical dumbass stoner :P ...doesnt help i tend to type on here when im baked haha.

When I was in my late teens I thought that by the time I hit 40 or 50 things would have changed as the kids of the 60's & 70's would be running the country ... well, I hit 50 and shit still smells like shit and the rulers of this country still keep dumping on us.
There are too many god fearing fuckwits who vote and the nature of politics is to get those fuckwits to vote for you, looking after the druggos never was and never will be an election winner.
I used to get really pissed off at the system that denies me the right to enjoy my CHOICE of recreational drug, but as the years go by you realise it is all wasted energy and I'd rather spend my energy getting wasted.

hmmmm i think its safe to say ALOT of things have changed over the years mate and the views on things like drugs, homosexual marriage, etc have changed. But the whole right winged religious twats thing is where i 100% agree with you. I have no problem in people who have a faith, i think its important to beleive in things like that, but i dont like the idea that they spread thier ideas with no scietiffic proof. I could quite honestly spend a couple hours describing the exact mechanisms of weed and PROVE its no where near as bad for you as alcohol and half the other shit people put into thier body legally, and im sure i could grab some mates from law and bussiness to PROVE how it could actually raise alot of revenue (considering legal drugs bring in several hundred mill a year and considering illegal drugs sell 8 fold higher than legal and weed accounts for nearly 85% of sales....who said maths doesnt come in handy :D )

That all said.....yer we still a while off from even medical use i think :( , however im begining to write my prelim for my masters and teaming up with multiple divisions of uni to basically investigate the whole process of weed from both a medical and econimcal stance. However thats at least 2 years away before i can even start the thing.
I don't think rec use will come in for a long time but if we can medical in it would be a big step in the right direction
it's the reason why when my mates were donkey voting I was getting pissed off
I know both groups were looking like shit snakes but there is a chance that labour are more likly to at least look at it where Tony would rather fuck his daughters
if we are to lazy to read about the policys and then to vote nothing then we really do deserve to get nothing in return
every move foward is closer to the goal of getting this legal
medical or rec

opps didnt see this comment.

Dude a step into medical use would be a MASSIVE step forward. The idea of weed being legally grown for whatever reason is pretty mind blowing if you think about the current views on it.

Yer i agree with the two parties. I was REALLY not happy this election as it was a choice between dumb and dumber type thing (I don't think Julia is dumb but im pretty sure i voted Ruddy not Ranga) but im happier Julia is in and not Tony. As for the Greens.....i dont remember seeing legalisation of weed on thier policy list? The Aussie sex party had it down and was quite seriously thinking of voting for them as funny party name i know but they actually had some decent policies and came off very "left winged". However they fell short in the REAL matters (economics, climate change, population growth, etc) so thought my vote would be better used on a major party.

O well....only three more years till the next round of twats are in :)
THE axe is about to fall on West Australian laws that allow people to grow two cannabis plants.

It comes seven years after the former Labor government passed the controversial legislation.

Premier Colin Barnett's new drug laws making any cultivation a crime slipped quietly through the upper house of parliament on Thursday night with support from Labor, which all but conceded that its experiment had failed.

The major parties ignored concerns by the Greens that drug dealers would get more customers and their profits would soar if people could not grow their own.

The change leaves South Australia as the only state that allows cannabis plant possession, at one per person. The West Australian drug crackdown was an election commitment of Mr Barnett, who ridiculed Labor's "soft" laws in the lead-up to the 2008 poll and promised to throw them out.

Attorney-General Christian Porter told The Weekend Australian yesterday that $2.4 million would be spent over the next four years bedding down the changes, which still need a final tick when parliament resumes next month but are certain to succeed after passing the lower house last month.

The legislation also slashes the amount of cannabis a person can have on them from 30g to 10g. Anyone with less than 10g would have to attend drug education for a first offence and face prosecution if caught again.

Opposition health spokesman Roger Cook conceded there had been problems with the current laws.

Author: Amanda O'Brien and Verity Edwards
Date: 25/09/10
Source: The Australian -
Copyright: Copyright 2010 News Limited.
wankas :cuss:
I can't believe we are going backwards! So even countries like America are going forward on the issue of Marijuana, but not Australia-
I bet Barnett has never even smoked a cone, and he's telling us what to do with something he doesn't even understand.
Have a listen to Bob Dylan - The Times They Are Changing, Mr Barnett.
wankas :cuss:
I can't believe we are going backwards! So even countries like America are going forward on the issue of Marijuana, but not Australia-
I bet Barnett has never even smoked a cone, and he's telling us what to do with something he doesn't even understand.
Have a listen to Bob Dylan - The Times They Are Changing, Mr Barnett.

hahah i find it funny that offenders must attend a drug awareness class. I kinda wish i was forced to go to one because i think i could quite easily fight them at everything they say about weed. Ill just bring all my medical text books :)
hahah i find it funny that offenders must attend a drug awareness class. I kinda wish i was forced to go to one because i think i could quite easily fight them at everything they say about weed. Ill just bring all my medical text books :)

mate you wouldn't even need your text books, you will outspeak them on this topic for sure ;)
they will just tell you the same propaganda the governments been throwing at us for years,
trying to force us to come to the terms that marijuana is harmful blah blah blah, and they back this theory up with no scientific proof what so ever
most likely those drug classes, you go in there, they flip on a video and your done lol
whens the best time to start adding canna boost accelerator, does anyone know?

as soon as the flowers start to form, i add it about 10 days into 12/12, u can also folair feed it at 10ml per litre every 2nd day but only spray the leaves, the last 2 weeks i tun it through my res to i dont have high humidty before harvest.
Blueberry Gum!! this strain sounds awesome, wonder if herbie will stock it at planetskunk anytime soon

Has anyone made hash using this..

Im thinking of heading down to the craft store and picking one up, bubble bags are just too damn expensive

ive had the same thought mastahemp but ive found a seller in england "check ebay for hash bags*" much cheaper if anyone has made a bag or a screen drop us a line as im willing to learn an el cheapo way to make hash too

*(havent bought one yet tho)