Aussie Growers Thread

got a little sprinkle of rain today me one outdoor girl(beernuts fault its even alive), is happy as a pig in shit, n just starting to turn

i might do allright if i can bring it home outside
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ive literally seen nothing but Asian being sold throughout the hunter. Anything quality isn’t coming from commercial and it’s gone as quick as it grows. The only way I’d pay over 3200 is if it was high quality and on tick and I’d be struggling to move a full p at 3500. People aren’t willing to pay for quality when Asian is going for 2-2.8k a pound.

The only real big bust have all been Asian grow ops so not exactly quality
The drug busts were not in the hunter, ive been up the coast for a few years now. They have been up north of the state, in the past 18 months. I didnt know them personally, the people i have a beer with use to see them, not me, thats above my financial reach.
thought 32 was bad. I'd be a fuckin raisin in 45

it was over here the last couple of days, i litterally had to check and water them, at 11, 12.30, 2, 3/4 in the arvo ,for 3 days in a row, plus plain water foliar sprays or i would of burnt it

and its under shade cloth, its just the dry heat that fucks em up
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Its OK mate. Rez and a couple of people on this thread know a few contacts in Northern NSW (me to ;).) Your being ripped.
I done the no smoke thing for a while but i ended up buckling, i know the prices are high. its alright to say i wouldnt pay that while you got a grow going but when you had not had a cone for 6 weeks, and your use to smoking all day everyday, i looked at it and ended up saying fuck it ok then. I know my will power is weak with drugs, i had a drug problem since my late teens. Thats why i bought seeds and light. I know theres circles with cheap white/green drugs, that doesnt always mean they just sell to anyone they dont know and i wont give my money to no one to go score for me, for a couple of different reasons. One they dont come back or they come back short or they bring back shit. You got no comeback when that happens, you only got yourself to blame if it does happen. So thats why i ordered a high light. Simple
look a water cube full of weed

this is all your fault beernuts,,

its a water cube filled with the last five years of old coco and probly 300 bucks worth of old nutes
i give ya some ounces nutzy only its earmarked for people i dont like much

unless its fire, i did flush it first, then add canna

i been tucking that shit under the water crate bars for days

shit just keeps bouncing back

its kinda an outdoor SOG
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be cool getting some hash or vape refils
I've got some bad news for you - THC & other cannabinoids aren't soluble in either PG or VG for vaping. The best you can hope for is a suspension that needs to be constantly re-mixed prior to use. AND it clogs your coil min short order.

Trust me on this one, I've tried dissolving hash oil in a PG/VG mix & even tried adding some ethanol to help it along. Don't get me wrong, it does sorta-kinda work (after a fashion), but nothing like the advertising hype says & you'll be constantly changing coils.
what im saying is there must be a way of having your cake and eating it to, rewerb

i m gonna sort it out with these 420 blokes if they talking shit i'll let ya's know

if you's can wait a week or two, to sort it
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Head out toronto way on lake macquarie, its in the area. Dont ask young fellas or any ice head, ask the older boys. They drive a couple hours to get on. Im up in northern nsw, though my kids are down there and i lived there for 30 years before heading north. There was a dry spell where there was alot of shit around but that was 3-4 years ago now.

bruh I literally live in the area. Anything with weight is all Asian. Anything people are describing as good hydro
- Asian that’s actually dry and has a bit of smell to it.

The people that are making the money make more off the Asian simple. Why buy pounds of well grown hydro starting at 3k ish with limited supply when Asian gets as low as 1.5k/p and there’s always as much as you can pay for

every now and then some good shit pops up but it’ll be a few oz here and there.